
Question for John Smith (and everyone else) about Dream Stripper

Thursday, October 29, 2015 1:31 PM
Most of us probably aren't lucky enough to come across a DS in our PL lives. Since John Smith has been fortunate enough to come across two, I figured he is the expert on this and could provide some insight. So what oust an ATF into DS status? I imagine that with most DS's you know they are your DS after your first encounter or two. Is it possible to have an ATF and after knowing her for quite a while that she works her way into DS status? I assume a DS has to be the perfect combination of looks and personality/sexual chemistry. But does she have to be physically be just about perfect or is it ok if she has a couple minor imperfections? Basically I've know my ATF for over a year. Face wise I co sided her an absolute 10. Some guys might not think she is a 10 but is gorgeous. Even though she's in her mid thirties and has kids, she doesn't have any stretch marks or cellulite. I honestly can't imagine many (if any) strippers having a sexier face them hers. Body wise her tits are just about perfect natural C cups. Great shape, firm, and seriously perfect nipples/aereolas. Her ass is great. About the only complain I would have about her body is she does have a little bit of a gut. The rest of her isn't fat though, her ass isn't fat and her thighs are skinny. I would rather have a girl with a little guy as opposed to being too skinny. She's also tan and no tattoos. Her pussy is perfect and doesn't have any smell at all, even when I DATY. I do like a few tattoos on strippers but there's also something nice about her not having any. As far as personality, she's very laid back and never asks for money or makes me feel like an ATM. Yes I know she only cares about the money, but she does a good job of hiding that. She lets me do a lot when I see her OTC. Lots of DFK, DATY, BBBJ, a few times bareback sex w/ CIP, anal a couple times (she initiated it). Gives the best BJ's I've ever had. I just love the way she looks at me while she gives me one. Seriously, she gives the look like a porn star gives in a porn. The sex is great, she's even done a few of my small requests as well. Sure I've never cum in her mouth or done anything too crazy sexually with her (like John Smiths DS), but honestly everything is so good I don't really have a desire to do any of that. So even though she migh have a little bit more of a gut them I would like, I feel like everything else makes up for that and puts her in DS status.


  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    His DS sounds more like a CF witch is really a step down from ATF since their can only be one in the history of your clubbing career
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Only you can decide. If she's a DS to you, she's a DS.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    The term "Dream" indicates Fantasy so she would be so perfect in every possible way their is no way she would be real ATF in all honesty can truly only be label ATF in the hind sight of a long clubbing career. A good example of this is shadow at. At age 70+ he is qualified to label one and only one of his past CF as the ATF of his career Thus with all this said, I guess a DS could happen in the way legends of old were made. They would have to die and then in death become emotalized into your own imagination of her Hence once again one has to not be apart of this world to become a "Dream" "fantasy" Other than that its basically putting God like features to a human
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    DS is something johnsmith69 just pulled out his ass. Its something made up strictly for his stories.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    *** Immortalized ***
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    True chess master ..its liked a failed version of a LDK The reason y LDK didn't fail is because their wasn't a term for cunming in ones pants. He gave us a catchy LDK word for this and it took off The reason y DS is having resistance is because we already have a historical term ATF that has been long accepted and understood Its a lot like Vince Mc Man trying to replace the NFL with his brand of football
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^^ I like Papi_Chulo Mode...the seeking out of strippers with phat asses
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Smith is a cross between Dumb and Dumber and Pee Wee Herman.He leaves the house on Monday mornings with his hard hat and lunchbox thinking he's on top of the world.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    72 is is right. No such thing as DS. The correct term is atf. Dream stripper only exists in your imaginations and in your dreams. My guess is he came up with dream stripper when he was high. @ Mikey, I like papi chulo mode too. Except I'm always in reverse papi chulo mode. A black guy always looking for the white girl with the phat ass.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Haha, let's get Papi_Chulo mode in the glossary, I'm the creator of that lol.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Lol dream loser should be in the glossary That's the guy that spends hundreds to thousands weekly in the club on one dancer and gets only air dances or no dances and chats only at the table lol sounds like that faggot Ricky boy
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    PCM aka papi chulo mode is kool
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I've had an ATF for years. She's certainly not a DS in that while she's certainly fulfilled my sexual wants and wishes, she is first and foremost a stripper. In 6 years I've had a lifetime supply of lies, half-truths, deception, and tomfoolery. I still think she's a 10; she has been the best cure for advanced age man has ever conceived and I don't regret the $$ spent. But I have met a newer, younger, sweetie.....
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    When founder added DS to the glossary, he did not adopt any criteria. Therefore, I think it is up to each PL to decide. Nevertheless, I do think there are some obvious standards for how dancer could qualify as a DS. For me, a DS is my dreams of what a woman should be come true. A DS is as close as a dancer can realistically get to perfection in three areas: looks, personality, and sex. I clubbed for almost 20 years before I found one. Now, somehow, through a combination of luck, experience, and money, I have found two of them. Looks: since some people will dispute that a 10 even exists, I would say that a DS has to be at least a 9.5 to the particular PL. This doesn't necessarily mean perfection (although I do honestly think that my original DS was perfect in the sense that there is absolutely nothing I would change about her body even if I could), but there can't be much in the way of flaws to qualify as a 9.5. Personality: what each PL looks for in a woman's personality will vary. But the way I look at it is this. A DS date to me has to last a minimum of 6 to 8 hours, and often much longer. We eat meals, go to strip clubs, go to shows/concerts, and tons of other stuff, always ending with sex. Often she sleeps over and we do something the next day too. This means that a DS has to be the sort of a woman that I would enjoy spending that much time with on a regular (weekly for me) basis. If she starts to get on my nerves after a couple of hours, or if I'm uncomfortable being with her in any material way, then she is not a DS. Sex: I think that a DS has to do everything that you want sexually OTC, and it must be consistently fantastic. For me this means a complete and total girl friend experience, including everything that entails. This includes such things as nude private lap dances, bareback fucking in every position, BBBJ with CIM, passionate kissing, etc. and she must be totally into the sex and have orgasms with me. Sex is not all about me with a DS. If you have read the stories, you know what I mean. Looks and personality can be evaluated ITC. But I don't think you can judge her sexually unless you do it OTC. Thus, DS I and II attained their status after our first OTC session. And I don't think it takes long for a PL to figure out that a dancer is a DS. If she is that perfect for you, you are going to suspect it immediately and confirm it promptly. As for whether or not an ATF can become a DS, I doubt it. A dancers looks, personality, and sexual willingness won't likely change a whole lot after you get to know her. But of course, it's certainly possible even though I don't think it's likely. It's also possible that you might convert an ATF to DS status if DS wasn't added to the glossary until after you have assigned her ATF status. Happy hunting.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    gawker, who is the new young one. Please share stories.
  • 72_os
    9 years ago
    Since I am a Merican and I believe in the Republic I respect your ideas brother Tuscl should have a Constitution lol
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    For me, the difference between a DS and an ATF is: how badly the PL has over-romanticized the relationship. For myself, I truly believe the terms and categories we use affects the way we think, and there's absolutely nothing in it for me to start over-romanticizing my fave stripper as a "dream stripper", and the last thing I need is such thinking about "dream" girls affecting my better judgement. So it's a term you'll never see me use, or advocate anyone else use.. Which is absolutely not a criticism of JS69, after all, JS69 GOTTA JS69. Plus, I dig his stories and whacky predicaments :) Professional driver, closed track, do not attempt JS69's maneuvers yourself.
  • hiroaki
    9 years ago
    Fuck this lame "Dream Stripper" shit. Grow some balls.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    13 years ago I had a relationship with a stripper that lasted 2 years and I labeled her my ATF. After that I hooked up with another for 8 years and she became my ATF. Now I have a current favorite that comes pretty close to JS69's description of a DS. If things continue the way they are going, she could become my ATF.
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