
Do you remember your first girl (sexual encounter) and your first beer (that you

Tuesday, October 6, 2015 12:23 PM
The girls's name was Ann....kinda blah The beer was Olde English 800....two cans and I was drunk


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Lol memories!!!! I was 12 and this gorgeous girl who was 14 liked me - her name was Kelly, she's who I lost my virginity to, and then the first day of jr high she dumped me because she was too embarrassed to be dating a 7th grader (she was in 9th). Where we went to school 7-9 grade was jr high 10-12 was high school. 3 years later we meet in high school and she starts flirting again, I said "no thanks, not going through that again." I can't even remember the sexual encounter because I was in such shock it was happening. I just remember the condom pulling on my pubes and being in pain. Being a young virale stud I just ignored that pain, and I think if someone he just cut off my foot I probably would have still been able to get a hard on. Why isn't it that easy to do that almost 25 years later? I still see her in town time to time to this day. Acts like she doesn't know me, but she's dumb and shy, so she was never really a conversation starter. She still has a great figure but has not changed her look since jr high, still same hairstyle, same clothes, etc so she looks like she's stuck in the 90s. Married a doctor,Devils looking, bald and shorter than her, and she's only 5'4." She just wonders the grocery store all the time and looks like she's miserable, but hey she married a doctor so she doesn't have to work!!!! Drinking - I think I was 13. I had 2 buddies spending the night in the basement. It was a Friday and we had a basketball game the next day. One suggested we get drunk and my parents had a huge liquor cabinet so I knew we could get stuff they wouldn't miss. We were in the basement (my kid man cave) and were drinking Bacardi light rum and absolut vodka. Can't remember what we were mixing it with, maybe Gatorade? Anyway of course the guy that suggested it ended up puking his guts out, luckily he did it on the cement floor and not the carpet - missed it by inches. The other guy and I spent hours cleaning it up and hiding the evidence. I remember we snuck out and ran down the street and dumped all the stuff in some random neighbors trash. we had to because it stunk so bad. The next day we had a basketball game and the guy was horribly hung over so we would get him open and pass to him as much as we could just to make his life miserable! We showed no mercy since he had bragged all night about what a hard drinker he was and between the 3 of us he certainly had the least.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Yes. No, because I've never gotten drunk on beer.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    First sexual encounter was at 15, I lasted a couple of minutes, not too memorable. I've never got drunk off beer.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I think I was about 8 when the baby sitter raped me. I just don't remember if she was good looking or a good lay. I only remember my father driving me over to the baby sitters house and explaining to her father how we played hide the wiener.
  • footballguy
    9 years ago
    First sexual encounter I was a little bit older than the average person. I was on a second date with a girl (somewhat attractive) and we were making out on my couch. After about 15 minutes I was suckin. On her tits and she was running her hand along my stomach, slowly working her way farther down. She got closer and closer and eventually reached in and started rubbing my dick. Before too Lon she asked if I wanted a BJ, of course I did.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I didn't get laid in high school (1959-63) but then took a year off before college. I was 18, driving a 57 Pontic Super Chief and working on a loading dock at a factory. I had been hanging out with one of the office girls and had a bottle of sloe gin (similar to cough syrup) but we went parking, started making out and after I got her shirt and bra off, she undid my pants and pulled them down to my ankles and climbed on while I was on my back in that huge front seat. I probably lasted 10 seconds and frankly was unsure if we fucked. With beer, the first memory I have of getting drunk was one summer afternoon when I was 13 or 14 my next door neighbor had a 6 pack of Schlitz and we sat in the foundation of a new house being built and chugged warm beers and smoked cigars. I puked, more likely from the cigar, but luckily got the beer out of my system.. My best drunk was my first legal drink. My cousin was marrying a NY state Supreme Court justice's daughter outside of Buffalo and I was an usher. NY had a legal age of 18 and I had just turned 18. The rehearsal dinner was a swanky affair and I got matched up with the best looking bridesmaid there. Waiters were circulating with martinis & manhattens and my "date" liked olives, so I had 12 martinis before dinner ( so she could have the olives, of course). My last memory was my nose hitting the sherbet on the fruit cup. I was carried out to another cousin's new Mustang convertible and deposited in the backseat which I covered with projectile vomit over the next hour. My first step towards becoming the family pariah.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I do not remember what the first girl looked like. I do not think I had anything I'll call a sexual encounter at a very early age but I did hear a story how one girl got in big trouble gong off with me alone. I was probably only a few years old. if one of my sisters grabbed my weiner when I was only 2 or so, didn't think anything of it. First beer to get drunk off of? no idea. It took a lot of beer to get drunk. probably lots of cups out of a keg. I didn't really like Budweiser so I never drank much. I did drink too much whiskey in 10 minutes. drank 3/4 of the bottle. then my suitemates gave me a beer too. that got me sick. I think they wanted to see how much it took to get me drunk. as far as beer only, several big red cups of something.
  • thunda99
    9 years ago
    Back in the mid to late seventies me and all my friends used to cruise our small town constantly especially in the summer. We'd hang out in parking lots or make laps drinking beer and smoking weed. We all had cb radios in our cars and would keep track of each other, the girls in town and the local cops. There was always this one girl out there talking whose handle was "Bandana". She had a super sexy voice and liked to talk to and tease us all.We could not figure out who the hell she was though and it was driving us all crazy and a couple of us deduced that she was on a home radio somewhere in town and not in a car. One night I'm out in my dad's blazer instead of my car and he had a really nice radio with a signal strength meter. I'm cruising around when Bandana comes on the air and we start bantering back and forth and all the time I'm watching the meter driving in a certain direction across town as the needle kept going up the scale and I finally narrowed it down to a certain street and headed down it. When I made the turn I sweet talked her into coming outside on her porch so I could get a look at her and low and behold there she stands the cutest little spinner I'd seen in my young sixteen year existence! I pulled in the driveway and introduced myself and wasted no time setting up a date for the next [view link] I pick her up in my 68 Camaro and head straight to the drive in movies with a cooler of cold ones and a little wacky tobacky for good measure. We watched probably 15 minutes of the first movie before we were making out hot and heavy. As things progressed I decided we needed to get in the back seat so we climbed back there and I moved the front seats up as far as they would go and leaned the seat backs forward. We didn't have a ton of room but we were both young skinny flexible teenagers...lol. The two things I remember most were when i took her shirt off she had these pencil eraser nipples that kind of startled me until I realized how much fun they were in my mouth and secondly when we finally did "it" I didn't last very long...lol. My buddies were all jealous as hell of me when they found out not only did I find her but I also fucked her in the backseat of my car!
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