Do they respectfully report on the deaths of strippers?

avatar for martinb244
In the Allentown, PA, area a local dancer committed suicide a few weeks ago. I suppose dancers committing suicide is not new to anyone on this board. There was some local news coverage that portrayed her as more than a woman that let guys feel up for a couple dollars. She was an accomplished pole dancer and pole dancing champion.…

Have the deaths of strippers been reported in your area? If they were, how was the news coverage?

Furthermore, the club she danced at, Spanky's East, held a memorial service for her. I'm cynical and believe they used this to make money. They held it on a night that they usually charge a cover fee to enter. But, they posted on their Twitter feed and Facebook page that one of their dancers passed away. They have a RIP sign hanging on the bar. Is this something you've seen at any of your clubs: paying final respects to dancers that pass away? Even at smaller clubs (which Spanky's East is) is this heard of?

Do smaller clubs have family atmospheres?


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avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Yeah, a stripper at a club I went to was murdered by her Marine husband. They were both 19, and evidently he was jealous she danced. She was new and well liked. A news crew showed up at the club to dig up whatever, but they were told to leave.
In the past year, I've read the obituaries of two dancers that died. Both from drug overdoses. The obits never mentioned where they worked or that they were dancers.

I also read the obit of a drug dealer that frequented the club daily. He'd been shot. He was described as "a musician".
I've only known two dancers who died while stripping, both in accidents. I don't know if the accidents were drug related or not. In neither case was their job as a stripper publicized or made an issue to my knowledge. Neither club did anything of the type the OP describes.
Wow. We've come so close once or twice going to see her when she came to town but never did. We always wanted to see her pole work. Sad when anyone sees suicide as a way to ease any pain.
Most strippers have hard lives and many problems. They don't get much respect in life or in death.
I'm not a regular at any particular club as I like to make the rounds – I'm also not the the type to chat w/ staff or dancers much thus I don't recall hearing or any dancers dying or it being reported in my local news.

It seems she was well liked and been at the club a long time – so the club's actions did not across as un-genuine.
avatar for zef8mich
9 years ago
A woman who happened to be an exotic dancer was murdered in her house just outside Detroit. The original report in the local paper was titled that an exotic dancer was murdered. Later the father of her 2 year old son was arraigned for the murder. The fact that she was an exotic dancer could have been mentioned later. but the newspapers seems to be more the standard.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 years ago
My personal death stats
Suicide Drug-related
--------- ----------------
Area Strippers 1 0
Co-workers (IT) 1 1
avatar for ilbbaicnl
9 years ago
Sorry, looks like we need some HTML up in this bitch before we can do tables.
yeah Founder doesn't have coding - savin' on bills and shit...
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
That's very sad. It's sad that whatever causes someone to commit suicide. Maybe depression. From an outside viewpoint, it seems she had a lot to live for.
I believe if an exotic dancer dies in my local area, the fact that she may have worked a temporary job as an exotic dancer might get left out of the news but all her coworkers will know it plus some friends. I know of one girl who worked such a temporary job and died recently. I just never realized she lived in the same town as me. I met her and talked to her but didn't know her that well. One of her injured friends was one of my favorites.
Obituaries are written by family members/next of kin, typically. Why would they include details of prior employment/income?? They wouldn't
In our area, suicides are not often reported unless the suicide occurred in a public area or if the individual was a public figure of some kind.
Accidental deaths are often not reported unless the death was in a public area or, again, if the deceased was a public figure of some kind.
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