OTC Failure

avatar for jayhawk123
I have asked my now ex CF and the next 2 that I was hoping to be my next CF for OTC (when I say OTC I have tried to make the 1st meeting comfortable by just asking them to go to dinner with me of course with me paying). This has resulted in them all not talking to me anymore. Wow....I didn't know it was so offensive to a dancer to offer to pay for a meal.


last comment
You're halfway there. They want money for the time they spend with you, and also of course you pay for dinner.
It seems bass ackwards but these girls aren't looking for a dinner date. It can be a huge red flag for them that a PL is looking for a girlfriend, and as Ranukam mentioned, worrying about whether they are going to get paid for their time. Work out OTC to have sex or whatever you are into. After she is more comfortable you can stretch it to "hey you hungry? Want to grab a bite?

Don't worry about a
Oops....hit send to soon. Don't worry about "trying to make their first meeting comfortable. If they don't get the "creepy guy" vibe, they will do OTC if they like you and they do OTC.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
I would certainly pay for dinner at an OTC "date" whose intention is to prove that I'm not creepy or dangerous. What I would *not* do is also pay for her time. When you find the right stripper for OTC fun, she will agree to an initial dinner with no strings attached, either extra payment on your part or sexual "favors" on hers. If a stripper is offended by the offer of a free meal, tell yourself "Fuck her!" (figuratively speaking, of course) and move on. Assuming that you are in fact neither creepy nor dangerous, you will eventually find someone to at least go to dinner with you. If that goes well, you're off to the races!
Interesting counter points. Probably varies from girl to girl.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
These girls are not looking for dates, unless they perceive you as "Mr.Awesome"
TBH - most of my OTC encounters have come up like this: After getting extras inside the club or really heated lapdances, the majority of the time the dancer will bring up OTC. I'd say well over half the time with me, the other times I bring it up (with the exception of the hot MILF dancer that I can't get the courage up to say it to...).

A lot of dancers are savvy enough to realize OTC with you on a slow Tuesday night is less work than going to the club and they can make the same amount or more doing OTC with you than working in the club. I.E. they can fuck you and tie up 2 hours of their night, or go to a club for 8 hours and make the same amount of money. Which do you think they would rather do? If they aren't savvy enough to know this, then maybe you can remind them. One way to do this is ask "how much do you usually take home on a Tuesday night?" and they may say "$300 after all my fees." Then explain to them you'll do OTC for $200 and they only tied up 1 hour of their night. Maybe they negotiate you to $250... whatever works for what you want to pay.

I usually say this "I'm staying in a hotel nearby (which is always true) and I'll be in town for the next few days, would you like to meet up with me tomorrow night?" About 90% of the girls know what I mean. Sometimes it's an immediate yes or no, if they are thinking about it, then I bring up "of course I would compensate you for your time," at least that's the icebreaker and it's her turn to make a move. I never just blurt out "I'll give you $200 if you meet me outside the club tomorrow night." Usually when I ask about meeting, they sit there and think for a minute and most of the time they say "how much are you going to pay me?" and then I respond "how much do you expect?" let them say the price first because I have found most of the time it's lower than what I am willing to pay anyway. If it's higher, then negotiate down to what you feel comfy paying, if you can't agree on an amount, simply move on. Some girls will quote insanely high rates because they really don't want to do OTC in the first place, those are the girls you never want to do OTC with anyway no matter how hot they are because they usually give shitty service to begin with.

I rarely do a "dinner date" then sex on the first OTC, now after the initial OTC, dinner dates happen all the time and in almost all instances I didn't have to pay for her time at dinner, but of course I still paid for the time in the hotel room.
avatar for 72_os
9 years ago
I feel your pain on this bro

I have tried this with strippers, hookers and massage girls and have failed with lets start with a meal.

But what has worked for me has been to visit the stripper you desire and pay for the Champaign rooms just to snuggle kiss, foundel
avatar for 72_os
9 years ago
Each other and at the same time get to know her and let her know you...over time things should heat up and OTC will be soon....but if not just move on to the next girl...this is for clean clubs

For non clean clubs much like a hooker just order the sex ITC and do so over a few visits...if the chemistry is right she will do OTC with no issues
avatar for 72_os
9 years ago
It seams like the meal and movie dates only really happen with these kind of girls only after many OTC fucks

I know its ass backwards but this is how I've experienced these providers from each level of strippers/hookers/massage parlors

Good luck and God bless your adventures my friend
My point was if you're just gonna take her to dinner, then she will want to be paid for her time.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Maybe if she's "chubby" she might go for an all you can eat buffet
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Offer to take her to a high class place like Carls Jr. If she is hot enough she may end up in a commercial
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
crazyjoe hit the nail on the head.... take her to Carls Jr., tell her you're a producer for commercials, and that you want her to try the food first, so she can understand the brand better, then have sex with you to see if she's 'sexy' enough to be in one of their commercials. When finished, drop her off and tell her you'll be in touch.
Jay,get that booger out of your nose and things will be different.
avatar for 72_os
9 years ago
Lmfao !
Thanks for all the comments. I agree most with Mr Deuce. I don't feel like I should have to pay for their "time" when I am already paying for their dinner. I had my ex CF (this is why she is my ex-CF) for the 1st time the other day tell me guys pay her $200 just to go eat, shop and hang out. That is crazy.
Ranukam is right that's what they want. But my advice is never do that pay them for OTC sex or whatever if dinner is included in the evening that's cool but don't ever buy them dinner and pay them to eat it with you that's just stupid don't let them get away with that shit!
You should only do OTC with homeless strippers cause you can drop them off any where you want when its done !
I think the best way for them to get comfortable with you is to visit them in the club and spend some $ on them ITC. 2-3 club visits should be sufficient.

Every stripper who has done OTC with me has agreed to dinner or something else fun together before the sex. However, I have never tried making the dinner a time for them to just get conformance with me, saving the sex for another visit. And I think your experience prives that wouldn't work most of the time. That sort of offer sounds like you just want a social arrangement of some sort. DS II was just telling me atvdinner a couple days ago that she asked out to dinner by a lot of customers, but she has no interest in any sort of arrangement where she is not making cash.

And I agree to never pay a dancer just to eat a meal with you. That's incredibly lame and would set a horrible precedent for how you compensate her for any future dates.
I'm not an OTC expert but this being TUSCL of course I have an opinion(s) ;)

1) I don't think most dancers are into OTC to begin w/ or are at least fairly hesitant – sure there may be some areas (e.g. Detroit; etc) where it's may be way more common; but also areas where it may be very uncommon (perhaps Kansas is one of them if that is your home-base)

2) Many dancers are understandably concerned about meeting custies OTC b/c of safety reasons – and many dancers see OTCing as sorta escorting/hooking whereas they may not see dancing that way

3) just as some clubs are like the wild wild west (e.g. many Detroit clubs) – many clubs in particular areas are very conservative – additionally – if the dancers can make decent $$$ ITC w/ just giving dances (and in many a club in particular areas these would be low-contact dances); then they may not have an much of an incentive to do OTC

I think many of us custies erroneously think if we have the $$$ to spend and are willing to spend it; we think that most dancers would not, should not, say no to our requests.

I will also go against the grain of the previous comments – I *do* think a dancer should be compensated for her time if having dinner w/ a custy – why else would she be w/ the custy OTC if not to make $$$ - and really – is a dancer gonna be impressed by having dinner bought for her; that is not going to pay her bills – IMO some on here make it sound like they are doing a dancer a huge favor/a-biggie by buying her dinner when *IMO* 99% of them don't wanna be there w/ the custy for no other reason than getting paid some how – not saying that one should pay for her time – if one wants sex; then pay for that; but if it's just dinner b/c you wanna have dinner w/ her or to make her comfortable; then she should be compensated for her time b/c the only reason for her meeting up w/ you is TO MAKE $$$; not get a damn meal.

Lastly - as we all know $$$ talks w.r.t. dancers – so often times going w/ the JS69 system and paying above avg market-prices may be the only way to get a reluctant stripper to take the plunge - i.e. an ok offer may not be enough to sway her.

Just my 2-cents – not saying that it's necessarily the correct view.
Papi, I think you would find otc a lot more available than you think if you were to shop for it more. I used to think it would be hard to get a dancer itc but I have found it to be relatively easy once I started actively shopoing for it. And it's not just because I pay above market rates. I pay DS II a lot just as I did DS I, but most of the others I pay close to market rates. And tomorrow night I have a date with the girl who said its free. I know it's not really free but however she plans to get $ from me I don't plan to pay more than market rates.
I understand it's not super-difficult to score OTC – but does seem to have a lot higher failure rate than just getting dances at a club for example.

Either b/c of the posts told on here about many TUSCLers scoring OTC or b/c we often think dancers will not say no to $$$; many TUSCLers seem to think all one has to do is ask and be willing to pay and it's as easy as asking for dances.

There are dancers that won't do it and there are dancers that take effort into getting them to do it – it's not as easy as getting dances and I know no one is making that claim; but often times many TUSCLers are sorta dumbfounded when a dancer(s) does not immediately jump at their OTC requests.
Papi all very true. I get more rejections than I get acceptances even with my system.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
The best way to make a dancer comfortable with you is to assure her she will always be compensated for her time. To each his own, but I think it is silly to think these ladies should not be compensated for dinner dates. Think how long it takes them to look fine, travel time, meal time etc... And some think the honey should be happy with a $50 meal. Get real.

I have no problem gifting a honey cash to spend time with me dining. Now the cash I give her is a mere pittance of what she would make in the club but at least she is getting something.

These honeys wouldn't sit with a PL for hours for free in sc, why would we expect them to do it for a free meal.
So maybe I mis-read the context here: is this a standalone dinner date, where she's going to prepare and drive to the date, they'll eat together, and then they'll both drive home separately? If so, I can't comprehend what's to be accomplished or why any customer would think a stripper would go for it, or why they'd want to do it. I can't imagine doing this myself, but whatever floats your boat, and I imagine it's not beyond the pale to consider compensation.

I've bought so many strippers lunch, dinner, or drinks, I can't even count that high. Once someone gets to CF or ATF status with me, standard operating procedure often ends up being eating or drinking before their shift, or after their shift, or at the few strip clubs where the girls get a break mid-shift, then going with them mid-shift. I've had strippers call me up and say, "I'll be in the city for a doctor's appointment, want to get lunch afterwards?". So generally these trips are always attached to her shift or some other reason for her to be there. I've always paid for all the food and liquor, but I know the exact amount of money I've compensated them for their time: EXACTLY ZERO. I've been on countless of these trips and it's never even come up by anyone, ever.

To shift to a slightly different topic:

Papi, I know the SW girls would agree with your " IMO some on here make it sound like they are doing a dancer a huge favor/a-biggie by buying her dinner when *IMO* 99% of them don't wanna be there w/ the custy for no other reason than getting paid some how"... I just think actual strippers outside of SW can be more complicated, And just like with us, it's not like they fall for us -- it's that as humans, just as girls we like become CFs and ATFs, guys can move up the ranks to CFC and ATFC (yes, I know they don't actually rank them like that, women just speak with actions rather than anal-retentively arguing over category definitions :)) -- and the kicker is, how much you compensate them is just one important way to move up the ranks, but not the only way. Most of those strippers I talked about above, most of the time, choose to eat or drink by themselves, rather than go out to eat with any customer, but they go out with me; some even choose me to go out with rather than better-paying customers. I am NOT saying they "really like me"; I am saying that just as you probably have either customers or internal partners at your work who you like more and will do more for beyond their value to you WITHIN A WORK CONTEXT, they do too, and so does every other human being. It's the most reasonable explanation for the behavior I've seen time and time again, well confirmed by strippers I've stayed friends with well after they've retired.
“... In the meantime, any advice on how to go about asking for extras or OTC ...”

There have plenty of OTC threads – just type OTC in the TUSCL search box in the upper right hand corner.

This is a recent thread on it:


After you read thru some of the threads if you still have specific questions then hit us up.
avatar for runnoft
9 years ago
I have found over the years that OTC plans fail at least 80% of the time. My take on this is that the girls get excited about making extra money when plans are drawn up, but when the time comes to meet they suddenly get cold feet and do not show up.
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