

I don't what to fuck to name this thread, so untitled it is!

Imagine this guy who's in his mid 20's. He absolutely loves women. He thinks they're the greatest creation on planet Earth. He meets women at strip clubs, nightclubs, bars, gym, work, etc. Of course the sex is the thing he loves about being with women the most. He's been in relationships, but he's always had a cheating problem. He's literally just addicted to women, and all different kinds of women.

He gets in a relationship with this girl a couple of years ago, and things change. First of all her beauty is breathtaking. She's beautiful on the inside and the outside. She's very nice, caring, loyal. Basically the perfect girl. Of course the sex is great, but it's the main part of the relationship. He loves just holding her close watching TV, he loves just looking into her eyes when he wakes up etc, just the simple things in life. He's only been with her for six months, but he knows he wants to be with her a year, but he knows he wants to be with her for the rest of his life.

He tries so hard in being the perfect man for her, and in that he makes a lot of mistakes. She breaks up with him. The first month or so he tries to win her back, but she's not budging. He's calling and texting her like crazy, she rarely responds. Finally she told him this is the last conversation they're gonna have, and she told him to delete her number. He finally let go.

His friends are telling him to move on, there are plenty other fish in the sea. He agrees with them at first and starts hitting the scene again like crazy and pulling girls left and right. It feels fun, but something was missing, a piece of his heart was missing, and none of the girls he got with had the missing piece.

He's upset and sad he messed it up with the girl of his dreams. He's in a relationship now, but it's not the same. He wants his ex back. It's been six months since there's been any contact with his ex.

Should he try contacting his ex to see if they can rekindle their love?

If contacting her isn't the right thing to do, what can he do to move on from her completely in his mind?

Is it healthy to feel this way?

He's getting with plenty of good looking girls, but why is this one girl seemingly have a hold on him?



  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Tell him to get counseling from some married men. :)
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    Just move on dude. You've already exhibited multiple times you can't be loyal. What makes you think you're gonna be loyal to this girl?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Yeah that guy needs to move on already, it's getting kind of stalkerish now. From what I hear though, he didn't cheat on her, there were other things.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    The only way to have a stable relationship is to first become nice, caring, loyal before you try to get with someone with those qualities. Or, learn to be down with stupid. There are people who are nice, caring, loyal and stupid who will give it away without thinking they deserve it back.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    ^^^Wise man!
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    There is only one cure for being obsessed with a woman. Marry her.
  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    Better figure out how to let go before a restraining order provides worse options.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Let it go - eventually you'll meet the right person and being "good" will automatically make you not fuck up because you like her that much. I know you don't see it, but it sounds more like you were trying to convince yourself this girl was the one.

  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    He has to say and convince himself, it's her loss. If this person is being truthful in how he treated her, she's the one who blew it, not him. Some women can't see it when they have something good in front of their face. They have been hurt before and are afraid to fall in love again because they think they will get hurt again. You have to be willing to be hurt if it doesn't work out to fall in love.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Ah, young love. We've all been there in some form or another. I'm not sure what "mistakes" you are referring to, but we cannot change who we are, even when we are in love. We can suppress our true selves for a time, but eventually it comes to the surface. it is also hard for guys in their mid 20s to navigate a lot of relationship intricacies anyway.

    Net-net, he can only be what he is and if she couldn't live with him as he is, then there is no point in pursuing her. But cheer up - a new incredible love is just around the corner, especially for a guy so young.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    This might not be what my friend wants to hear, but it's what he needs to hear. Thanks fellas, I'll pass the message!
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    First thing he needs to do is face up to just why it was she left him. If he's chronically practices polygamy but he's serious about getting into a monogamous relationship -- and can't -- he should probably get some professional help -- and maybe not expect any monogamy until he's done sowing his wild oats, probably into his early 30s.

    Good luck to your friend.
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