
OTC Question 2

layin low but staying high
So the club where I met the little blond that wants to fuck me for free is where one of my regular OTC girls works. She was there last night, and was very jealous of the time and attention that I was paying to the new girl. She asked if I was trying to fuck the new girl. The little head lied and said of course not. She texted me today and made a couple of snide comments about my time with new girl last night.

My question is whether or not it is feasible to have two OTC girls at the same club, and if so how to navigate those treacherous waters. I want them both, and don't want to choose between them. But girls talk, everybody knows what's going on eventually, and I'm afraid the shit is going to hit the fan. I hate drama about as much as I love redhead and blond pussy.

Four additional issues to be aware of to get the full picture. First, I told the new girl about my regular (not the sex, just that she is a regular dancer of mine) and asked her to keep quiet about our discussions, explaining that if she told then I might have to stop spending big bucks on her. She said no problem, she keeps to herself and doesn't talk about such things. Second, the new girl and my regular are not friends and barely know each other. Third, the new girl works day shift usually and my regular girl works night shift. That helps but new girl sometimes stays for night shift too which she did last night. Fourth, this does not involve DS II. I would never jeopardize what I have with her.

Is it feasible to do OTC with two girls at the same club? When one of the girls is the jealous type and is very dependent upon my money? Am I inviting more drama than its worth? Any suggestions for how I should go about such a thing? Thanks.


  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    It is feasible. I've done it. It can be tricky because each dancer will be jealous. I had a dancer tell me she was hurt when another girl came to my home. I asked her if I was her only customer.

    Last week Blondie came to my house for the first time. She asked me if K---- or M------ had ever been there. I said I would not reveal info about other dancers--just as I would not reveal that info about her.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    JS - imo the regular otc girl is not in the ds category so what Jack saidis spot on. You're not her only customer so you are not beholden to only dance with her when you are there. What you do with other dancers is not anyone's business but yours, the dancer in question and of course, us with the stories.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    It depends, JS. Do either or both of them carry sharp blades, guns or garottes? Do either or both have assault raps? If you can answer yes to any of the above, it's a bad idea... ;-)
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Does Applebee's get jealous when you eat at Outback?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    OMG...too much drama for me. I'll let the others give you their useless advice. I say WTF are you doing???
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Rockstar, you have to understand JS is on "tilt" after the DS dumping. Just let him go on his tangents - he will come back eventually.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Tell them you have enough love for the both of them.

    But in short – man up - “he who holds the gold makes the rules”

    Or as our beloved lopaw epically put it “I'll beg for pussy and I'll pay for pussy, but I won't beg to pay for pussy”
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Papi - thanks for reiterating lowpaw's wisdom! Every PL needs to chant that mantra daily.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Shouldn't that read "I won't pay to beg for pussy?"

    I guess either way works...
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    "I won't beg to pay or pay to beg for pussy"

    New Mantra
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    "I Ain't Too Proud to Beg"
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    All I'm trying to do is avoid female drama while getting the highest quality pussy available. I'm not begging for anything. And so far I've only heard one person say that they have successfully addressed this same situation, so it's not like everybody has got a complete harem of strippers all fully under control.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Only because we're too smart to try! ;-)
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    A harem of strippers takes the same skills as cat herding. So if you can get even just one under control, you're ahead of the game.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    No matter what they say, drama is inevitable eventually. I had four girls at the same club with whom I was meeting OTC. All of them had seen me paying attention to the others, and three of them asked if I was seeing the others. Like jackslash, I told each of them I don't talk about others that I might or might not be seeing. The fourth one didn't care.

    That lasted for about three or four months, and they've all disappeared as of about two months ago.
  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    Sure it's feasible. Just set up OTC with both of them and quick going into the club. The risk isn't from the honeys talking to each other. The risk is the bartenders, wait staff and other dancers telling your baby-dolls their whale was in the club talking to some other honey.

    Sure, you can be open about it to both of them, but who wants to do OTC fucking with pissed or jealous honeys. The bitch of it is, you won't be able to spend much time in a good club you like.

  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    Strippers can make trouble but it isn't out of traditional jealousy. They just want all the money. As long as they can get some of the money they can probably work it out between them. The problem is if this is a club you want to go to drama-free. If you are only in this club occasionally bang whichever stripper you want and don't worry about the fallout. If you wanna go to this club regularly and enjoy a drama free evening, you'll have to pick one.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    I've been seeing two dancers from the same club OTC for about 6 years. They know each other and know that I see the other. I've been totally honest with them both and have made the point repeatedly that I'm not the only guy they see. Jealousy has reared its ugly head on occasion, but to be honest, they aren't jealous of me fucking the other, they're jealous of my money going to the other.
    Occasionally they'll talk, but my ATF has now moved to a different club so things are quiet. At one point they were both in a locked court ordered drug rehab facility and ended up on the same floor and in the same counseling group. No visitors were allowed, but I could deliver cigarettes, clothes, and small amounts of cash. One time when I was making a delivery, the woman behind the counter rolled her eyes at me and asked, "Which one this time, Romeo?".
    My ATF now has a new sugar daddy and I'm now her #2 and the other one hasn't answered her phone or text messages in two weeks so I might just have to try something new.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    If I had the opportunity, I would go for it. You can never have too many strippers after your money. And you only live once.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Scat, Damn good philosophy. I'm gonna write that in my high journal.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Unicorns and rainbows John better lay off those magic mushrooms for a bit
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Yep Smith,you are definitely a lawyer.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I agree with GMD -- drama is inevitable. You just have to hope you won't be around to get the brunt of any of it. I have a feeling even if you lay down some ground rules -- i.e., you're no one's one and only boy toy -- the jealous one will still get jealous.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    "A harem of strippers takes the same skills as cat herding. So if you can get even just one under control, you're ahead of the game."

    .....and even if you have the skills, you're liable to get scratched to hell!
  • BigChas
    9 years ago
    Get real! Their not jealous or care about you. They just both want to get the most money out of you. And they don't want to split the cash.
    The only jealousy is btw the two girls on who's getting the most cash. I think you should play the game and let them fight it out. Keep telling the other one that the other one is doing more and better at it. Keep them competing!
    Remember, if you're paying for sex they consider you a PL.
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    JS I know these are strippers you talk of, but being in the same club I'd stick to OTC 1 girl. The rapper Devin the Dude had a song that said, "Don't fuck over your fa sho pussy trying to get some more pussy."
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    BigChas, do you have any experience OTCing, especially with multiple girls from the same club, or are you just reading SW and making up theories? Not trying to be snarky -- okay, maybe being a little snarky -- but I've seen you take a straight SW line before, although your "keep telling one the other is better" advice is definitely not from SW, but I can't imagine it's from actual experience either. You do realize most of us who are talking about drama in JS69's context have experience with it, and don't have to guess what might happen?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I find it awkward to not have a 'pecking order' for my regulars and to be clear to them what it is. You might notice I refer to the rankings. My now departed ATF (no replacement yet) and my #2 and #3. When I had 3 regulars working days, numbers 2 and 3 knew my ATF was going to be getting most of my attention, but I'd always do a set with #2. #3 I might just tip on stage if the other two dancers were also working, but she actually made the same from me as a set when you deduct the house. I never had any jealousy issues that I was aware of.

    In your case...it could be tricky. Dancers are catty and will cause trouble given a chance.

    These days, the old #3 is now my afternoon #1, and the old daytime #2 and ATF are gone. My new #2 works nights so that's easy, but she's not available for OTC so I'm still looking around. She's cool as she even encourages me to dance with others when she's busy with regulars; I like that!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Most likely the one more spends (bigger spender one is) the bigger the possible jealousy/professional-rivalry – perhaps similar to a hot dancer – a 9+ dancer may have PLs upset she is locked-down/taekn by another PL; whereas a 6 may not have that issue.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I think BigChas may be seeing things from a non-TUSCL perspective (since it appears he recently joined) – personally I had done a fair bit of SCing prior to joining TUSCL but for me personally I learned way more in a few of months on TUSCL than I did in a few years of SCing pre-TUSCL – not saying this is the case for everyone but there is power to the sharing of ideas/networking form being exposed to folks of different backgrounds/areas and different experiences.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "Most likely the one more spends (bigger spender one is) the bigger the possible jealousy/professional-rivalry."

    If that's true I'm in trouble. But I put the little head in charge. So we're going to do them both.
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