Intelligent machines: Call for a ban on robots designed as sex toys

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avatar for metaldude
9 years ago
"The physical act of sex will only be a small part of the time you spend with a sex robot - the majority of time will be spent socialising and interacting," he said.

Wait, WHAT???
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
Hell, I'm married to a robot. I go to clubs and have g/f's to get away from that!
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
I predict that our legislators will ban sex robots but not killer robots. Our society dislikes sex but approves of violence.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
Will they leave you for more electricity or oil or battery capacity?
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Soon there will be stripperbots with card readers & phone scanners and the girls won't even go in to work the clubs then we will need to counter that with PLbots this could get crazy guys who knows how it will sort out maybe robots really will take over the earth I hope I'm not around for that
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