
Definition of ATF

They never tell you what you need to know.
What is your definition of ATF?

To me, I have only had 1 ATF who is retired, and I could have 1 replacement but I don't get to that town often enough. My point is ATFs to me are extremely rare.

Also, an ATF to me is someone you meet outside the club, someone you fuck on a regular basis and possibly get to know personal details about outside her "at work" stripper life. You would know her real age and real full name too.

I just don't get how some guys throw around the term and its all about some girl they have done nothing more with than gotten a bunch of lap dances.


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    This misconception has been tossed around since the beginning of TUSCL. You can only have 1 ATF. She can be replaced with a new girl and then that girl becomes your all time favorite. This come up every time we get a batch of newbies.
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    Shadowcat..exactly. I have one and only one ATF, who has been out of the club scene for at least 5 years. We clicked on several levels, did fairly regular OTC, on my club visits I would pick her up at her house and take her to lunch before hitting the club. Haven't had that connection with one since.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I've had my current ATF for about 5 years, and 'yes' to the above requirements.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    I don't think an ATF has to be as shailynn states. "someone you meet outside the club, someone you fuck on a regular basis", yet I do think "get to know personal details about outside her "at work" stripper life. You would know her real age and real full name" is true. Just my opinion, and there can only be one ATF, but many former ATFs.
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    "All Time Favorite" doesn't seem that ambiguous to me. If someone's been to a strip club exactly once, met exactly stripper, got exactly one dance after having a conversation limited to "wanna dance" & "okay" that stripper can be that patron's ATF. I can't see how there's need to know her name isn't Cinnamon its really Meghan and she's a 22yr old studying to be a dental hygienist,or be fucking her OTC to call her your ATF. Similarly, if you're going to call her your ATF, its silly to turn around and call some other stripper the same thing 10 seconds later.

    All Time Favorite implies a single entity that is preferred over all others. No more, no less.

    For most who participate around here, to become an ATF probably requires more than stage tipping and lap dancing but maybe not. I've got no explanations for what the guys who have a new ATF every 30 seconds, other than maybe ADD or something.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    This demonstrates a weakness in the ATF concept. By definition, there can only be one ATF. But what do you do if you have an amazing ATF, and then you find provider who is just as good (but no better than) the current ATF? You are seeing both regularly, and both are equally awesome in looks and service. The solution, if they qualify, is to elevate one or both to the status of dream stripper. Then they become DS1 and DS2.
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    Dolfan +1
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    An ATF is a stripper you're over-enthusiastic about or fixated on to the point of hyperbole. People who scold others for posting about having more than one ATF are taking this shit a bit too seriously.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    In theory, ATF should be your one all-time favorite. Of course, also in theory, "I could care less" should mean exactly OPPOSITE of what it does mean -- it should, literally, mean that you care a whole lot. But that's not how language works; words mean whatever they mean in common usage. Even if stupid people have used "I could care less" to actually mean "I couldn't care less". Or ATF as "my favorite stripper of a particular time period".

    To me, it feels like most of us use ATF not to mean "over my strip club career, the one and only all-time favorite stripper of mine, ever". Instead, most people seem to be using ATF to mean, "stripper who was my very favorite during a particular period of time, the thought of her gets me excited and wanting to get back into the club ASAP." Which is why people can post things like "I haven't had an ATF in 6 months", "Have you ever had two ATFs at the same time?" etc., and we all know what they mean.

    I use ATF to mean, "stripper who has risen to such a favorite that i go to the club specifically to see her, the thought of her gets me going back more often than I should, I probably see her OTC, am on her facebook page, etc." I use CF to mean "my current favorite stripper, but she's easily replaceable, I may or may not have seen her OTC, the thought of her doesn't get me dragging myself back to the club way more often than I can afford".
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    ... which is also why you see people using terms like ATATF -- all-time all-time-favorite -- to mean what some of you think ATF means -- the favorite of all time bar none
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Language and meaning aren't always rational. Exaggeration, sarcasm, wordplay all can produce phrases that mean something other than the sum of their literal parts: "Like I care." "Like a boss." "Road warrior." English is full of idioms we use every day that are a lot more logically "wrong" than multiple ATFs. "I could care less" is just one of them.

    Quoting myself from 7 years ago *sigh*:
    "ATF is something of an idiom, not meant to make literal sense. It's intentionally hyperbolic, making fun of the poster's own tendency for serial infatuation. Similar to "Greatest evah!", meaning since last week."


    Here's another shocker: Strip clubbing isn't always rational and orderly. Comparing ATFs past and present isn't as straightforward for everyone as the literal-minded think it should be. They're all just chicks we were infatuated with at some point.

    I've never seen the point of adding "CF" to the nomenclature, because to me it's just another ATF. I could care less how she stacks up against some retired stripper from 10 years ago.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Heh, agree completely, I love the hyperbole, and the pointing out how fickle we are about all of this. I do, however, support the use of the term CF to mean "your current fave, but really, you could take her or leave her"
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ATF and CF's are women you see at their strip clubs.

    If you are seeing them outside, or even just having telephone conversations with them regularly, then they are Girlfriends, Mistresses, Paramours, or something else. But as it is way beyond the walls of the strip club they are not ATF's or CF's.


    Weather Report, live 1976
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    an ATF to me is someone you meet outside the club, someone you fuck on a regular basis and possibly get to know personal details about outside her "at work" stripper life. You would know her real age and real full name too.

    You said it OP. That and a little more. I'm probably on her facebook page and just have her trust as far as OTC and just hanging out. Things dinner lunch or dinner once in a while. her spending the night the night once in a while wouldn't hurt either. And a stripper you just met can't really be your ATF to me. It's kind of a hard to find connection.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Favorite means favorite of the strippers at all the clubs. True?

    So ATF is someone you know as a stripper.

    If you have a more involved outside relationship with her, then she is no longer to you a stripper. She is Girlfriend, Mistress, Paramour, Whore, Sugar Baby, something other than ATF of CF.


  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    JSG: False. Seeing a stripper outside the club doesn't magically make her not-a-stripper. It makes her a stripper who you're seeing outside the strip club. Hell, for me, OTC is one of the requirements for being considered an ATF
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    A stripper you do ITC with, because she works in a strip club and this how you know her.

    Once you start doing OTC's with her, especially regularly, doesn't that make her your Mistress or Paramour or something else? I mean, you don't need to go to the club anymore to find her. You just text her.

    Am I missing something?

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... What is your definition of ATF ...”

    All Time Freak
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    SJG: I have a buddy who is in sales. Sometimes he does sales in the office, but sometimes he leaves the office and goes somewhere else. Doesn't make him any less of a salesman, just because he's not in the office. If he's at a restaurant with a customer, he's still a salesman, and he's doing what he does -- selling. Seeing a stripper OTC doesn't make her any less of a stripper, she's just not in her "office" (the club) ... she's still doing what she does, selling sensual and sexual contact for money. You have some kind of unique conceptual model that makes sense to you, but doesn't really make sense to the rest of us.

    Anyway, if I"m seeing a stripper outside the club, and I wanted to use an accurate term for her other than "stripper", well, girlfriend, mistress, and paramour are not even remotely accurate. The accurate word is "prostitute" -- since the point of the interaction is trading sex and time for money
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Lol like I assumed everyone's definition is different - seems about 50% agree with mine and the rest don't. Leave it to JS69 to fuck everything up and start adding new acronyms in there to further complicate the debate.

    I was just curious, and hold no grudges if your opinions differ. I have someone that could become my ATF, but my dick hasn't been in her yet and she can't have that title until that has happened! Lol
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I see your point about the salesman. But as you apply that to strippers, you are saying that the job of a stripper is to service you.

    I don't see it this way. The primary job of a stripper is to put on a strip show, and usually this is at a strip club.

    Now, things have progressed, so sometimes strippers also service you, at the strip club.

    So if you are seeing her and communicating with her outside of the club, would you be comfortable calling her your 'Escort", but not your 'ATF'?

  • shailynn
    9 years ago

    Well that must be where I differ from others, and the one place where Rick Dugan comes to mind... If I find a stripper I like, my goal is to get her to meet me outside the club. It doesn't always work, but that's still my goal, to get to know her on in a more intimate way, regardless of what I can get away with inside the club with her.

    Now, I do this and get away with it because I almost always have a hotel room available when I am out clubbing. I imagine my approach would be totally different if I was just at home, in my hometown going to a certain local club without a hotel room ready at my disposal.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    That's great that you meet these strippers and then have these outside sessions with them. Obviously OTC and more time is better than the floor of the VIP Room.

    But the issue is, are they still serving as strippers when they do this with you, and is it accurate to continue to refer to them as 'ATF'.

    As I see it, when you start seeing them outside, especially regularly, or even just communicating with them outside, then you have made them into you Escort, Sugar Baby, Paramour, Girl Friend, Mistress, or something else.

    My original exposure to strip clubs was back before cell phones, when women were much more cautious with their telephone numbers. So typically a stripper, often refered to as an Exotic Dancer or Go-Go Dancer, at say the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, was someone who put on a show and fed a visual fantasy. But as there was normally no way of contacting her outside of the club, that was usually all you got.

    Now true, if someone really wants, they can try to exchange phone numbers, but back then women were more careful about phone numbers, and less of them did OTC.

    So there were multiple times at the Brass Rail where I gave out my phone number, but the girl would not give out hers. But she would promise to call, and she did call. Others I met with at their secondary work places, like cutting hair or in a lingerie store.

    Back then we had this Spectator Magazine, and one Dave Patrick wrote an article about dating strippers. The example he gave was one working in these peep show places, so she is always behind glass. He explained that it was common that they would be extra careful with their phone numbers and that you would probably need to have a safe date or two, like lunch, before you could get her phone number. They need to be careful because of the venue.

    Also, at those strip clubs the reason I got along well with some of the girls was specifically because I was not trying to set up P4P OTC, but was always treating them 100% like civilians.

    Now today, things have changed. In many places other than Santa Clara County, there is lots more going on in strip clubs. And most everywhere women are less careful with their phone numbers, because of cell phones and caller id. It is however common for them to give out phone numbers but then never be willing to talk on the phone with you.

    I have known women who call their work place a strip club and presumably call themselves strippers, who I am sure would never even consider doing P4P OTC, talking with someone trying to set that up, or doing ITC anything which would be considered an 'extra'.

    I think the real issue is just for guys being willing to get real about how involved they are with these women. Here we read accounts of people having handed over tens of tens of thousands of dollars and of being heavily involved in the personal affairs of a young woman, but still calling her their ATF.

    We hear of texting back and forth all day long with a young woman and being involved in all sorts of drama with her, but she is still their ATF.

    I don't go along with this and I think these guys are hurting themselves by holding to their distorted view of the situation.

    AMP girls have often invited me to outside sessions. Sometimes this was just an escort invitation. Othertimes they wanted a personal relationship and this was just a non-threatening kind of bait offer.

    But either way I would consider her to be my Escort, no longer just a Massage Girl.

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