Allowed back to a SC
A month ago, I was at HiLiter and a dancer tried to overcharge me. I refused to pay the entire amount, but gave her what she deserved. As I was leaving, the bouncers stopped me and said I shorted the dancer a lot more. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I didn't care so I slid out from being surrounded and got the fuck outta there.
I'll be back in the area late next month. Can I go back? Or is it still too hot?
I'll be back in the area late next month. Can I go back? Or is it still too hot?
As to whether it is safe to return, I would think so but I would avoid the dancer you got into it with.
If you are really that worried, change your appearance up a bit depending on how you looked a month ago: shave or grow out facial hair, wear a hat, wear glasses, etc.
Jack - I've had some bad trips to Hi-liter but I keep going back bc the mileage/dancer hotness factor can't be beat. It's the best place in Phoenix for the combo. Like most places, there will be ROB.
Some people seem to remember me for life. I was thinking what did I do? I heard a few times I am unique and one time a dancer told me I was unforgettable. Was it the lightning bolt static electricity charge she felt when she touched me? Was it a story I told? Was it because I popped up on her Facebook account? Who knows. I certainly have seen some weird bizarre things. I believe most people never believe me. I just hope I never show up in a viral video in YouTube.
If I were you, I would avoid the club for a while longer. If either the dancer or bouncer or both are working there it could lead to a lot of drama. You basically proclaimed yourself guilty when you ran off instead of dealing with it then, so you'll be in a tough spot if you are recognized and things go south.
Good luck!
In the past at a low mileage club an aggressive dancer shoved her ass in front of my fave and I thought I politely pushed her slightly to give me more space. She ran to the bouncer saying I grabbed her inappropriately, and he said I was supposed to leave. I stood my ground and explained my side of the story and believed me so I could stay. All you have to do is explain your side and the bouncers will let u spend money on a different dancer.
I'm with rick in that you should lay low at this club, and reassess your clubbing habits. Habitually stiffing people and running isn't conducive to long term club enjoyment.
If the scenario is that you knew the price going in, still got the dances, and she didn't miscount, then even though you feel that she "overcharged" you or gave crappy dances, tough shit, you still owe her.
If, in the other hand, she miscounted, or raised the price after the fact, then rick is right, you should have talked to a manager. As it is, your stated actions label you suspect.
Also – you have to stand your ground and this means calmly and appropriately stating your case (instead of making a run for it) – the clubs themselves often have a short leash on dancers (they'll fine them for anything) b/c they know that many of these bitches are trouble unless controlled – club staff knows the SC scene better than us and they know there are dancers that will rip off custies – if you have a case and state it appropriately; good chance they do not necessarily take the dancer's side – I go to black dives all the time where many a ghetto ho will try to pull a fast-one on this clean-cut whiteboy; I never let them do it; most of them try to intimidate me into paying and try to scare me by stating they'll call the bouncer or manager; most of them back down and don't call anyone and the few times they have I have not lost my argument and did not pay nor leave the club – I do have a certain advantage in that I often get many dances from many different dancers when I club (since dances are $5 or $10 in the black dives I hit); so since I get dances from different dancers; if the manager/bouncer tells me anything I'll say “hey; I've gotten dances from 3 other dancers and they are not complaining I shorted them”; and this often helps when it's down to my word against hers.
On one occasion in a dive w/ a dance-counter; me and the dancer went up to the dance-counter to “clear things up” - as we are doing so I noticed the counter-guy and the dancer kinda making eye contact as if the counter-guy is going to agree w/ w/e the dancer says (to help her out IMO) – so dancer says “we did X right?”; and counter-guy says “yeah I think so” - I firmly said “no – it was this many”; and both backed down b/c counter-guy knew the deal.
In places where there is no dance-counter and dances are on the floor; due to my previous experiences at the black dives I hit; I often make it a habit to tell the dancer b/f she starts dancing for me to let me know every time she is starting a new song – it's kind of a pain and PLish to have to do this; but I hate getting ripped-off although I don't mind spending $$$ - when I ask a dancer to let me know each time she starts a new song; then I can keep count (since this can often be hard to do especially in the black dives with their song-cutting and mixing shit); and she also knows I'm keeping count – and this will often minimize “misunderstandings”.
Often, the bouncers and managers back the stripper in a dispute like that just to show support and allow her to save face. It's not necessarily about you.