In your opinions, what percentage of the higher range girls do the OTC. And for the older SClubers. Has it increased do to the poor economy. The reason i'm asking is. Back in the days when I was a frequent clubber, It didn't seem as necessary for the higher end girls because of the money they were making.
In order to get good data, I'm going to have to spend a lot of money. Please contribute to my Gofundme account.
There is just no doubt that there are girls who are very picky about who they OTC with (again, I'm sure they're less picky if offered ridiculous amounts). A stripper who at first refuses OTC, might change her mind after a few more trips, it's happened lots of times to me.
less likely to fuck than the ugly ones, and aside from outliers who weren't going to fuck me no matter what I offered, don't ask, or settle, for amounts that are significantly more than the average girls would. In my area, that's around $200 for an "hour", which for me has been anywhere from "as long as it takes me to get off" to a couple of hours of sex and relaxation.
I know that's not a popular view here, but I think there's a variety of reasons for it, not least of which are self-esteem issues.
Hmmm, last time I claimed the I get 8+ girls for my usual hard-limit prices -- $200-$250 -- I was told that either I was lying or that my standards suck and that I wasn't really getting 8s (which could always be true, but I don't think it is). Good to see someone else saying the same thing
Once you clear the parameters it's just looking for the girl who will match your expectations, it can be a 10, or perhaps a 9, maybe an 8.
Talking about civs, I almost got the digits of a cute server working on the east side close to the waterfront. She was fricking attractive (9 or 10) and I couldn't not believe she approached me and started a conversation like I was being picked-up. Simply out of the blue and there she was.
Anyway, dude. Take it easy.
Often times it requires building a rapport w/ a dancer over a couple of months for her to feel comfortable w/ a custy and not feel he could be a homicidal maniac.
The longer I do this and the more places I visit, the more I come to realize that geography matters. I've had good times with hot girls in states like SC and FL for shorter money than I would have believed possible. Those areas are so full of guys who make chicken scratch, and the cost of living is so low, that $200 can seem like good money.
But in most of the Northeast (basically anything from DC on north through Eastern PA, NY, CT, RI and MA) and cities like Dallas, L.A., Chicago, etc., legit 9s and up are generally not fucking for $200. In those areas you'd be lucky to land a 7 for that kind of money. The hottest girls are generally making enough cash in their respective clubs that they aren't going to be tempted by a couple hundred bucks.
Whether those prices compare to other parts of the country may be unlikely. But my experience (admittedly a couple decades old) suggests that the relative difference is about the same.
Exactly. In Phoenix, I think $400-500 is closer to what is needed to get the hotter dancers interested, and even then I think it varies by club. The girls at Bourbon Street have good looking guys with Ferraris in the club regularly, and are used to making a couple grand a night, while the gals at Bandaids or HiLiter get mostly a blue collar or offic crowd, and might make a few hundred a night.