

In your opinions, what percentage of the higher range girls do the OTC. And for the older SClubers. Has it increased do to the poor economy. The reason i'm asking is. Back in the days when I was a frequent clubber, It didn't seem as necessary for the higher end girls because of the money they were making.


  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    About 50%. I'm sure the economy has something to do with it.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I dint know any who do the OTC. But 50% will do the hokey pokey.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    IME the best looking girls are more likely to do OTC than the others. About 80% of them will.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    I disagree Dougster (I'm feeling brave today), I think the better looking girls earn more from dances alone, after all why get a dance from a 6 when you can from a 10. In my estimation with absolutely no science behind it at all I'd say less than 25% at very most. I guess it depends on club/location/state/country
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    For enough money, almost any of these girls can be bought. For what most of us would consider reasonable money, I would say that the percentages are low. But my definition of "higher range" girls is probably different than that of many others around here. I am talking about legit 9s and 10s, which are often harder to find outside of the bigger money areas and tourist trap destinations.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Yes. We could probably graph this, with the X axis being $ and the Y axis % OTC. As you move along the X axis from $0 to $500 to $1000, the percentage will go up from 0% to 50% to 99%.

    In order to get good data, I'm going to have to spend a lot of money. Please contribute to my Gofundme account.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Dougster's imaginary world is as much fantasy as is SJG's world. Dougster thinks every hot woman in a club will fuck for money and all you have to do is ask. SJG thinks it's not about money and they just want romance. Too opposite sides of the crazy coin.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I think it is about 50% but that doesn't mean they will do it with every guy who walks through the door. A lot of guys don't understand this. In my experience a lot of girls have to get familer with you. They need to feel like your cool,safe and not a cop. I work with a guy who thinks he can just walk into any club and buy pussy for 150 from any girl there and he being a total stranger to them. Not happening. that's why when a lot of guys on here say they just ask for OTC right off the bat and if they say they don;t do that , you just erase their number. In my experience that is not the best system. Although I am not recommending another "system" buy any means...LOL
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    You guys are funny. You overthink things which don't require much thought (eg how to pay hookers who work in strip clubs for sex) then you underthink things which do require thought (eg I know this because my favorite political blog says so).
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Exactly tlk. I think the higher end girls can be more picky both about how much they want, and who they choose to OTC with. I suppose if some ridiculous amount is offered, then Dougster might be closer-- perhaps for $2000, lots of super hot girls will do OTC. I used to have an acquaintance who got wealthy at a tech startup, he spent several thousand per SC trip, and he got the most insanely hot in-demand girls to do all kinds of things that were mostly unavailable to the rest of us. But since I'm not offering a few thousand, but a few hundred, the more interesting question for me is: how many high end girls will do OTC for a few hundred, with me personally.

    There is just no doubt that there are girls who are very picky about who they OTC with (again, I'm sure they're less picky if offered ridiculous amounts). A stripper who at first refuses OTC, might change her mind after a few more trips, it's happened lots of times to me.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    @js69: did I say "every woman"? I said about 80% of the hottest ones. Do you understand that 80% and 100% are different or is that something to difficult for your brain to figure out? Also I noticed in the past you would flip out if I even said it was the majority. In this thread, however, tlkDo, jackslash, and even RickyBoy have agreed with that. Yet you're not flipping out at them? Yes, I often say things which are true well before others and they go all ballistic, but, invariably, my statements are vindicated and the people who were flipping out finally realize they are obvious and say the same things (once they think it is "safe" to do so because others will agree - never a concern on mine).
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I'm more or less on Dougster's side on this one, if he's maintaining his historical position. IME, the hottest girls (or "hot enough") aren't significantly
    less likely to fuck than the ugly ones, and aside from outliers who weren't going to fuck me no matter what I offered, don't ask, or settle, for amounts that are significantly more than the average girls would. In my area, that's around $200 for an "hour", which for me has been anywhere from "as long as it takes me to get off" to a couple of hours of sex and relaxation.

    I know that's not a popular view here, but I think there's a variety of reasons for it, not least of which are self-esteem issues.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "don't ask, or settle, for amounts that are significantly more than the average girls would. In my area, that's around $200 for an "hour", "

    Hmmm, last time I claimed the I get 8+ girls for my usual hard-limit prices -- $200-$250 -- I was told that either I was lying or that my standards suck and that I wasn't really getting 8s (which could always be true, but I don't think it is). Good to see someone else saying the same thing
  • alabegonz
    9 years ago
    Entering the SC basically the parameters are less than compared to getting the digits of a server girl in a restaurant. For the SC, I guess the parameters are: (1) Wallet weight, (2) Wallet size and lastly (3) Credit card.

    Once you clear the parameters it's just looking for the girl who will match your expectations, it can be a 10, or perhaps a 9, maybe an 8.

    Talking about civs, I almost got the digits of a cute server working on the east side close to the waterfront. She was fricking attractive (9 or 10) and I couldn't not believe she approached me and started a conversation like I was being picked-up. Simply out of the blue and there she was.

    Anyway, dude. Take it easy.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I go for that rare 9.5 to 10 that is a good provider. They're out there but they're rare, expensive, and hard to get. Except of course for Dougster. All he has to do is ask and they fall at his feet.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    It vary based on location and how much you're willing to spend.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Trying to put a # on it or predict it is sorta like trying to predict the stock-market – suffice it to say that some dancers do and some dancers don’t – it’s sorta like predicting one’s chances of scoring w/ civvies at a regular bar; sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don’t.

    Often times it requires building a rapport w/ a dancer over a couple of months for her to feel comfortable w/ a custy and not feel he could be a homicidal maniac.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    this john smith -dougster back and forth has me thinking back to the days when i first joined TUSCL. Back then the big rivalry was dougster vs alucard. Ahhh the good ole days:)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Sorry you have such trouble figuring out how to pay hookers for sex compared to the rest of us, JohnSmith. It's really not that hard. Maybe you should study RickyBoy's The System more?
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    gmd, your situation must be a Kentucky thing. ;)

    The longer I do this and the more places I visit, the more I come to realize that geography matters. I've had good times with hot girls in states like SC and FL for shorter money than I would have believed possible. Those areas are so full of guys who make chicken scratch, and the cost of living is so low, that $200 can seem like good money.

    But in most of the Northeast (basically anything from DC on north through Eastern PA, NY, CT, RI and MA) and cities like Dallas, L.A., Chicago, etc., legit 9s and up are generally not fucking for $200. In those areas you'd be lucky to land a 7 for that kind of money. The hottest girls are generally making enough cash in their respective clubs that they aren't going to be tempted by a couple hundred bucks.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I agree with that Rickyboy (sorry), different regions and plush clubs compared hole in the wall clubs all factor in the price. A lot of times it depends on how much they are making a night on a regular basis.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @rick, it's entirely possible that it's an artifact of location. However, the comparison of prices between hot girls and average or below girls is from the same area. In *this* area, there is little significant difference between those two sets of prices or willingness.

    Whether those prices compare to other parts of the country may be unlikely. But my experience (admittedly a couple decades old) suggests that the relative difference is about the same.
  • azdd
    9 years ago
    Per Rick - "The hottest girls are generally making enough cash in their respective clubs that they aren't going to be tempted by a couple hundred bucks."

    Exactly. In Phoenix, I think $400-500 is closer to what is needed to get the hotter dancers interested, and even then I think it varies by club. The girls at Bourbon Street have good looking guys with Ferraris in the club regularly, and are used to making a couple grand a night, while the gals at Bandaids or HiLiter get mostly a blue collar or offic crowd, and might make a few hundred a night.
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