
Cigar smoking in strip clubs

South Carolina
Wednesday, June 16, 2004 2:01 PM
I think cigar smoking should be banned in strip clubs(or any kinda club, restuarant)as they really stink up the place. Couldn't they find a better use for a cigar than smoking it? Bill Clinton did!


  • MisterBliss
    20 years ago
    I'm not sure I would go to my favorite SC if I couldn't smoke a cigar there. Yes - my favorite girl of all time is there (oh, she's trouble, that one... I wonder if I'd still go there if SHE wasn't there? Hm, I rather doubt it) - but I want my scotch and my cigar, darnit. I try to be considerate of others, though - I always sit near the smoke eater and try to blow in that direction. There's no need to ruin anyone else's good time.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Some clubs promote cigar smoking as an added attraction. I enjoy that, but if a dancer is annoyed by it, I will wait or not light up at all.
  • MistressDEvil
    20 years ago
    I am partial to "Chocolate Cigarettes." They are by Sweet Dreams, and have the scent and flavor of chocolate. Smiles. I know, not good for you, but aaaaa--oooo-hhh so nice. :) Mistress
  • Clubber
    20 years ago
    Personally, some cigar, as well as pipe smoke, is quite pleasant to smell. Cigarette smoke, however, is NEVER pleasant to me. If all smoking were banned, I wouldn’t care. I am not a smoker, but I also can’t stand the anti-smoking Nazis.
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