avatar for MisterBliss


joined Aug 2003last seen Dec 2007

Comments made by MisterBliss

discussion comment
21 years ago
avatar for Shekitout
South Carolina
Cigar smoking in strip clubs
I'm not sure I would go to my favorite SC if I couldn't smoke a cigar there. Yes - my favorite girl of all time is there (oh, she's trouble, that one... I wonder if I'd still go there if SHE wasn't there? Hm, I rather doubt it) - but I want my scotch and my cigar, darnit. I try to be considerate of others, though - I always sit near the smoke eater and try to blow in that direction. There's no need to ruin anyone else's good time.
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20 years ago
avatar for OnTheRoad
You Know Your'e A Regular When....
Oh, geez. I am in so much trouble.
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for Kyle1111
Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
Interesting thoughts from Mr. 1111... I would have to agree about the idea of contact with a stranger (for the most part). Definitely stay off the streets, no good can come of that (particularly where *I* am, this black hole of adult play, Chicago). I've noticed, though, that most of the women *I've* known who were in the business of selling the *idea* of sex really had nothing much to offer when it got down to the brass tacks. They could talk a great game and make a good show, but that was about it. Admittedly, there is someone I would definitely consider buying sex from. She's offered, but the price was definitely not right, and I told her as much (I believe the phrase was, "I could have 20 *better* women for that amount of money"). Admittedly, if I had that kind of money to blow, I'd probably have bitten. She's definitely on the "Things to do when I hit the lottery" list. I'm a little ashamed at that, but at least I'm not BSing myself about it...
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for Kyle1111
Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
Boy, what a meaty discussion this has become. Interesting to see what's in people's minds sometimes. Anyway, to further elucidate my contribution to the topic... I've never purchased sex, from stripper or otherwise (some people think of the goings-on of their monogamous relationships as paying for sex, I don't). The idea seems mostly wrong-headed to me. Practically, because it's still against the law. Personally, because I think doing that would put me into a place spiritually that I don't think I could come back from. I like the SCs because it's the only place where it's more socially acceptable to stare. I also like to drink my drink, smoke my smoke, and look at all of the pretty ladies around me. What's better is that these things can be done without being in a hurry, or concerning myself with particularly offending anyone. And for a little money, I can see more of the pretty ladies. You know what's funny; I've paid to see some women unclothed that I wouldn't have given a second glance to anywhere else in the world. Which brings me to the one lady I mentioned earlier. I've seen her at work for more than a year now, and we've had many, many conversations between my smoke and drink (and more than our share of dances, to be sure). It troubles me greatly that any person can make me even *imagine* buying sex. What can I say, she's got the hook in me. It also troubles me that after a year of conversations, laughs, and tears (hers - not mine), she doesn't know me at all - which is to say that I've never done anything to give her the impression that I am the sort that does work with trade girls. Although, this could also mean that she knows me better than I knew *myself* on this subject. But then, I suppose it speaks to who *she* is as well. Funny, I guess neither of us is who I thought we were.