A modest proposal for JohnSmith69

avatar for rickthelion
When we lions take over and thin out your hairless ape numbers I plan to govern via a human representative as a benevolent overlord. It's a given that Rick Dugan will be my viceroy. He cuts a dashing figure in a suit and he had the insights to co-develop the system with me. However, I find your dream stripper stories interesting. I would be willing to make you deputy viceroy if you would help organize some hairless ape "comfort girls" for the lion brigades.

Why don't you discuss this with your dream stripper and get me some feedback. But don't hesitate too long. Lions wearing suits are arriving in the states every few days. Soon our lion brigades will be in place and I think you know what that means for you hairless apes. Yes, it will soon be wildebeest time!


avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I remember talking to someone who asked me if I knew the difference between how domestic cat tasted versus a wild cat. Apparently if you eat both, there is a different taste to them. I believe he said a wild cat tasted better. Then we got off talking on a tangent. Apparently I had the same birthday as his. When he asked what year, he backed away from me acting as if he should be afraid of me. Just because of a bunch of odd coincidences.
For the record, I wasn't the one eating cats. He was. However he did make me wonder about the taste difference. I have always wondered since then how a domestic cat tastes versus a cat that grew up in the wild.

I suspect a wild cat will taste like chicken.
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