
From SW: Alltime Favorite One Liners

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015 8:36 AM
[view link] This thread has some that not only wouldn't work for me, but would likely get that girl banned from our table -- the "grab your hand and pull" strippers get summarily booted, but I have little patience for the "reach out for their hand" assumptive closers at all, though I imagine it works on a lot of weak customers. Example: ----------* Begin SW Post "Are you ready?" All in delivery. I usually reach out for their hand ----------* End SW Post The "Are you ready" is pretty horrible also, worst one-liner ever. I also thought, on first glance, that this one was ridiculous: -----------* Begin SW Post Do something to startle them slightly (ex "slamming" your drink down onto the table), "Let's go have fun." Doing something to break up their conscious thoughts so suddenly is a form of rapid induction hypnosis. You have to deliver your line within milliseconds of startling them so they don't have any time to gather their thoughts. Once you nail the timing, it honestly works like a charm. You get a hazy yes, then grab their hand and pull them with you, again, before they have a chance to think about it. If they have a drink, either pick it up for them or tell them to bring it. Don't ask a question because, again, you don't want them to think on their own. -------------* End SW Post I rolled my eyes at that one. But then I realized, a lifetime of doing shots with my buddies, slamming the shotglass down, and then yelling or doing something stupid, has probably made me insanely vulnerable to the tactic above. If the stripper had been drinking with us for a while, and I liked her, and she slammed her shot with us and then slammed it down and yelled "let's go!", I'm probably hyp-mo-tize myself right into the VIP. My own favorite one-liner: A girl in an extras club, who had a particularly beautiful face, marches up to me, brings her face close to mine, and says in a VERY convincing way, "I'm going to make you cum ALL OVER." That tripped my trigger, I immediately took her to a private room (happy ending to this story: she made me cum ALL OVER)


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I'm not sure what's more pathetic, stripper tactics they use on PLs or the tactics us PLs use on strippers. I'm guessing the last one is the most passable but the first one is probably the most successful, especially if the culprit attempting to grab is an attractive stripper.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    "are you ready?" if she looks good hell yeah im ready. i dont care about anything else.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    "Doing something to break up their conscious thoughts so suddenly is a form of rapid induction hypnosis. You have to deliver your line within milliseconds of startling them so they don't have any time to gather their thoughts. Once you nail the timing, it honestly works like a charm. You get a hazy yes, then grab their hand and pull them with you, again, before they have a chance to think about it. If they have a drink, either pick it up for them or tell them to bring it. Don't ask a question because, again, you don't want them to think on their own. -------------* End SW Post" If a stripper touched my drink or took it away from my hands, I would ran her away. Don't ever touch a man's drink. I was reading the many "one-liner" on the link and all I thought was telling her that I caught her in her lie. If they don't answer a straight yes about seeing them naked or anything other sexual, then it ain't happen.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I agree that a one-liner is NEVER going to get me from "hmmm, not sure I want to do a dance" to spending $ on her -- although I'm quite certain it does work on some customers. But a well-timed line will move me from "I'm gonna go dance with that girl some point soon" to "I'll dance with her right now". That said, I have a set a budget and expect her to stay with me the entire trip no matter what, so it's a zero-sum game for her
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Some of the ones in the SW thread would work on me, but only if she's sincere.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    One of the SW posters posited, "Would you like to take a look at my pussy?" One time I was lying in bed at a hotel after sex with a young stripper. She had just come out of the bathroom and stood beside me naked, and asked if I was familiar with female anatomy? I said to some degree and she asked if I would feel inside her to see if I felt anything wrong. I dropped to my knees, reached my right hand in between her spread legs and played gynecologist. I could feel her cervix, etc. but no lump. I suggested she try that at work the next night to sell more vip's.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    None of those lame one liners would impact my decision for the positive. Either she passes the physical test or she doesn't. Trying to be cute with lines like that could actually kill the deal.
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    I fell for an upsell line once. I was just drunk enough to be susceptible to tricky talking boobs. She was giving room prices and said: "well there is a VIP but that is probably too expensive." Pride goeth before strip club destruction. "Too expensive?" Not for a man of my obvious wealth!
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    They're amateur sales techniques. The first is terrible because it invites a "no" reply. The smart, hardworking girls don't rely on one liners, but neither tend to be dominant stroller traits.
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    I wonder how many times I've fallen to "rapid induction hypnosis" without even knowing it. Those strippers are diabolical!
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    They all sound like lines that might work wonders on newbies and tourists in Vegas type gentleman's clubs. In fact, just reading them makes me picture smoke machines, fake tits and white guys dressed in business casual.
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