
Come to my birthday party

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

Every once in a while a dancer will tell me she's celebrating her b-day at the SC and wants me to come by. I never have and don't really have the desire to; I assume she wants to be taken care off ($$$) on her b-day w/o necessarily doing anything b/c “it's sorta her day”. If I had a fave then I'd probably go for her and not me but I don't have faves (my faves are only for the duration of a particular visit) – anyway I got another invitation today to a dancer's SC b-day party coming next Friday – not really planning to attend.

Have you ever attended a dancer's SC b-day party – if so how did it go – same as any visit – or some differences?


  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I've celebrated several dancers birthdays with them but never in the club. Most of the dancers I have had 'relationships' with are pretty low key and wouldn't be the type to go in a club and advertise their birthday.

    I did that last year with someone I was seeing OTC in Detroit. I felt bad, I thought how shitty is it that this girl is celebrating her birthday with me, someone who pays her to have sex, because she didn't have anyone else to celebrate it with. I tried to make it the best I could and she picked where we went to dinner, and I bought her a few gifts.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    I use to be suspicious of this too, especially because they seem to have a lot of birthdays. I asked a stripper about this once, and she explained to me that all strippers have a birthday every 88 days because they were born on the planet Mercury. She said they keep it kinda quiet because being an extraterrestrial makes it hard to project that "girl next door" image to guys. She said they they don't really like to ask for money for their birthdays, it's just that they send it home to the parents on Mercury to pay for the really high air conditioning bills, because it's really hot, being so close to the Sun and all. We really shouldn't be so suspicious of them. If you just ask, they'll clear things up for you.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Those of you that go to Follies know that some stripper is celebrating her birthday every week. They put up balloons and other decorations. The dancer or a friend go around all day with a shopping bag requesting birthday tips. At the end of her shift, She gets on stage and does her birthday dance, hopefully getting even more tips.

    One of my favorites is already planning her birthday bash for next month. She has already bought a new outfit just for the occasion.

    She has already asked me to be there and take her to VIP. As much as I like her I'm not planning on being there that day. I don't want sloppy seconds, etc.
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    Why is it that only the fat or ugly strippers work on their birthdays?
    I've been approached in clubs by strippers saying it's their birthday. Usually it's a stripper that I don't know and have no interest in even if she's giving away freebies and they usually expect me to tip them or buy them a drink for their birthday. My response is usually happy birthday but no I'm not going to tip or buy you a drink but there was a time or two where I tipped a stripper a dollar to get her to go away.
    They only want us for the contents of our wallets and in order to get in mine they have to arouse my desires, a birthday won't do it.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I have celebrated the birthdays of favorites a number of times. I have cooked them a birthday dinner and given them flowers and presents. I have taken them to restaurants. I have bought expensive bakery cakes for celebrations in the club. I am a total PL.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I have a few times. More often than not, I'd tip them a few bucks on stage, get a few dances tableside (this was back before lap dances became prevalent), and buy her a drink. Shortly after that, I'd call it a night.

    One time, the club I used to hang out, held an auction of some sports memorabilia with the proceeds going to one of the dancers. Her brother had been killed in a boxing match earlier that week. Have to admit, I felt really bad not sticking around and hanging out with her more.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    "I have bought expensive bakery cakes for celebrations in the club"


    Upon arriving at the club one night, my ATF immediately came out and said it was one of the other girl's birthday but no one brought in a cake or a card. She asked me if I would run down to Meijer to get a cake and a card.

    I'm a PL too so I did. But a ready to pick up generic birthday cake from Meijer is not very expensive.
  • magicrat
    9 years ago
    I had an overnight OTC planned with my ATF on her birthday. All was going well until she got a call from her son wanting to spend her birthday with him. She did the right thing as he is who she should have spent her birthday with. I did give her a birthday "present" a few weeks later.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    You're right to be leery of "birthday" parties for strippers at clubs. As many times as I've seen girls celebrate a birthday, I can count the times it's been something other than "give me gifts of money just because" on one hand.

    I took my ATF out for her birthday twice. We ended up in a room both times. It felt like *my* birthday. One of those times, I met her at the club afterwards and tried to tip her again. She responded with a kiss and "you already gave me my present." PL that I am, I tipped her on stage anyway. Fives. Twenty of them.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Papi,just bring her a feedbag with sequins.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    The girls definitely expect more on their bdays, even if it's just a $100 tip in the VIP or whatever.

    One of my favorite experiences: I took a stripper strip-clubbing on her birthday. I got a room right next to the strip club district. The day turned into a 10-hour marathon -- sex, off to the strip clubs for a fuckload of drinking, go eat, more sex, more strip clubs and drinking, etc. I figure she was at least partially drowning her sorrows that on her actual birthday, spending the day with one of her customers was her best option (family and boyfriend were all useless), but I definitely benefited from whatever it was that was going on in her head. And she was amazingly grateful ever-after that I took her out on her birthday.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    It's not just about the $. No stripper wants to throw her own birthday party and have nobody show up. I spend less on a fave than I would on a normal visit, although I'm sure they make more overall from all the people in attendance.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    never in a SC. I went to one stripper's b-day party at an apartment. I actually knew her before seeing her working the local club. There was a lot of drinking going on at her party. I didn't stick around very long. It just wasn't my kind of scene.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    One stripper invited me to a birthday party for her dog. I shit you not. Originally it was supposed to be at her new house and I planned to attend just because I knew there would be several other strippers there from her club. But then she decided that she didn't want a bunch of people messing up her new house. So she decided to hold it in a regular bar instead. Since I don't drink anyway, I passed.
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