
Offtopic rant on Walmart, Do any of you still shop there like I do?

I still visit one store and thought with another store open in town, the place would be fast to get in and out of. It was the other week, I didn't wait on anyone and even went through a self check out area. This past time, every time I had to wait on someone, it seemed like 15 minutes or longer. First they had no stamps. Waited for a manager about 15 minutes to get stamps. Made note to self, never buy stamps at Walmart again. Then I waited about. 15 minutes at the pharmacy with one person taking a full 12 minutes. Picking up something for a relative. Then waited another 15 minutes at the checkout line mainly because the girl screwed up counting all the cans of 4 different items with 4 cans each. Uggghh. I buy less and less at Walmart. A number of the grocery carts don't even roll straight. I guess half the town is visiting the new Walmart. Maybe they restock everything at the new store. They still are bad at restocking items at the old occassionally. In a few more years, I may never set foot in a Walmart again. Maybe sooner except on rare occassions. I wouldn't be surprised if they just close down the one Walmart where I was at. poor service drives everyone away. out of stock items makes people shop elsewhere. All the other grocery stores in town are excellent at restocking shelves.


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The local Walmart has done a good job at restocking shelves most of the time compared to a year ago. I just don't buy all the items at Walmart anymore after they have been out of stock for a while in many cases. Other grocery stores are now getting comparable or same prices as Walmart on many items so even less desire to visit. I may have to compare prices on remaining items, might be able to cut out Walmart now for a pocket full of change.

  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    The Walmart close to me is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I don't go to Walmart very often. Maybe once in the last 10 months. I got sick of the same things. Several times i went in and there are short lines at registers. I go shop for 30 minutes and get back to the front and there are lines a mile long. I try the self check and it always messes up and needs someone to reset or fix it. That route is bullshit. Finally, when something like this happened and i was in a time, i started leaving the cart and walking out. I figured if they will waste my time i will waste theirs. I get similar prices on groceries at kroger with better service
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    No. I shop at Target now.

    The local walmart is like the southpark episode. The parking lot is full day and night. Checking out has a wait time of at least 15 minutes.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I got sick of looking at the ugly customers. It's been over a year since I've been in a Wal-Mart
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I used to buy electronic stuff and check it out at the empty sporting goods counter
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    One day i took a shit in the woods and i found a yellow ball with a smiley face on it. So i started a Walmart store
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^ I thought you only shit at McDonalds.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    A slightly off topic rant. I hate it when I call into stores in a hurry during lunchtime and have to queue behind a load of old folks. They have ALL day to go FFS !
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I don't have nearly the issues at Wal-Mart that you guys do. I have 2-3 that I can go to. But i still mainly shop at my local grocery store. Sometimes the lines are long but I've never had an issue doing the self checkout. I will agree with motor, the talent level has been lacking in my recent visits.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    I am still a big fan of Walmart. I have a family of 5, so I probably go through some things quicker than many of you. We get our cleaners, shampoos/soaps, paper products, school supplies, some bagged or canned grocery goods, pain relievers, other common medicines, and a bunch of other personal and household sundries from Walmart. From what my wife tells me, their prices on this stuff are generally far better than local grocery stores or pharmacies. We usually make a big trip to Walmart about once a month and buy a lot of this stuff in larger sizes.

    Having said that, I won't buy meats at Walmart - I don't trust them and the few meat/deli items we took a chance on years ago sucked. So we do weekly trips to our local grocery store for our meat and most of our produce and dairy items.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "One day i took a shit in the woods and i found a yellow ball with a smiley face on it. So i started a Walmart store"

    Brilliant! You can always count on crazyjoe to bring some class to a thread! ;)
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    It's not really convenient for me where I live right now. I don't need to go out of my way to save a few bucks so Walmart is out. If I'm ever back to living where one is super convenient I would go again.

    I don't know where you live Rick but I know in many places Walmart is selling the same brands of chicken and pork as everybody else. Beef maybe not but as long as its got a USDA Choice or Prime label then should be fine.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Seriously though, I can't take Walmart! Just too packed! I try to buy locally if I can, but that is often inconvenient or even impossible (for some things)! If I need a Walmart-type store I go for Target! Not much better, but it is better!
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    With my late-night hours, I usually do my grocery shopping at Wal-Mart -- or rather, used to. Pretty soon, the two local Wal-Marts won't be open 24 hours any more. I might actually have to expose myself to the sun pretty soon to do any shopping.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    I might add that my local Von's store also sucks. 5:30 pm, when everyone gets off work and stops in to pick up some groceries, and they act like they're caught off guard. One aisle open with a ton of people in line.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    If I had 5 kids like Rick I would probably be more careful shopping too. A roll of paper towels lasts me a month or two. His family probably goes thru at least one a week. It's not worth the extra time and inconvenience for me to save 30 cents.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Fuck, we shop at Walmart every week. It's close, and there's no point in paying more for the same stuff at Kroger. We tend to go early on Sunday morning when the local self-righteous bigots are getting their weekly indoctrination, so it's not crowded. We are generally in and out in less than an hour.

    I agree with rick about the meat, though. I've been somewhat spoiled by the local farmer's market. Mixed in with the fresh produce, there are two or three meat producers every week. One of them supplies the restaurant at which my wife works. Two of them also have stores on their farms, which are local, so even in winter, we get good meat.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Sounds like Rickdugan is a broke ass bitch
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I don't do any grocery shopping at Walmart but I do buy other household products and lately have been buying DVDs. They seem to have a better selection and prices compared to Kmart, Target, etc.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    shop their all the time. for the most part, walmart is cheaper than their competitors. i go where the prices are lowest. crowds of people or having to wait doesn't bother me
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    On the plus side, you may be able to get OTWM from the greeter at very reasonable rates.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I've never lived anywhere that was close to a Walmart. Not back in Michigan and not even where I'm at now in North Carolina. The few times I've gone to one while traveling, it's only been because nothing else was open. I felt like I was in some some grim third world co-op. Nasty places.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I still shop at Walmart because the prices are a lot better on some items than other grocery stores for the exact same thing. I visit when the one Walmart is not crowded at all. That just made the long wait times the other day just all the more frustrating. I could have been in and out of the store in less than 20 minutes if not for the 45 minute wait time on everyone working there. I think I was in and out of Walmart in about 30 minutes the previous week and found everything on my two lists. Amazing. Pharmacy was super slow. Everyone else I waited on was super slow. I like fast service not super slow. When walmart was all of ground beef, I bought some at another grocery store and noticed it tasted a whole lot better. Never bought ground beef again at Walmart. Every time they are out of stock on an item, they risk me never buying that item from them again. Eventually if other stores match more prices, I won't even visit. Other stores have good working grocery shopping carts. not my local walmart. They get them repaired but they stick together when you try to grab one, they often roll to the side or make click, click sounds to let you know you are at Walmart getting the special walmart cheap stuff. If you want better quality go to Aldi or any other place as far as shopping carts go. The new walmart store might have better equipment.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    I don't consider myself a fan of Walmart, but they are open late at night after my job ends and it's on the way home, unlike the Hy-Vee grocery store. For meat, they have this regional chain called Fareway that has topnotch meat and I'll get other stuff there as well. Other than that, it's just checking up on who has sales.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Does RickyBoy buy his white polyester suits at Walmart?
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Shopping at Walmart is like getting a BJ from an ugly stripper. We have all done it, but it helps if you are drunk. It is a bargain, but we feel dirty and loathe ourselves immediately after.

    Seriously though, the Walmart-ization of America is killing this country. Only the 1% pay top dollar for high quality service and products. The rest of us are now conditioned to expect rock-bottom prices and are willing to sacrifice quality and service to get it. Remember full-service gas stations? Remember when bag boys would load your groceries into your car? Remember when appliances used to live more than 2 months past the warranty date? Now we purchase $600 mobile phones with batteries we can't even replace! When was the last time you had a TV repaired? No more -- just throw it out and buy a new one. Same with Microwave ovens.

    Fuck you Sam Walton!
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