
Nice guys finish last – how about nice strippers ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

Many of us PLs often complain that strippers make poor choices and don't go for the nice guys.

How bout us PLs – do we go for the nice strippers? And what I mean by “nice” is not necessarily “not-rude”; but nice as in not too naughty – don't these “nice girl strippers” lose out in the strip club especially w.r.t. experienced SCers?

I myself don't want a rude bitch for a stripper – but I''m not really into the nice girls that are sweet but don't do much and are not a bit aggressive and direct and don't go for what they want.

Honestly – do you spend your $$$ on nice girls that are not naughty?


last comment
avatar for JamesSD
9 yrs ago

Wait, are you talking about mileage or not?

I mainly look for hotness and mileage at a reasonable price.

avatar for GoVikings
9 yrs ago

Don't care--respond to my God damn PM Papi--fuck taking so long???

avatar for motorhead
9 yrs ago

My old ATF was not really too naughty. Just enough to offer a good GFE. And she truly is a nice person. She's retired but still calls to see how I'm doing.

avatar for twentyfive
9 yrs ago

If any of you guys look on stripper web check out the section about extras it seems that none of the girls on that website does any extras ever which is kind of funny because there very few clubs in this area where no extras happen IME.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

“... Wait, are you talking about mileage or not ...”

I'm not exactly sure what I mean – and I wrote the damn thread – and I don't even smoke weed – let me see if I figure out what I'm saying.

Let's say you are sitting w/ a dancer – she is nice and polite - but doesn't do much; i.e. she is friendly and smiles; but just sits there – doesn't initiate any contact like in a sexy way; i.e. hugging you; sitting on your lap; maybe touching “in certain areas” - she just smiles; is friendly; as if you were talking to your damn cousin.

avatar for tumblingdice
9 yrs ago

Viking,take a chill pill #Man Crush.

avatar for twentyfive
9 yrs ago

I'm just saying that the girls on the website SW nice or not are all out there hating on every one that doesn't subscribe their version of how things are. BTW I know a lot of strippers and I like quite a few of them, most of the strippers that I know have very little awareness of this website or stripper web. Its been my experience that if you want mileage with a particular girl its still pretty much up to us guys having to be aggressive,in a polite way of course and initiating just like with civvie girls, the difference being that the strippers are not as emotionally demanding and I find it easier to satisfy them with cash and very little emotional investment.

avatar for knightwish
9 yrs ago

Papi so mainly you are saying you have a boring stripper who likes to hang out. She may end up making some money for the hangout time but her take per hour is going to be low. I used to have a dancer I played with who was OK with like $30 / hr and drinking together but wasn't into giving LDs. I was OK with that.

avatar for ButterMan
9 yrs ago

Actually a couple of my OTC hook ups have been "nice" girls that eventually break and do some naughty things with a customer like me whom they have known for a while. But it usually takes a while!

avatar for lopaw
9 yrs ago

I'm as big a mileage hound as the next guy/girl, but just this afternoon I spent a good chunk of cash visiting with a very LM girl at a well known upscale club here in LA. TBH it was a nice change of pace from what I'm used to from clubs in the COI. But I have no intention of making this LM stuff a habit. Just once in a while it's nice to have a gorgeous 19yo on your lap and then having her walk you to the overpriced VIP area for some not-very-naughty fun.

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

I have met several strippers who are dances only who I would spend money and large amounts of time with. Why? Because they were the right combination of good personality and beauty. I usually go to a strip club to cure my boredom when traveling, or for extras if I'm in the right place. But the unexpected "engaging conversation" is a nice change of pace now and then and I find those to take place with good girls more often than the naughty ones.

avatar for xxxrated
9 yrs ago

The "nice girls" at club Satin in COI get paid very generously for their not so naughty "air lap dances" and conversation. So, evidently there must be a market for young nice girls that can make money by just talking to some older dudes for 8 hours without even doing anything naughty.(weird to me)...................

avatar for shailynn
9 yrs ago

^^^ absolutely...

I've walked in to an extras club in Canada or Detroit and met a scorching hot dancer who says "sorry babe I'm dances only," and that usually means 1 of 2 things: 1. She's hot enough and has a good personality that she makes enough money chatting up guys and giving just lap dances so she doesn't have to give bjs or 2. She has a handful of regulars to sustain her income - whether she's just talking to these PLs or just fucking a select few is unknown, but the point is she's a combination of hot enough and engaging enough that she doesn't have to be extra friendly like the others in the club to survive.

avatar for sclvr5005
9 yrs ago

@lopaw-what club are you talking about?

avatar for shadowcat
9 yrs ago

I've met a couple but I keep hoping that they will change their minds. :)

avatar for Subraman
9 yrs ago

I think I'm in full rebellion over the use of the term "nice", just about everywhere. Customers who want to excuse their spineless, weak behavior, describe themselves as "nice" instead of what they are: little bitches who are intimidated by 20-year-old girls. Likewise, "nice" has nothing to do with whether a girl is low mileage or high mileage. There's no correlation at all -- plenty of truly nice women who are higher mileage, plenty of truly horrific low-mileage cunts. No reason to use the term "nice" for this, that's just buying into StripperWeb parlance. We have perfectly good terms to describe what this behavior really is: high mileage or low mileage. Niceness is orthogonal.

Back to the question, whether I patronize low-mileage girls. As a general rule, a stripper has to be at least medium-mileage (but I go to no-extras alcohol clubs, so even "high mileage" at those clubs would be considered super low mileage for you extras hounds; it's all relative), and willing to go OTC, for me to patronize her. However, I'm patient, and have had success nurturing a low-mileage girl along here and there. So, sometimes I'll go with a low-mileage girl for a few trips, to see if she will get comfortable enough with me to raise her limits.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 yrs ago

^ Subraman FWIW I think you are a nice guy


avatar for Subraman
9 yrs ago


:) :)

avatar for alldaylong
9 yrs ago

Sure I like nice strippers, and I too think of myself as a nice guy. The thing is there's a list of things I like more; fun, sexy, spontaneous, flirty, with "nice" being lower down on the list for most guys and girls. Guys who are nice are also one-dimensional and boring and just play up that one card. In reality as Subraman stated above, they're not really nice, but are both spineless and manipulative.

Now if the girl is hot, fun, flirty, adventurous and happens to be nice, as in friendly or sweet, then she's got my full attention. But then again they're the ones that are the hardest to come by.

avatar for twentyfive
9 yrs ago

nothing wrong with nice but as subraman said what kind of grown man would be intimidated by 20 year old girls if you are easily manipulated that doesn't make you nice that makes you weak as I stated on another post don't mistake my kindness for weakness

avatar for luvemthick93
9 yrs ago

I know this one stripper that was high mileage but due to her not-quite-my-type body and personality I haven't really seen her often. Otoh, there's another younger girl I just met, medium mileage but with a body straight from my dreams and a real charmer that I see quite frequently.

avatar for Fldiver96
9 yrs ago

I'm into the dancer that seems low key, good to great body and the first thing out of her mouth is NOT "wanna dance". Not really into the really aggressive ones. However, before I do any dances I have to see the product. I'd say 50/50 they'll ask for a dance after a short conversation and then I'll go up and ask for dances. They all like my persona and how sweet and cute - the SS, but I don't mind it. There's one girl who's older, on obviously experienced, awsome personality, gives phenomenal dances that are hands on and sensual. One of the best dances hands down. The only issue is that she doesn't do rooms. Would love to go there with her- I'll have to keep working on that...

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