
Strippers Explain Strip Club Etiquette

Detroit strip clubs
If these strippers determined strip club etiquette, we TUSCLers would be banned: "Don't try to have sex with the dancers"; "Be nice, not creepy"; "Wear deodorant." And what would become of LDK if this were the rule everywhere?

I hate when guys come in their pants. It's nasty. You can just dance on them, like you're dancing on their lap, and they come. And it has gone through and soaked someone's pants before, and you'll feel it on the back of your leg, and you'll be like, "What is that?" And they'll look embarrassed and they'll tell you, "Oh, I just came." But I leave after that. It's not funny! Give me a warning sign so I won't sit in it!"



  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    If they aren't trying to make you LDK they aren't doing their job.
  • RTP
    9 years ago
    # 1 is the reason strip clubs exist. If we weren't hoping to have sex, we would not be there. She needs a new profession.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Some of those are fine: Respect the dancers, wear deodorant, be nice not creepy

    Obviously, some don't work at all:

    "Don't try to have sex with the dancers" is only good advice if you don't want to have sex with the dancers. But most of the customer-oriented forums I've read are extras and OTC oriented, and there's a whole lot of sex going on. The real guideline might be more of: if you want to have sex with the dancers, find one that wants to have sex back, rather than fixating on or pressuring the one who won't.

    "Don't cum in your pants". I actually don't -- and probably couldn't, even if I wanted to -- cum from a lapdance. But there's a whole lot of it going on. I do think you guys who LDK should wear something that keeps your splooge from leaking through your yellow-and-brown-stained tightie whities

    "You've got to pay for fetish play". This is another one -- reflected on StripperWeb also -- that goes soooo against everything I've ever experienced. And they're not talking about a big fetish scene, just some little acts. With the caveat that I seek clear (often verbal) consent first, I've done one or more of the following with 85% of the girls I've gotten dances from, in the VIP: spanked her, choked her, pulled her hair, spanked her pussy, made her call me master, and a few more hardcore things (e.g., clothespins on her pussy lips). The number of girls who have asked me for more $ for it: EXACTLY ZERO. A few times, a girl I was dominating wanted to turn things around, and I let her (choke me, pinch my nipples, shove my face in her ass, etc). The number of girls who have asked me for extra $ for this: EXACTLY ZERO.
    FETISH DOES NOT COST ONE DIME MORE IN THE CLUB, UNLESS YOU'RE CREEPY ... or if you just bring it up out of the blue. Have a few drinks with her, get her laughing, it's all good. Nearly every stripper I've ever been with has a little submissive streak and, if she trusts you, she'll let you indulge.

  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    "Sometimes, if you give a customer your number, they'll call like they're dating you. They have no chill. I'll block them and they'll call from other numbers."

    this is just creepy. how can guys not have enough common sense to realize this will only push the girl further away from you......not draw her towards you
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    GV: I agree most girls drop those customers if they can't find a way to train the customers not to text so much. I was recently talking to a GORGEOUS stripper (easily, easily hottest in the club) with a great personality, who I've noticed has very few regulars, and she's gone off the super-loyal-regular model for exactly this reason, she's just tired of all the texting, etc.

    But, I think there are definitely girls who run a high-$ girlfriend hustle on their weakest regulars, and I wonder if the guys doing this have already have experience with those girls, and just haven't learned. Or, it's customers who have never texted with a stripper before, and because it's the first time, they are excited and don't quite understand what it means (that is, nothing, other than her having a way to get him in the club and draw him a little closer)
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I don't care much for the story but the strippers in the pictures, if they are legitimate and still work there today I am THERE!
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I don't see why you can't just wear a condom if you REALLy need to bust a nut from a dance.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    estafador- in regards to the strippers in the pictures.....i was thinking the same thing.....they look great!

    subraman-- yeah, i hear you man. i would assume guys know that blowing up a woman's phone just annoys her, but apparently all guys don't know that. even with civilians.......if you get a girls number.....never text/call the hell out of her
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    You guys think those are good looking strippers? SMH
    The one in the black fishnets might hit a 6 on her best day, the others aren't even 5s!
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    It's a customer oriented business; yet many dancers come across as if we (custies) are there to accommodate *them* instead of them accommodating us.

    w.r.t. the sex thing – of course it's up to an individual person to say yey or nay; but these clueless chicks think a guy is not going to want sex being in an environment with dozens of naked women dancing provocatively and them grinding on a guy pretty much simulating a sex act – they want to turn you on to the most so they can drain your wallet; but god forbid you get horny enough to want sex – that is the way males are – at the end of the day is up to the female to say yes or no and that should be respected – but many dancers still want you to pay them to do what *they* like/want instead of what you want/like – if you don't wanna do what I like – fine – but don't expect me to pay you to do what *you* like – just say no and go on to the next guy; you are not entitled to my $$$ just b/c you want it and based on your rules; it *is* my $$$.

    w.r.t cumming in your pants – yeah – I think when it comes to bodily fluids one should keep them to themselves unless both parties are ok w/ it.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "You guys think those are good looking strippers? SMH
    The one in the black fishnets might hit a 6 on her best day, the others aren't even 5s! "

    I'm with you man. Although the girl in fishnets hits a 7-7.5 for me -- I'd at least drink with her and get a lap dance. The rest, if they were the hottest girls in the club, I'd fuckin' RUN out of that club. That said, I like it that some of the fucks aren't competing with me for the same women :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Anything that starts with “Strippers explain …” is bound to be whack.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    really those hos aint even 6s. maybe one is. the rest 5 at best.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    You're a little biased Chessmaster, you prefer white girls. I do agree that I wouldn't call those girls that were shown hot. The only one I would probably fuck is the black girl.

    I agree with the cumming in pants, but not to ask for sex from a dancer? This is a strip club. Blasphemy.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Not into any of those girls either. Funny how all of us have different likes and dislikes.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "I agree with the cumming in pants"

    Soooo many guys seem to do it, it seems useless to try to fight it. But in the strongest terms, I think guys should be wearing a condom so they don't leak through their pants -- the girls have every right to be fucking furious at that.

    Sometime back I was with an ex-stripper I still keep in touch with, and she and I went to a strip club where her roommate (a still-active stripper, obviously) works. When the roommate came up to us, she was chuckling, "I just made that last guy cum in her pants". As with most strippers, she didn't care, and was even a bit amused by it. She confirms exactly what I thought -- most strippers either don't care, or are a bit amused by a guy cumming in his pants, unless the guy leaks through his pants and gets cum on her, then they get pissed. Only at StripperWeb do all the strippers get furious if a guy LDKs at all (and you know 90% of those girls are posing and actually have the same attitude as my friend's roommate)
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    lol ... cum in HIS pants, not HERS
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    @TheeOSU not every male is into scrawny stick figured chicks with a pretty face. Not to mention pale
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Or a skin complextion equivalent to a spray on tan. You guys kill me sometimes with your holier than thou opinions
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    A recent LDK as described in a recent review by JS69's favorite TUSCLer:

    On an extended summer strip club vacation, I decided to head over to Phoenix and visit some clubs. Hadn’t been to HiLiter in ages, and had a great time last time I visited. And my three favorite things about HiLiter: great dayshift, great mileage, and only $10 dances. Can’t ask for more than that.

    I arrived not long after it opened on a Monday (or was it Tuesday?), and was all prepared for a strip club adventure. Short, loose pajama shorts, commando of course, with a vitamin C booster, and I’m ready to rock.

    I was surprised at how busy the place is so early on a weekday. I love it. Lots of chicks, lots of hotties, and the club was almost packed, even around lunchtime on a Monday. Which is a nice change for a strip club dayshift. I get kinda tired of walking into a dayshift ghost town, like most clubs.

    And I just love the “first time in a club full of hotties” excitement. My head constantly jerking side to side. “Wow, look at that one…wow, and that one !!”

    And speaking of jerking, my second favorite type if chick after slutty black hoodrats is nasty, dark skinned SE Asian girls (Thai, Cambodia, Filipina, etc.). And I was loving that there were a few Asian girls there, often a rarity in strip clubs. And one in particular had my dick standing stiff. She was a dark skinned Asian, maybe Filipina with a tight body and killer tits. She seemed to be a pro, and I was in love. This chick was exactly my type.

    So when she was finally free I motioned her over, and she was really sweet. I was so freakin’ horny at that point my whole body was vibrating, and I needed to get down to business. So I asked her for some laps and she started right away. She instantly began a girlfriend lapdance that was all kinds of sensual. And she immediately zoned in on the tent in my shorts and went to work. Stroking outside, then sliding her hands inside. And my hands were all over that tight little body, and I was going nuts with those tits. And damn she smelled good, with that hair in my face. And I’m a sucker for hot legs and high heels, and I was just staring at those legs while she stroked me.

    Now, there are times when, even though I’m an “older” guy, I feel like a freakin’ 16 year old boy who’s never kissed a girl. Of course the Cialis helps, and sometimes the girl just “clicks” with me, but sometimes I get so horny I’m on a hair trigger when it comes to hot girls squirming on me and stroking. So she’s alternating between face-to-face stroking and RCG, behind the back stroking, and after less than a song, I blast off and make a big mess in my shorts. And she was so sweet about it, and didn’t do the “cum dodge” like some strippers tend to do right at the moment of impact. In fact she seemed somewhat pleased she had another satisfied customer.

    She clearly deserved a big tip, which I gave her, then I sat and chilled a while to recover.

    This was pretty much as good as it gets for dayshift stripclub visits. Yeah, I’ve had much better, but in terms of a typical dayshift visit being awesome, with hot girls, high mileage, and good prices, I’ve gotta put HiLiter right at the top of the heap. The Phoenix guys are lucky to have clubs like this.

  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    not every male is into scrawny stick figured chicks with a pretty face. Not to mention pale

    Neither am I except for the pretty face part. Why wouldn't you want a pretty girl instead of a ogre?
    Regarding body type, I like slender but proportioned not a mass of flab and cellulite like a couple of those strippers.
    Skin color, i don't like pale at all, I do like ethnic girls I've had a few Latina and black ATfs but they looked good not like the skanks in that link, Lol
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago
    You guys kill me sometimes with your holier than thou opinions

    Not holier than thou at all.
    Maybe a self proclaimed young guy like you should learn how to up your game instead of giving money to skanks that you can pick up for free or for a couple drinks at the corner bar.
  • carolynne
    9 years ago
    no dancer likes a guy who stinks or is a creep, but other than that... not for me. I like to provide full service as often as possible, and get as much money as possible.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    That writer (and her interviewees) sure do like the word "Like."
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I think I've mastered strip club etiquette.

    I walk in, take $400 from the ATM. Throw it at as many dancers as I can, leave 5 minutes later asking for nothing in return

    I'm the perfect customer!
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    How about a new sitcom we can call it Strippers Etiquette it should be a laugh a minute
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    New term needed for the Glossary...

    Strippersplaining: Stripper version of "mansplaining". When strippers explain in an extremely condescending tone how customers are supposed to behave, which boils down to giving them all your money while expecting nothing in return. Can be given in person in the club, but most often encountered online.

    The strippersplainer assumes total ignorance on the part of those she addresses regardless of their experience, and expects her strippersplanation to be taken as absolute fact and obeyed unquestioningly, because she is the stripper talking.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Twentyfive: "How about a new sitcom we can call it Strippers Etiquette it should be a laugh a minute"

    Yeah, and we couldn't only find it on Pay Per View, starting at $10/minute or $50/5 minutes. (Just remembering someone posting about a dancer who offered lap dances at $10/song or $20 for 2.)
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Should've been "...we could only find it..."
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