
OT: Uber Car Service

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

South Florida is comprised of 3 counties – Miami-Dade (Miami): Broward (Ft Lauderdale); and Palm Beach (West Palm Beach).

Anyway – it seems Uber (and Lift) will no longer be doing business in Broward county b/c the county commission wants to treat/regulate Uber as it does commercial cab companies – i.e. wanting Uber drivers to have commercial drivers licenses; commercial insurance; etc.

Seems most people in Broward other than the politicians are opposed to the new regulations on Uber that caused it to leave the county – I've also read Key West is also clamping down on Uber.

Has there been any talk in your neck of the woods w.r.t. regulating Uber and it possibly affecting service in your area – it's kinda been a bit of a firestorm down here in Broward county:

Some details about the issue:



  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Whenever efficiency and quality of service rear their ugly heads, you can always count on the government to intervene.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    If Uber and Lift are exempt from carriage laws, why aren't traditional cab companies?

    What makes them different?
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    I imagine this would only really hurt people who live in central Broward (Sunrise, Plantation, Lauderdale Lakes, Lauderhill, FTL proper). If you live in north or south Broward, you should be able to just call and get service from right across the line.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Uber lost a case in California for mis-classifying its drivers as independent gontractos. Just like strip clubs and dancers. But I have a feeling Uber drivers aren't quite as hott.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I haven't used Uber yet, although I downloaded their App on my iPhone. A few months ago I checked the price of Uber to go to the Detroit airport and it was the same as the cab company I have used for years. Unless I get a better price, I don't see any reason to use Uber.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I have started using UBER recently. In some cities the cab availability isn't the greatest, that's where UBER comes in handy. Another plus is all you have to do it use your app and an UBER driver is there usually in a few minutes. I haven't used it a lot, but in my experiences a driver has always shown up within 5 minutes (I have only used it in urban areas) and I have waited much longer for cabs in the same areas. I know cab companies have apps now, but it's hard to keep track of all those apps if you travel to different cities a lot like me.

    Sadly, there are a few small cities where cabs are virtually non-existent and desperately need UBER but they are getting blocked by local and state governments.

    IMO not only do governments try to protect their cab companies, I think they're against UBER in some cases because they want to bust drivers for DUIs. I know that theory sounds crazy to some, but DUIs are a big business in some areas of the country.

    UBER is better than a cab, you're driving in a private car, and in all my experiences the cars have been clean, you look a lot less descript arriving in an unmarked car versus a cab. My only gripe is most of these UBER drivers want to talk your head off, as they're doing it for something to do in their free time, while earning a few extra bucks. I'm the type that thinks, "just shut the fuck up and drive me there while I listen to the music."
  • Experimental
    9 years ago
    I think there was a similar thing going on in Minnesota but I lost track of it. It sure had Uber up in arms though, they even got their drivers to picket the state capitol building. I couldn't care less though, I don't use cabs, I don't use uber and I give zero fucks.
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