
My date with an OTC virgin

layin low but staying high
So I met the OTC virgin. Despite the doubts of many (including me) she showed.

When I evaluate a new dancer, I have to be careful not to compare her to the most awesome stripper on earth who rocks my world with incredible sexual energy and amazing mutual intimacy. I compare every dancer to her at some level but I know that I shouldn't cause it wouldn't be fair and would just diminish the fun I have with non DS dancers. That'd be like expecting every ball player to be as good as LeBron James.

But applying normal and not DS standards, the newbie was surprisingly good. First though we had to overcome her fear. Turns out she was ver very scared cause she thought I might be a cop. Absolutely no doubt this was her first time. The DS wasn't as scared as this girl, and this one is several years older. So I took a few minutes to reassure her, and also to give her a tutorial on how to spot cops in strip clubs. The bottom line is no cop would invest the effort that I did in getting a date with her just to get a single prostitution bust.

She seemed relieved, and was very friendly from then on. She did everything despite earlier having refused a bj. And it was pretty good. Actually two years ago I probably would've thought that it was amazing. And despite her earlier sounding strict about time, she stayed well over an hour and we talked in the nude for a while about all kinds of things. I love talking to a nude woman after sex assuming that I don't fall asleep ( don't care so much for it beforehand, however, cause the little head's not much of a talker.). She said she was sorry for rejecting my offer of dinner and told me where she'd like me to take her to eat next time. Yes she is in love with me. Sorry I'm a tinsy bit high. I meant my money.

This date took a lot more effort than many of you would have been willing to invest. I get that. Hell I walked away completely once and only did it this time cause she brought it up and also cause my other date pierced her damn nipples without asking me. But at the very least I performed a public service here by making things easier for the next PL. And if we get a regular thing going that'd be another advantage of this investment of time.

So here are a few of my thoughts about trying out brand new OTC girls. First, if they or any other girl won't do what you want, then walk. I did here and she was back a couple of weeks later agreeing to do it all. But otherwise don't say no just cause she's new. Strippers are like a box o chocolates, so no way you can tell from the outside what you're gonna get. Plus, the DS was a first time OTC girl. Nough said.

Second, don't put up with SS, and don't let them rip you off, but otherwise be patient with them. A girl faces all kinds of potential risks by meeting us for OTC, and new girls aren't confident yet in evaluating those risks. Like most strippers, she'll be more comfortable and give better service if you are respectful instead of an asshole.

Third, recognizable that not all strippers are drug addicts. This girl refused my offer of free weed cause she doesn't partake. Well I guess this gives me something else that I gotta teach her.

Fourth, I know this is obvious, but girls who are desperate for money make great dates. This desperate need is also a very effective force in encouraging them to cross over to the dark side of fucking PLs OTC. I knew she was hurting but she seems much poorer than I had realized. For example, she drove an hour to an OTC date in the middle of July in a vehicle so old it has no ac. Fortunately my hotel had a good shower.

That was my experience. Anybody else ever taken an obvious OTC virgin on a date?


  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    One time for me but there was none of the drama arranging the assignation that you experienced. This happened in a Calgary club, a club with touring dancers and private dances with virtually no contact. The club was The French Maid (now razed) and it was so close to my company's offices that I often had lunch there. I got to know one of the waitresses, tipping her generously, and she, in turn, got to know me and my strip club 'game'. This waitress would discreetly sound out the touring dancers for likely OTC candidates.

    I am sure that my tame waitress gave me the 'in' with the OTC virgin. I had a few dances with the girl one evening at the club and broached the OTC idea. She agreed and I met her at the close of the club and walked with her the two short blocks to the Westin Hotel. During the short walk to the hotel the girl said to me, 'I've never done this before. You won't be nasty with me, will you?' I was very sceptical about that statement.

    Her nervous behaviour during our first bout in the hotel convinced me of her bona fides. She did allow me a second shot on goal and it was much better. 3 further OTC assignations followed, one of them being a party/BBQ at my farm where she served as hostess. She did well as hostess for that party. The girl left dancing, entered the straight world, married, and moved to a different province.

    I saw her twice after she left stripping, no sex either time. Once, she asked me for a character reference. I declined but pointed her to an oil patch company that had jobs available in her skill range. The second time she asked me to be Master of Ceremonies at the reception following her marriage service. I really gulped at that request but I also declined that invitation.

    I have lost track of this girl......no clue how life has worked out for her.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    Yes a former ATF of mine and I talked about it for a couple months before she decided to do it. You have to develop a level of trust with them. They have to know that they will be safe with you and that they are not going to get in any trouble. That it will be a blast and they will walk away with more money in their bra.
    I always take them to dinner first. That seems to be a time where you can talk and she can be more comfortable with you. I have now made it a rule that if they won't go to dinner with me then I won't allow them to be a candidate for OTC. I want a GFE and not a prostitute. I don't want a slam bam thank you take the money and run experience.
    I pick them up, we go to dinner, we go shopping or a movie sometimes, then we go back to my hotel room and have an hour plus of amazing sex. We cuddle afterward and talk. I don't smoke but I don't mind if they do. After some quality time talking and kissing and playing a little with each others bodies I take them back home but each time they seem to stay longer and my girl in Toledo and I are even talking about all night sex now or at least not taking her home until the next morning.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I tried to tell this girl nicely that we would both feel less like she was a prostitute if we went to dinner first. I think she now recognizes that I was right.

    jestrite, the all night thing is great if you know her well. DS and I have spent several dozen nights together. But you do have to get along well and be very comfortable for that to work well.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    While there's definitely something to be said for the seasoned stripper who knows the deal so everything is easy to arrange (whether she actually shows is another question entirely :) ... I have to say, I not only have the patience, but enjoy the challenge of newer strippers who have never done OTC before. I'm perfectly happy building up trust, planting the seed of the idea, then going in for the close when it's time. I have one advantage, which is, my opening requirement is a handjob, which very much changes the game in their minds (my fave reaction from a girl who was resisting OTC for weeks: "A handjob? Is that all? Sure, I'll do that ... when should we meet?"). Once I get the girl OTC and relaxed, 99% of the time, we might start off thinking handjob but we end up having sex, so it's been a brilliant play -- although I do fkn love handjobs, so the once or twice that was the limit, I had no problem with it, since that's what was built into the price
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    I have done that. Met a very nice looking young girl at an all nude club. Took her to dinner on my next trip to her town and fucked her hard a little while later in my room. The next time I just picked her up at the club and when we were finished dropped her off back at the club. She never lived up to her potential though. Too bad as she was smoking hot.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    OTC Virgin?
    or another one who can con JS69, just like his Dream Stripper did.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Ouch SJG. You got me with that comment, you insightful, witty, AMP coneseiur. Keep up the good work.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Do you think the SW girls would enjoy reading this thread?

    I wonder what would happen if we tried to re-post it over on their site under the unlikely scenario that it would not be immediately taken down.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Papi, they'd be particularly pissed if they knew how things have worked out with the OTC virgin. Story to follow at some point.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I think we should be trying to talk to them on Stripper Web, instead of talking about them here.

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