
Big Brother – SC style

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I'd recently read about a new sing-in procedure for custies at a black club in MD (Bazz & Crue now going by X4B) – anyway the latest reviewer for the club kinda breaks down this new “sign-in” system and it's kinda sobering – actually kinda fucked up IMO:

There have been a couple of significant changes at X4B. First the good. They added 3 more sofas. Now there are 7 sofas total.

Now for the not so good news. They are using a nightclub identity management system for check-in. Nightclub identity management systems are rapidly being deployed in bars and nightclubs all over the world. These types of systems are primarily designed to facilitate the banning of unruly guest. On first use you must register by scanning your id and your fingerprints of both index fingers. The information on your id is used to for marketing, demographics, and statistics. Your fingerprints are used to prevent you from claiming to be someone else in the future (i.e. fake id). On subsequent visits your fingerprint is scanned to pull up your profile so that the operator can see if there are any bans on your profile. Then your picture is taken on every visit so that they know what you look like on that day. This allows the operator to easily identify your profile in case you get kick out of the club. If you get kicked out, the operator will place a ban and justification on your profile. Bans generally last between 30 days and a year. Your profile may be shared by other clubs using the same system. If you go to another club they will see bans from other clubs and they will determine whether or not to deny you entry to their club. Being banned from one club could possibly equate to being banned from all clubs.

The dancers are also required to use this system. In my observation, dancers get into way more conflicts than the patrons. They are suspended all of the time. That’s probably why many of them work at more than 1 club at a time. If they get suspended, they just work at their backup club without suffering any disruption of income. If all of the strip clubs install this system, dancers could be suspended from all clubs at the same time and have their income disrupted.



  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    Strip clubs with better security than airports. Only in America.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I would never let a strip club scan my ID. I'm glad I have lots of choices
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I don't see this happening universally. Too costly for the benefit. I too would balk at having my I.D. scanned.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    There are three clubs in Louisville that scan IDs, that I'm aware.

    At two, I challenged it, and they let me in anyway. At the third, they didn't, and I walked.

    I don't give a shit why they are scanning. There's no way that I'm allowing an official, undeniable record of my visit.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    "I'd recently read about a new sing-in procedure for custies"

    Thank God, this was a typo. If I had to sing, I would never get into a strip club again.
  • metaldude
    9 years ago
    I never bring my wallet into a club (no ID or CC's). If I come across one like this I will walk also.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @metaldude: That could potentially be a problem. In some places, you must be of a certain age to even be in a strip club, even discounting liquor laws. In such cases, you may be required by law to carry proof of age. If you look like you're old enough, it doesn't matter most of the time. If, however, some stick-up-his-ass cop decides his uniform means he's God, you might get a ticket.
  • mark94
    9 years ago
    Some clubs share information with other clubs. For example, they can add a comment like "started fight", then share your ID info with other clubs. It's actually happening in some areas. In theory, they could also use this for marketing (your home address is on the scan). Think about the implications of that for a moment.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Never allow a club to scan your ID or your fingerprint. NEVER. Look at your ID, fine. Beyond that, just say no and be prepared to take business elsewhere.

    Why do citizens of the land of the free ever put up with this bullshit?!?!?! With identity theft being what it is. Just say "fuck no!"
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Around here, there's little choice, especially for nightshift guys.

    On dayshift, about half the clubs do not do ID scanning, but about half do. That half that do are shitholes anyway, so no big deal.

    On nightshift, all the clubs owned by dejavu (that is, every club in the city except for TWO) do ID scanning. It's been a while since I've done nightshifts so this might have changed, but not sure.

    This is part of the downside of one company owning basically a monopoly on the strip clubs in a city. They can insitute anything they want, across the board. So now you get to decide not to strip club at all, or get your ID scanned ... well, except that you do have 2 other choices, which are not Deja Vu owned, but if raunchy extras clubs in bad areas of town aren't your thing, then you're stuck
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I always carry my I.D. with me. Suppose you become ill or have an accident or worse. Nobody would know who you are, who to contact, etc. You need to practice self control when it comes to credit and ATM cards. And always watch your back. I'm still carrying my original FAA license issued to me in 1969. I've never lost my wallet or had it stolen.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Unfortunately I sometimes club in areas where every club requires id and registration. This used to piss me off but I got over it. And now that I'm single it really doesn't matter anymore.

    But the fingerprints requirement is fucked up. I don't give anybody my fingerprints. At least not unless the DS and I end up in the middle of a drug bust in which case I guess finger prints will be mandatory..
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I don't have to do the ID thing, since I do most of my SCing during the day, and tend to do my night SCing at the two clubs who don't require IDs. But as much as I hate the idea, if the choice was "either show the ID, or don't go SCing", I might grudgingly adjust. I have no doubt that fingerprints is where I'd draw the line.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I once had a club where they required id and registration send a brochure to my home address with some stupid promotion. I told the wife it was just junk mail but this really made me angry. I went to the club in person and complained. They lied and said they don't do that. I didn't have the flyer to prove otherwise cause the wife threw it away. I don't go back to that club anymore.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Dancers in my club now use finger scans for CR and VIP, but PL's just show an ID at the door. Nothing is recorded. If clubs start keeping data bases, the millionaire married people, celebrities and people with money but a questionable past will all stop clubbing. Lots of places will lost a huge chunk of their most important customers.
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    ID scanning is a common practice in many Alberta clubs but I have yet to see the fingerprint thing. I refuse to submit my ID for scanning and usually I am able to bullshit my way past the intrusive scanning. If not, I walk away.

    Alberta clubs are so lame that it is no great loss to me if I can't make it past the scanner.
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    If dancers can use a fake name, I can use a fake name.

    Like a poster said above, giving your ID and fingerprints is a recipe for identity theft.

    Let them register with the government for dancer licenses and shit (which I don't agree with) - they are making money.

    But no way am I going to pay people to get ID that can be stolen by them dumping data into a cloud, the trash for dumpster divers, or the local computer fix it shop to hork.

    F that. I've had shitty credit in college. I have worked hard to bring my score up. No fucking way am I burning that for the bullshit I dealt with in and directly after college cuz some tweaker yanked my id.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I don't go anywhere without my wallet; even in the SC. We always take what we're going to spend as cash and never use the debit or credit card. I never run a tab even though they ask. It's just self control. Besides, they check ID at the door to verify age which anywhere that sells alcohol does so that's nothing unusual. Now if they ever start documenting name, address or any other info I'd have a serious issue with that and would walk away. I don't even give my phone # at Lowes or anywhere else that asks for it. Fingerprinting is out of the question. I would never do that. We'd go back home and I'd throws ones at mrs sea.
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    Hell the government can't even keep holders of top secret clearances a secret - what the fuck is a strip club going to do! http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fede…
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