
Is Strip Clubbing an Addiction

Friday, June 12, 2015 3:54 PM
Do you find yourself spending money on strippers without question, simply living for today. Have you ever had a situation your wife where all your money went or why your credit card debt so high. Money spent on strippers, escorts, sugar babies is gone forever once you spend it. Their goal is to drain your money / get the trick. The day may come you wish you spent only a fraction of what you spent and you will wake up in a panic wondering how you were led down the garden path. By strip clubbing I mean ITC, OTC lap dances, sex with strippers. Have you ever gone into a SC just meaning to spend money for a drink, enjoy the free buffet, and free cover your VIP afforded you. Then taken upstairs by a hot 20 year bikini clad old blonde to VIP who did everything for $300 and in a post orgasmic stupor tipped her $100?

If these thoughts are nagging at you:
A. Set a budget and learn to tell them no. You don't owe them a damn thing. All they want from you is money.
B. Set a retirement date from it.
C. Be really picky about what girls you do - avoid the really trashy ones that look like street whores.
D. Realize that your career could end before your ready - recession, forced early retirement, illness.


  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    I am somewhat addicted. I go twice a month but if there is a long stretch of over three weeks in between visits I start to get edgy about not going in a while.
    I have became better at saying no every once in a while and I am getting better at forgiving myself if I piss a stripper off. My goal is to have a good time not pay off their rent and groceries.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Im addicted but under control
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    I feel the pull of wanting to go but I can stop anytime I want.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    The only thing I would regret is if I stopped or slowed down. Is money "gone" or wasted if you spend it on a nice vacation, or a good meal, or any number of things that are consumed soon after purchase? No. These things meet needs in your life, make you happy, and give you great memories.

    The thing that would be truly sad is to sit at home hoarding your money so you are prepared for whatever. Then before you know it you're too old to do the things you passed up, or your health is too poor, or you're dead and your money all goes to someone else. No thanks. I may decide not to date milfs at work, and I may not try Molly, but I'm not slowing down on the strippers. Of course one shouldn't go into debt for strippers, spending more than they have, and everybody should have retirement savings. But strippers are also a financial priority.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    They say money spent on experiences gives more pleasure that things. Usually this means things like vacations and concerts. But fucking a 20 year old is a man's equivalent of a fancy spa day.

    Anything that gives pleasure can become an addiction. But even cocaine can be used casually by some people.

    To date I've been pretty tight with my SC money. $200 ish a month. But if I don't go for a week I get antsy.

    Budgeting is important. Don't run up your credit cards on pussy. Especially not trips to the VIP that may not get you what you want.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @Player11 "C. Be really picky about what girls you do - avoid the really trashy ones that look like street whores."

    obviously you are giving "do as i say, not as i do" advice since you fuck only the very ugliest of skanks based on your previous photos
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    IDK if I can use such a strong word as addiction – I would say it's more of a strong habit.

    Sex is a need – IMO one either bares it and goes w/o it; or they satisfy that need. I think one would be happier having their needs met even if there are some potential drawbacks (e.g. $$$ spent) – life isn't perfect.

    What is the alternative – to sit at home horny and frustrated when you can have a beautiful desirable woman pretty much instantaneously and w/ not too much effort; that will satisfy your natural/genuine desires.

    Life is for living – live it while you can b/c no one knows what tomorrow may bring and not enjoying oneself today does not guarantee bad shit is not going to happen tomorrow.

    As I heard once - “it's not *what* you do; but *why* you do it”, that is really the question to ask. If you are doing it and keep on doing it is for a reason; i.e. there is a reason behind it if one keeps on doing it – beating oneself up does nothing nor address the issue – strip-clubbing if to be seen as something “bad/harmful” it should be seen as the “symptom” of a possible/potential problem; and not necessarily thee problem – i.e. one needs to analyze the true reasons behind why one goes and wants to go; not just that they go.

    Life isn't perfect nor are we as humans – if SCing brings you happiness then one can argue one should be grateful for that b/c there are plenty of things in life that can bring you unhappiness – i.e. grab/enjoy happiness while/if you can b/c sometimes life can ensure of throwing misery your way w/o you been able to avoid it.

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I would say I'm addicted to it, I cannot go two weeks without hitting up a strip club. I tell myself I'm gonna stop hitting up strip clubs, but I never follow through on that.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I don't like to repeat myself. I know I've already said all I wanted to on this subject. Most of it was in several replies in this old thread:

  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I was thinking if you marry a stripper with several kids, bad things could happen to anyone.
    Someone thinking about getting married?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Papi the philosopher -- I agree and I'm happy.

    I'm not sure if I'm addicted to strip clubs or not but I am definitely addicted to a stripper. And it's awesome.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm glad I used to spend a whole lot more on strip clubs several years ago. I enjoyed it a lot more back then. Now it's not as fun. I only spent less than a third of what I used to spend last weekend not because I was trying to save money, but because I didn't see much reason to. If I spend much less, I probably won't even be visiting strip clubs.
  • eyeamlong
    9 years ago
    I can only speak for myself ,,,,, YES !!!!!!
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    Dougster is that you ?

    I am addicted to strip clubs but I have learned to control my addiction and not let it control me. I only take about $500 in to the club with me. Once it's gone I leave. I try to spend it wisely. And get the most bang for my buck. If I take in less and find a girl that I want then I will go back out to the car and get more money but only up to the 500 amount that I usually spend. Sometimes it's worth it and sometimes it's not. That alone sometimes helps me to be more cautious with girls you know nothing about. With an ATF where I know for sure I will have more fun I tend to be more generous but on unknown dancers I spend cautiously.
  • alldaylong
    9 years ago
    I can stop anytime I want to...

    But srsly I'm not so much obsessed to sc as my atf. If it weren't for her I wouldn't go as often. As long as you're not going over budget or interfering w other aspects I see it as harmless fun.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Yes. I tried the 12 step program and it didn't work so I joined "Strippers Anonymous". When ever you get the urge to visit a strip club they send over a sponsor to watch porn with you until the urge passes.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    I had only $10 dollars in my pocket once. It was food or super quick trip to the sc. I learned that food is highly overrated.
  • georgebailey
    9 years ago
    I'm too busy, but it's possible. There's a broad definition (pun intended) of what constitutes addiction. If anything, I'm addicted to sex. Who isn't. But I'm not addicted to clubs, only Lindsey at Criket. Ask her.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes of course it is.

    I say that the line is when you are using it as your primary form of sexual gratification, instead of just as an occasional thing from which to imbibe a sexual aesthetic.

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