
New Plan

layin low but staying high
Okay, here's the little heads next idea. There is another MILF at my office I have flirted with a couple of times.She works on the same floor of the building with me, and I am senior to her in the company. But I'm not her boss in any sense, and we don't work together at all. I don't know her as well as the subordinate, so I would probably have to take the traditional route to fucking her and ask her for a date. Am I going to end up paying ski bum a ton of money over this one, or have I finally found a civilian that I can somewhat safely fuck if she'll have me?


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I assume she's not married because she doesn't have a wedding ring.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Does she work in prison?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    No such luck motorhead, although those prison worker bitches are total sluts.

    And I'm focused on civilians at work because that's where I spend most of my time when I'm not at home, traveling for work, or in strip clubs.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    Prison women are apparently horny.

    I think the consensus of the group is you don't defecate where you eat.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I have never wore my ring and for some reason mrs Shailynn never bitches about that.

    Women though, women wear their wedding ring like its some kind of trophy, even if it's a shitty ring. So if a woman isn't wesring a ring, she's divorced or not married, or she's at working stripping. I've even seen strippers wear their wedding ring.
  • azdd
    9 years ago
    Don't do it JS. You've got a fantastic thing going with the DS and other OTC adventures. The secret to hobbyist longevity is effective and persistent compartmentalization of your real life from your "other" life. Just because she doesn't report to you doesn't mean you are immune from a sexual harassment investigation.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    This one is a lil safer but trust me from my many at work bump and dumps from over the years...just from a employe to employe perspectives it can steal get messy and make work even harder to show up at

    In honesty its better to date outside your work period

    But hell i just recently pumped and dumped a bitch a month ago......she was in a different wing than me but it still got a lil messy...bitches and their friends can get crazy

    Good luck with what ever path you choice just always learn and grow from the good and bad experiences life brings you

    I mean hell I've fucked girls at work knowing i would need to quiet once i was done and so i did just because i wanted pussy that much more than that job

    God bless brother
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Azdd makes a lot of sense. Kinda difficult to argue with his logic.
  • Player11
    9 years ago
    Stay away from the bitches at the office. If they are fucking anyone there its some manager who can get them more money, etc. Gossip will destroy your job. Compartmentalize and just find a stripper you can fuk on regular basis otc. At office keep it need to know, positive propoganda spin, and slam the door shut on anything in your personal life like strip clubbing that could destroy you.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Quit being dumb JS69
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    JS69....you have your DS, a wife (for now), a hot coworker, an MILF coworker in line, and numerous other women you've mentioned. Have you ever considered quality over quantity...? Or are you just not interested in too much time with any one woman?
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    John, John, John. Why do you persist in driving towards the cliff?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    If LMN ever lost 90& of his money, he'd be JS69! LOL
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Damn, never thought I'd be so discouraged from seeking sex on tuscl. I do have a wonderful DS and I'm not risking that relationship. But I'm seeking a backup or two cause she's so far away. And it'd be nice to have at least one that I don't have to hand a pike of cash after I fuck her for a change.

    Its been decades since I sought sex outside of a strip club so I started where I know the most women -- work. Looks like maybe I'll have to start looking for them at Trader Joes instead.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    stop being a pussy and just go for it. fuck her in the broom closet. be sure to post pictures
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Relatively low risk, but not really risk free. The risk that you can't avoid is to your reputation with the company. Tongues will wag. Your superiors who may never have questioned your judgement before will now start to wonder, "What's with JS these days?" and "Why does he need all of these trips to (fill in DS's city)?","I hear JS has been using illegal drugs," and most damning of all, "He just doesn't seem to have the company's best interests in mind."

    JS, you are too young to be fired, demoted or frozen because of generic pussy that drives your productivity or perceived reliability down. Nobody in pretty much any organization is indispensable; if you start to think you are, and some of your posts right after you met DS indicate that you might be, you are on your way out.

    John, I think all of us are just a bit worried about you and some of the bat-shit crazy stuff you have been considering lately. If you should lose your job over any of these things, how long do you suppose you could support your DS habit? Not long, I'd wager. That would be a loss not only for you but for all of us who have come to love your stories of DS debauchery!
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    “Nobody in pretty much any organization is indispensable”

    i am

    “John, I think all of us are just a bit worried about you and some of the bat-shit crazy stuff you have been considering lately”

    i’m not

    John, fuck her in the broom closet
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Is her name Molly?

    Seriously though, ask her out and fuck her. Lots of those MILFs are smoking hot and love to fuck. I say hit it as much as you can, just make sure she's not looking for a husband.
  • bubba267
    9 years ago
    Never, I repeat never, dip your pen in the company ink. I was once in a company of over 600 and had my temptations but knew how bad it could be if it went sour.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    next time you are having a squat ask yourself what it would be like to stand up like a man when you take a piss.

    fuck her in the broom closet. you know you want to
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    "Never dip your pen in the company ink" I like it bubba:)
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    In my opinion people should not seek out relationships or fuck buddies in the workplace if either of them is married or in a serious and steady relationship.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Lol Rech. What's with all the vitriol dr Phil?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Some of these things you might get away with. But why risk it when you have far better options? You are sounding like someone who has never learned to live within his own limits, but instead has been living within the limits of his parents.

    You have your strippers. And then you have the whole universe of civies who don't work for your company and are not married or just divorced. Play with them.

    DoctorPhil said something about me having regrets.

    I regret that I did not do more with more women before I was married. If I had, I probably would not have gotten married, at least not to the one I did.

    But beyond that, I have zero regrets for being at least semi-faithful to my wife and for trying to make the marriage work and for not doing things which would have inflamed the situation.

    I have zero regrets for considering her feelings and also my own integrity. I have to look at myself in the mirror to shave each day. I have to be able to live long term with what I did. So I have no regrets about the judgment I applied.

    I also have no regrets about the public commitments I have undertaken more recently, even though they do require me to say within some limits.

    In some work environments you would be able to fuck women in closets. There is nothing inherently wrong with this. But I doubt that yours is one of them.

    If you want to set up a different sort of life, do so. But don't harm yourself or other people in the mean time.

    Remember also that they can do forensic accounting in divorce cases. Funds used to "further the dissolution of the marriage", like all the stuff you are doing now, do not count as a community property expense.


    Bob Marley, Santa Barbara
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @JS: Look at it this way, if you let your short term desires guide your actions in the regard, and something happens, how are you going to pay the DS? Given that you've acknowledged she's in it for the money, and not your studliness, from where will the funds to keep her around come?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    You've got to run your own life. Letting the wife do it was a death trap. But just being reactive or letting your sugar baby do it leads nowhere as well.

    Need to make your own plans.

    And also, a man is not like a woman, one who can just sell sex to make money. A man needs to have a real career.

    Maybe you want to make some career changes. Very normal after a divorce. But no reason to hurt yourself in this time of tremendous emotional upheaval.

    You had posted a thread before about divorce. I and others warned of the intense emotional upheavals which will come with divorce.

  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I'm not against pursuing this one.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago

    hey gravy breath, i didn't say anything about you having regrets. nobody fucking cares as your entire life must be one huge regret.

    i told JohnSmith69 that if he didn't man up then he would end up as a total fucking loser just like you. dumbass
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    IDK – I think you may be spreading yourself out too thin fucking multiple strippers + the DS and now you want to add civvies to the mix – I think you would be juggling too many tits at once.

    When in doubt; think to yourself; what would Juice do?
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