
Do you get tired of all these movie remakes?

They redid the spiderman movies.

I saw a preview for the new Fantastic Four with new actors.
I liked the former actors. Did the studios just not want to pay them more for a second or third movie?
That sucks big time if that's the reason.

It's kind of like taking the young star actor out of the latest transformer movie, it just seemed like a bunch of robots and wasn't as enjoyable to watch. I'd rather see some continuity with star actors rather than see them all kicked to the curb because of studios treating them like a commodity if that's the reason. What do you think. Keep the stars or keep doing makeovers?


  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I am most disappointed bale is no longer batman. There really was no reason for a new batman yet. As for even stevens(shia lebeouf?) He did a good job but honestly the transformers are the star of the movies. And I hate that johnny storm is now black. Its not canon but besides that I would rather they just make more black superhero movies so they wouldn't have to do this too try to get more black people to see it. I guess we will see if black superhero movies can make money with black panther and cyborg coming out.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Yes I get tired of all the remakes.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I'm tired of it too. It's like Hollywood is running out of ideas. It's becoming a bit redundant.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    There's very little creative energy in Hollywood. The networks are full of reality TV shows instead of creating interesting series. And the movie studios are recycling old stuff instead of developing new ideas. Laziness.

    But we the public are ultimately to blame. Don't go see part 24 of the Fast & Furious. Stop watching The Voice and The Kardashians and Big Brother.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Yes, I'd like to see more original films and not sequels, remakes, and comic book movies! Original = brilliant! :)
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    I didn't see any of the Transformer movies so I don't know who they took out, but regardless of the stars they should do just do one and move on!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    The remakes of Total Recall, Robocop, Mad Max, etc, are so uncalled for. Just want to show off special effects. The only remake that kicked ass was King Kong. I liked True Grit also even though it was practically a scene by scene copy of the original
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    If subsequent movies continue the story I see no problem. Example the matrix series.
    Now if they did the first movie, then remade it with different actors, not so good.
    I'm not really sure why so many movie keep getting redone.

    In the case of the transformer series, I liked the continuity of the young star. I would have written in the script an advanced code imprinted into his brain that humans were trying to obtain to learn about all the advanced formulas for hyperspace travel. By the end of the second movie though, they made it look like he was not needed at all.

    Do something new. Write a new sci fi movie set in current day earth to get people relating to it, then do a discovery or Stargate travel to an alien world in search of clues, then another Stargate journey to an inhabited world and an exciting adventure in space. All they need is imagination.

    I really do enjoy all the marvel movies though. Great stuff.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I get tired as h--l of all the remakes where they take movies that had real cerebral content and cover it all with action/car chase/sex scenes and the actors' contribution is minimal. Really, did we need another Psycho when Hitchcock's b&w version still speaks so strongly? Next thing you know they'll remake Apollo 13 with Shia LeBouef saving theission by fighting off the alien invaders and singlehandedly holding the capsule together without his helmet. :-(
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    "the mission"

    Just reread my post. Boy do I sound like a cranky old man!
    .... and I meant all of it.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    The worst are reboots less than 10 years later. The fact is 15 year Olds drive the box office, and to most of them, anything more than 10 years old doesn't exist.

    For Spiderman it's a weird quirk of law that forces then to keep pumping out films. SONY holds the rights to make Spiderman movies, but those rights are "use it or lose it". Disney owns Marvel and would love to have Spiderman in their films. So Sony keeps making middling spiderman movies to hold onto the rights.

    Xmen and fantastic four are similar, but with FOX instead. At least Xmen has had some decent films, even if they did fuck up the dark phoenix saga
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    We're going to have three separate Spider-Man series in fifteen years. I liked Tobey Maguire, but I really dug Andrew Garfield. He was the most pleasant surprise as a hero since Bale as Batman. I swore up and down Bale would be a terrible Batman: 10 years later, my three favorite movies are the Dark Knight Trilogy (reverse chronological order).

    Maybe to avoid remakes they should just keep series going on forever, like the Fast & Furious set...which started before the first Spider-Man set and will still be around when the third one kicks off, as there are at least two more of those scheduled.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Marvel has the rights to Spider-Man now.

    I've enjoyed all the movies in the MCU phase 1 and 2 except for Iron Man 3. They made the Mandarin a little bitch and I refuse to watch that movie ever again.

  • SuperDude
    9 years ago
    I am a non-expert on movies, just a consumer. I was watching a documentary on Frank Sinatra last night and saw part of his 1965 jab at the motion picture industry. He said that movies should be made by movie makers, not committees, accountants, bankers, lawyers or consultants. I couldn't agree more. We are seeing the finance people decide what kind of movies get made. They seem to believe that the big money is in the 18-30 demographic in the U.S. and European markets who want formula films with lots of explosions and little plot.

    If our schools no longer teach students to appreciate literary classics and good writing, it's no wonder that movie makers are no longer interested in telling a good story, with plot twists, character development, confrontation of moral issues in an entertaining and engaging way. Hell, I've watched some porn that had better plot lines than major studio junk. In the dumbing down of America story telling through good movies is a lost art.
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