
Name a Technology You Wish We Had

They never tell you what you need to know.
Wow this board has certainly had a lot of activity the last few days...

So, what's a technology you wish was available today, no matter how unlikely it is to become a reality?

I'm gonna stay out of medical technology for this...

My number 1 would be self driving cars. My, that would be awesome, I would never fly again if I could reach my destination in 12 hours or less by car. I don't mind flying it's just such a hassle with all the crap at airports and worse yet, flight delays and constant cancellations I always face.

Have you ever seen the movie "Jumper"? Where these people can instantly go from one place to another anywhere in the world, taking people or objects with them? That would be great, just think after work instead of hitting the local crap bar on your drive home you could "jump" to Germany and hit a FFK club instead!


  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    True virtual reality. Wouldn't even need to travel. :)
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I would like my TV to have voice recognition combined with a search function, so all I had to do for example is say, Put on the Cubs" and the TV would find the game and change to that channel.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I want a Jetsons flying car too.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    The Star Trek transporter beam!
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I bet some people here wish they could get rid of their sausage fingers
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Teleportation and sex androids
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Lol !!!
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    Definately teleportation.

    Or a flying car. Yeah. That'd be cool too.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Yeah I would like a transporter to anywhere and any time. I could visit clubs when things were good.
    One of those ancient aliens shows suggested maybe some of those aliens were humans from the future. They could pop in and watch all the famous stuff. I thought of the same thing over a decade ago.

    I'd also like the device to have like an instant internet for the whole galaxy and other nearby galaxies where I could quickly get updates on alien civilizations, what the sex was like, good places to visit, etc. etc. Human or human like alien civilizations, etc.

    Another new technology, mind reading and communicating nanobots already implanted so that I can instantly access the internet without getting on a pc, plus much faster internet, able to download whole planet databases in a second or less.

    Another tech, a device that lets me visit other dimensions and provides protection while there. If I hop into the astral plane or visit heaven or wherever, I don't want to get stuck there. I don't want to get into a fight with whatever creatures live there unless it's fun and I can blast them. I did have fun fighting some creatures but that was all in a dream.

    Another device would create any alternate universe you desired. It would be like virtual reality so real, you don't need glasses. It might be bad for the people who lived there when you got tired of the simulation.

    Another device to leave this simulation and pop into the larger reality that our entire universe that we know of is only a tiny speck or simulation running. Maybe a blue pill to take as well in case I want to pop back into this simulation.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Oh one more device, it would allow me to move about freely in the cabin with time stopped for everyone and everything else or moving so slowly, no one would see me anymore. I had a few dreams where time was stopped for everything or everyone or moving so slowly, I was a gazillion times faster than the flash.

    Maybe one more device as well, let me transform into energy and back again to transport anywhere. This would not be needed if I had the teleporter.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Ok, one more device. A psionic device that lets me mind control everyone or any group of people and let's me scan their brains and instantly know everything they know and it remembers all the information. The device would also need to work on aliens and all intelligent creatures.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Ok, one more, a device that automates intelligent robots and let's me control them. I could be in charge of my own empire with intelligent robots establishing robotic civilizations on alien planets building up fleets and empires. It would be like being in charge of the cylons in Battlestar Galactica except these robots would have never gone to war so no one would suspect how powerful they were. They could cloak whole star systems so no one would know they were there except if someone noticed gravitational disturbances.

    I would also like anti gravity, personal energy shields, flying cars, and gravity dampeners with anti-collision programming.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    A teleporter would be great. FKK every other night with trips to U.S. strip clubs and those further afield inbetween.
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    A device that I could use to send/receive email, surf the web, take photos and videos, read books, edit documents... and is small enough to fit in my pocket! Fuck, that would be cool.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    A self masturbation toy
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    RickyBoy's The System. Oh wait, we already have that. What more could we ever want? (Bet nobody could have foreseen a joke about The System coming from me here.)
  • motorhead
    9 years ago

    No thanks. Think Brundlefly
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I thought of a new one. A female android so human like, you can't tell that it's an android with great sexual functions and willing to please and able to change features like face, tits, ass to suit your mood. Think any dream stripper on demand, free of charge after you own her. If she had biodegradeable human flesh on the outside and a super polymer exoskeleton on the inside, very durable. Actually I'm not sure if I would want her to be able to change appearance that easy, she could trick people.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Another device, a sub space communicator to talk to an alien about 37,000 light years away. It was a reptoid alien creature, a scientist.

    Another device, an AI temporal communicator to aid in communicating with an AI that exists in the future.

    In the near future, apple can make this, a heads up display so you can view smart phone data and pictures while still looking in front of you whether driving or walking. Maybe have it built into sunglasses or clipped on sunglasses or your ear but projected in front while still allowing a direct view or see through view.

    I also would like to see either a fold out phone or roll out phone that fits in your pocket but can be rolled out or unfolded until it reaches tablet size if you want.
    Plus have high speed data, unlimited text or 5 gig per month plus lots of voice minutes for only $40 per month total. I was thinking if Verizon can do 10 gig for $80, why not 5 gig for $40?
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Here's one for the world. An inexpensive device that converts vast quantities of ocean water into drinking water at very cost effective prices.

    Oh and Star Gates like in the tv show Stargate SG1 but big enough to drive through it, who wants to walk everywhere? It looks like it would be a bit of a thrill ride. Just think of your entire body getting turned into energy and rushed through a winding worm hole twisting around the galaxy and then have your body perfectly reconstituted on the other end while perceiving images of the journey.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Oh, I'm still waiting for 3d holographic tv's as well. What's the hold up? Is the tech too expensive? I played a 3D holographic arcade game when I was a teenager. What happened to the tech? It was cool being able to move my hand through the 3d holo images floating in the air.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Dougster lol
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I also once played an arcade game that was an alien craft flying through a gorge. After the craft left the gorge, I shot down other things above a planet. The game disappeared after I got the high score. Bring it back. I liked it and was getting a lot better. It was photo realistic. Maybe a laser disc type arcade game. I couldn't have been that far from the end. Maybe there was an alien base to blow up. I thought it was cool. One of the longest lasting laser disc arcade games I ever played.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I believe with 3D TVs the issue is a lack of demand. They were supposed to be the Next Big Thing in TVs, but early adapters didn't shell out.

    I mean, we have 3D movies.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I meant holographic 3d tv's, not the current round of 3d movies and tv's requiring glasses.
    I guess costs could be hindering deployment of holographic tv's as well.

    Can you imagine watching hot holographic girls lying on your living room floor sunning themselves or playing beach volleyball? Maybe the tech isn't there yet. I knew a guy 20 years ago who told me he figured out how to do that but had one problem. He said the lasers would have to be so powerful that they could slice your head off. Supposedly spoken by a guy that co invented the first virtual reality helmet. Hiding out in the boondocks where I was at. While I saw an apache helicopter, he saw a spaceship supposedly over his head one afternoon. He even told me spacecraft were manufactured in space and had super conducting shells or frames. Apparently a computer hacker and joker as well.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The joker was lowering the height of my bosses chair every morning before my boss got there. found out several months later after he quit that my boss thought I was doing it until it suddenly stopped at he same time. This chair required the seat to spin around to change the height too. A major pain.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    On the science channel on a show called through the wormhole, a scientist was just discussing the possibility that our universe is a simulation with self correcting code like our DNA does. Then he thought it might be possible to create a new universe if you got enough energy to do so. FYI if anyone reading this is interested.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I'm surprised people even talk about the above such things.

    What we need is the ideal contraceptive STD preventer.

    1. Stops all STD's

    2. 100% reliable in preventing pregnancy

    3. 100% reversible.

    4. A version of it for each gender.

    5. No way to detect if it is being used. No way a partner or rapist can circumvent it.

    6. Can have it employed for decades at a time and hence forget about it, until you want to reverse it.

    7. No side effects.

    If it weren't for the fact that our economic and political system is built on suppressing sex and propping up the birth rate via sustained gender war, we would have this already. If the developed nations together put in $1 Trillion US per year, it would not take long until we would have it.


    BB King, we all do miss you!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    ok just thought of a new device that would be fantastic, a device that makes you in your sexual prime, say around 19, fantastic as long as you have a girl ready to fuck and she wants it for hours at a time. Otherwise she might be happier with my older self.
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