
A great letter i got from a regular the other night at work.

This is a little lengthy but a great read from a friend I've known for a long time. Seems somewhat mean but if you knew him it was meant to turn me on and gotta admit it did.
it reads

You get here right on time dressed in your nice street clothes and sunglasses. No one would ever think to know your secret. After a wardrobe change and some make up you go to the bar and get a drink. In your mind you hope its a great night as you know the bills need to get paid. You chat up the guys and they all love to chat but your wanting to be somewhere else. You here your name and come to the stage. Your mad because you haven't got a good buzz and know you dance better after a few more drinks. You spend a ton of time making sure your body is perfect for this moment right here. In your mind you hear the constant reminders that no self respecting girl would do this. However you know that you have respect. When you snap out of your thoughts you realize your already topless. A few guys stare as your thong hits the ground. There it is, another night doing something you never thought you would do. You lay on your back legs spread with your hands holding open your most intimate part. You hear some asshole make a snide remark that would've made the old you cry but not now. The new you knows that your meant for this. You love it and hate it all at the same time. As the set winds down you count your tips and know your that much closer to paying your bills. You come back to the floor desperate to grab a drink. Meanwhile a group of drunk guys holler "come here whore" you do so as commanded. You know they own you until closing time. Its the same response as when they come to the rail and you crawl hands and knees to them blinded and in total submission. As you get closer one grabs you and tells you about how sexy your ass is or how nice your tits or pussy looked. You know a bouncer could toss them but you tip toe the line and so do they. 30 mins later you leave with a mere 20 bucks. The shift is over and you leave dead tired and feeling cheap. You crawl into bed and finally get some rest and all the while you know tomorrow night you'll do it all over again. You love it and you love the money. You should be proud to put up with this and still love the job. You are what all women should strive to be. In the end if more girls acted like you would their mans be watching you at night?

Thanks to a regular for that. It was empowering and I know he knows a lot of insight as we talk a lot about work. Just thought I would share . I thought he painted a picture pretty well.


  • deogol
    9 years ago
    I don't read it as "empowering."
  • poledancer83
    9 years ago
    I think the point I took home was that even though some and I do mean some (most are great) can be jerks they still are paying us. so past all the crap we still are in charge.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    That sounded pretty demeaning to me. But you apparently read it as something else.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I hope I'm not the only one that finds this 'cringe worthy'....to me it's just creepy...
  • poledancer83
    9 years ago
    I would totally find it that way if I did not know him both outside of the club and inside the club. we are great friends and this was intended as a mix of real story and fantasy. just thought some aspects were spot on. that's all
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Did he *mean* it to be empowering, do you think? Because to me, it doesn't read that way. You obviously read it differently, so I'm wondering if that's *your* take, or if the author said or implied that you should take it that way.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I found it demoralizing and inspiring at the same time. You work hard for nothing, but put up with it because your not afraid to do the dirty work that society socially frowns upon but secretly loves. You have a strong will every man wants in a women when you can ignore the taunts of an asshole and still hold your head up high because you know you will do better as time rolls on
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    It really makes me feel bad about not giving more to these women but also just prevent me from visiting the club period because of how depressing it is.
  • poledancer83
    9 years ago
    He wanted it to be empowering. and Estafador its not depressing. I think the idea is how the outside world views us vs how we view ourselves. I enjoy and have and exhibitionist side. so being naked doesn't cause me shame but the outside world says it should and only when we (dancers) get into the outside prude mindset.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    That was awful. As a woman myself I found it demeaning and degrading. Empowering? Are you nuts? The only arena that it would be acceptable would be if it were given to a sub woman as foreplay in a dom/sub setup. Otherwise its a terrible assessment written by an idiot.
  • poledancer83
    9 years ago
    I said in the first part that it was meant to turn me on so their was that aspect lopaw. didn't mean to offend you or any other dancers this is just one dancers take on it and like I said its a mix of reality and fantasy. I never feel cheap for my job I dance because its the same as any other job. didn't mean to insinuate anything different.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Ah, well that explains it somewhat. I missed the part in your original where it was meant to turn you on. My bad.

    If you're into a bit of humiliation and degradation now and then (and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that), it does manage that, if somewhat amateurishly. :))))))))
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    I was thinking the same thing, like maybe it was an attempt at some sort of humiliation fantasy thing, but done very badly.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    A letter....what's a letter?
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    If you feel empowered then it's a good thing 83. Just keep your chin up and make sure you come out of this industry on top.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Just ignore any d-bags that say shit like "come here whore"! Everybody deserves to be treated with respect until they disrespect you! Disrespect = not brilliant!

    You're a good person for dealing with that d-baggery with dignity! :)
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    If you liked it that is the most important thing.

    I agree he missed the mark. He was trying to encapsulate your mental process but failed to include any of the five senses. When these guys "grab your ass" is there a race in heart beat, knot in your throat. Do you hare and love that a stranger has assumed control off the ass your husband/bf calls his every night. Do you feel like a slut, want to be desacrated, sacrificed for not being a virgin mary..

    I don't know I just felt like he didn't actually step outside of himself. And that OK too but then his focus should have been what he's thinking when he sees this, and go into detail of his senses. That would have been a lot sexier...
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    I try never to call a girl a derogatory name. I expect to be treated with respect and in return I treat you with respect. I never try to cheat a girl and really get PO'ed when girls try to rip me off. Willing buyer-willing seller everyone is happy happy happy.
    I go to a club to relax, see nekkid females and for the fantasy that I am good looking and attractive to women lol. Rather than the old guy road warrior I am in reality. I do not go to treat them like trash...not my thing. I could possible keep a mistress but I am never in one place long enough and one close to home base could present and issue with staff and clients.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    PoleDancer, that's pretty strange writing for making you feel good about yourself. How about this on a napkin...

    Roses are red
    And they are thorny
    Looking at you
    Sure makes me horny

    yes/ No?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I thought it was kind of a nice note. The guy clearly knows her, he admires her, and he sympathizes with the shit she has to put up with from asshiles.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    the note still could use some work. I think he was going for raw, but that usually takes a ugly honesty he didn't even get close to.

    Really when going for a gritty truth it's best to tell it from your perspective. ..
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    If there is comfort between them, he totally could have gone obsessive stalker with that note...


    I watch you come in your "street clothes" on your way to dawn your true dress code. Does the world know what type of filth you've done to afford this desguise of normal. That men, oh so many men of ill intent, who feel nothing but contempt have fulfilled the shallow fantasies night after repeated night. I want to save you. I want to kill you, why are you doing this to yourself, to me. I hate how you look so fckn innocent coming in hear when I know...I fckn know who you really are. In a moment I'll buy a piece of you for a few dollars. I'll be the man. You have to do what I say blah blah...

    Something like that... he was trying to be romantic I think, it was dishonest and he missed the mark. It was too careful IMO
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Notes, apparently it's a list form...
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    well if it turns you on, kudos to him. He knows you well.
    I never know what reaction some people will have to letters whether it was as desired or they take it the wrong way.
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