
3 scenarios. how do you handle each?

1. You plan to be at the club at least a few hours and just got a beer buzz before last call. Suddenly while going to tip a dancer, a female customer yells at you over the noise in the club. You ask her again what she said. She says she wants to take you back to her apartment so you can do whatever you want to do to her. What do you do? As far as looks she appears ok but it's hard to tell with all her cloathes on. You find out she's with another girl who came with her.

2. Same scenario but you're sober.

3. A dancer in the club hits on you and wants to meet up with you. You never met her before. She tells you all this in a few seconds when you went to tip her at the stage. She looks ok but nothing special.


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I left out that no one said anything about any money.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    If "ok" is the best I'm going to pull for free, then I probably wait to pay the hot girl that I'll be taking OTC. But I may be a little biased because I already have better than "ok' available at home.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I take this as you would pass on all the just ok girls. Although the fully clothed customers might be harder to determine. If the female customers looked better than the average dancer, maybe that would change things.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Both scenario i get a bj n my van
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    all of these scenarios sound too good to be true, so I'm gonna pass. I would probably have the weird feeling that I'm going to wake up hours later in a tub full of ice and my kidneys missing.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    It would probably end with her having a weiner
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    1. Pass - I KNOW what the strippers look like nekkid.
    2. See #1
    3. Pass - full on SS
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I would go to the restroom and shit a big diarrhea sgit that smells so bad the bathroom troll quits
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I would look at mrs sea and tell her someone wants to talk to her. I'm getting laid either way.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    1. Pass
    2. Pass
    3. Pass

    I'm a creepy, old, fat, ugly white guy. If women are hitting on me, there's something wrong with *them* too.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    When I wake up, I would just enjoy the dream.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    1 and 2 I'd leave with her but check her out in the parking lot. I could always make some excuse if she's too rough looking.

    Average looking chicks try harder in bed.

    #3, something is off
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Well I experienced 1 and 3 and passed on both. Sometimes you wonder what if or what would you do if she thought she was hot. If she was hot, I'd probably have fun or be in for a surprise.
    I remember meeting a girl in the parking lot. I heard her asking strangers for a ride and geting turned down. I decided to help her out rather than hearing about a 2am er about a girl disappearing. She reassured me by asking if I was a creep or if I was going to try anything funny. I said no and she hopped in my car. I was thinking, not the safest thing to do. She could have drugs on her. She could pass out if drunk and then I'd be stuck with a strange girl in my car who I knew nothing about. I said no to a girl wanting me to go to her apartment but said yes to giving a ride to a complete strange girl in the parking lot. She was dressed normal at least. I was probably in a good mood.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    This did not happen all in the same night. Sometimes odd situations happen you never thought would happen. I think people usually worry too much about what could happen.

    Getting robbed or waking up with an organ missing did make me go hmmm, I think I will pass. Why is this girl hitting on me in a strip club as if I'm desparate for sex and will leave with her at the mere thought? She might be crazy or setting me up or will rob me as soon as my wallet is lying around. It's not like I walked into a pick up bar where some girls might do that. On the other hand maybe she was a goofball and thought a strip club was similar.
    It ended the same way as one in a thousand rejected dancers, Are you gay question popped up? hmmm, I don't trust her. I never saw her before and she's asking me to immediately leave a public club and go back to her place? definitely crazy. I find out more about dancers before agreeing to a lap dance. like a name.
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