
Anyone else notice non reviewers who know everything in discussion

The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 11:37 AM
Hey, am I the only one who has noticed this? Although san_jose_guy has never reviewed a club, he seams to be an expert on all things related, often ranting on for pages in the discussion forums. I've also seen others who are nonreviewers always in on the discussions. Wonder why that is?


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    For SJG, it's because his mom won't let him out of her basement to go to strip clubs.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    The name of the game is credibility. I just pass over guys like SJG.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    SJG as much as admits he hasn't gone to many of the clubs he makes pronouncements about ... but it seems fairly obvious once you read his stuff. I agree with shadowcat that it's about credibility ... at least, I hope it is, since I haven't written many reviews yet
  • impala
    9 years ago
    Yes, but Subraman, you have written some!
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    I don't even read SJG's posts.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I never claim to have been to any place I haven't been to. Most of what I say is interpretation, as the same legal issues and issues about interactions between dancers and PL's apply most other places. Mostly what I am looking for is what evidence there is of places where things work differently. Other states have dives of a type we don't have in the Bay Area. And of course Mexico is different. These are the places I am going to be most interested in going to. I plan to be in many of these places, and as soon as possible. This is why I want to flush out these differences. I am always careful in my posts not to claim direct personal experience except for when it is there. As for the standard clip joint and 'extras' club, I haven't much interest in going to those places. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Most of what people say about clubs is far too vague to be useful. Most of the people except the idea of letting girls sell them dances and 'extras'. This degrades the club environment for those of us who want a more intimate experience. Fortunately I have gleaned that there are some US clubs where it is better, and there are some people who have learned how to work it, instead of taking it all at face value. But the vast majority of posts have none of this. SJG
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    SJG, have you bought the motorhome for your strip club adventure yet?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    As for other non reviewers I know of 3 possible explanations. 1. Lifetime members who don't feel an obligation to contribute. 2. Guys who claim to do discussions under one name and reviews under another name. I think this is footballguy. 3. Guys who are lazy and just want a free ride. One guy like this recently did a 4-5 sentence shitty review of one club and then wanted us to spoon feed him Intel in a discussion. I called him on it, and of course he cried like a little girl. He claimed to want to become a regular member but the totally crap review that he posted showed his true intent in my view.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    No. And I am not sure at how many clubs the management would let me do that at. But I believe that as far as the girls go, once one of them did a session with me and the reports came back, then they would be jumping in front of each other to get a turn. Of course the idea appeals to me because I don't really like the way the VIP set up goes in most clubs. I say most. But I have learned that there is one club where their Cabanas go for $15 for 15min. That is AMP pricing. And I am sure that there are some places where the VIP rooms are discrete and the pricing reasonable and where you don't have to grease bouncers. I mean, if you have to be chump to get the girl into the room, then that is going to effect her view of you from then on. Of course the TJ Hong Kong Bar, with it's own hotel, sounds best. And I have no objections to the way the rooms work at AMPs. It is just many of these strip clubs I am hearing about, including the ones in S.F., that I don't like. About motor homes, a standard length van conversion is best, as it will fit in parking spaces. I would want Chevy because I don't want Ford's stupid swing axle system. And I would want diesel. I like the old GMAC vans, with that Eldorado / Tornado FWD system, and the three axles. These have a cult following and people have done diesel conversions. But right now I still have to hold on. I have projects underway. I'm not going to hit the road until I have certain results. Maybe I am a looser. But I am not a Pathetic Looser until I have given up trying. So I am staying put and protecting some undertakings. Then when I do travel I'll be like many of the more adventurous TUSCLer's, a Business Traveler. I would hope that between now and then that more people can start to see that the 'extras' model is a chump's game and that going along with it degrades the strip club environment. San Francisco used to be different. It used to lead the country, but that was not by doing extras. It was be unstructured front room interactions with the girls. SJG
  • impala
    9 years ago
    So, SJG, the way I read it that someday you plan on going to a strip club. Is that right?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I've got ongoing commitments and responsibilities which I am obliged to protect. I've posted a tome of information about myself and my experiences, for anyone who wants to read it. I can do this because it is online and because I can draw the line where I need to. SJG
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    SJG, in 20,000 words or less, what do you think about Freedom of Speech?
  • impala
    9 years ago
    Yep, he's never been to a strip club.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I fully support it of course. But this has never been interpreted as the right to say absolutely anything anywhere at anytime. And all it really means is that the government cannot act specifically to prevent you from putting out a message. We here on TUSCL are exercising our free speech rights. Myself, I am always active in trying to stop local government from trampling on separation of church and state by aligning itself with religious groups and giving them privileged access to tax payer funded resources. SJG
  • impala
    9 years ago
    Just admit it
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Try reading some! SJG
  • impala
    9 years ago
    SJG, have fun living in your moms basement, I'm off to the strip club! See you all later
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    SJG, why don't you read "More Sinned Against" by Karl Edward Wagner" It's 8 pages long. It's a pretty grim story about a pretty young girl from the midwest meets sociopathic user in L.A.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I think you sent me a link to that before. Could you send it again? SJG
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    "...once one of them did a session with me and the reports came back, then they would be jumping in front of each other to get a turn." Doesn't get more delusional than that.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    @sj69 - I went bi-monthly for over a decade when my job required travel. Back when phone numbers were offered on napkins (remember the thread a couple of weeks ago). I only average 4 to 6 times a year now and its usually to a club that I have been before and if things haven't changed, then I don't see the need to write a repeat review or mimic one that has been written a week before. Please note that my membership is paid status. I enjoy many of the discussions on this board and do often find a lot of humor with many of you...I do attempt to contribute to the cause but should the general membership prefer to wish to confine discussions to weekly patrons, then no problem...this old boy will keep silent and just become a lurker. To the above 3 categories: 1- Guilty to an extent. 2- Did change me moniker when a dancer figured me out and its my preferce that this pastime remain private. Please note there will not be any hesitation to call out a ROB when one is encountered. I will say so in a review and if an established member sends a private message asking who, then her name will be disclosed 3- Shit...what the hell was #3...Gotta go look again. Free ride? No....I very rarely have ever asked for inside intel except recently for the GVL PP and what might become of someone I knew. Again, anyone that prefers the diversity of this board to be confined to weekly patrons, then no problem. Have a good one my friends.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I Did This: My comments were not intended to suggest that everybody needs to be a weekly club goer, or needs to have dozens of reviews. Sorry if I unintentionally suggested otherwise. We all have different lives, needs and schedules. I simply meant to suggest that it would be nice if those who get benefits from the board (like posting questions asking for Intel in a particular club or city) have returned the favor and shared their knowledge by doing decent reviews of the clubs they visit. Your reviews look good to me, you certainly contribute, and no criticism of you or others in a similar situation was intended.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    When I first joined TUSCL; I didn’t write any reviews for about the first 3 months b/c: + I am a whiteguy that went mostly to all-black clubs and in my mind there was not much interest for this “niche” + I do not travel for work nor travel very much personally so I was not as cognizant about the importance of reviews for those whom often travel to unfamiliar places + often times a week or more would pass since the visit and by then the details were kinda fuzzy and for w/e reason thought the info was no longer current I then had a trip planned to Houston and was looking thru the reviews and found myself giving more weight to those w/ many reviews – so I decided to start writing reviews to build up my TUSCL PL cred. So for the first few months of my TUSCL life; I was active on the board and was a double-zero although I already had about 12 years of fairly consistent SCing under my PL belt.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    @js69 - ^5 my friend. No issues. YGM
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    "SJG, in 20,000 words or less, what do you think about Freedom of Speech?" Now that's funny!!! lol!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I never noticed. Well I did notice sjg posts. Too long not to. I think my posts now seem short.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I might notice more if I wasn't half asleep when posting on here. I drank 3 beers tonight so I'm feeling energized noticing everything. I even read sjg post.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    ^^ Just avoid drinking any beer from Oregon. They just approved an Oregon brewery to make beer from sewage. Eww...
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Funny thread
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    Personally, I am frequently told that the way that I enjoy a SC is "wrong", so I quit bothering to write worthless-to-most reviews.
  • chattguy123
    9 years ago
    I always imagine sjg in his moms basement screaming "Mom, meatloaf"
  • Dolfan
    9 years ago
    I don't mind double 0's participating in discussions and don't think it hurts their credibility too much. Its fairly easy to read a few posts and make a determination that way. A lot of reviews are worthless to me anyway, even those from high review count sometimes. The double 0's who also don't contribute to discussions but then seek advice on area's/clubs can be a little annoying though.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Exactly how I view SJG like chatt said, except from the basement and without the young woman. [view link]
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "Personally, I am frequently told that the way that I enjoy a SC is "wrong", so I quit bothering to write worthless-to-most reviews." Lee: Now that's interesting! How exactly do you SC? I definitely SC differently than most here, or at least I think I do, and no one has told me I'm doing it wrong. At least not yet :)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "...once one of them did a session with me and the reports came back, then they would be jumping in front of each other to get a turn." @sclvr5005, That's just the way girls are. You won't get to see this doing FS-ITC in an 'extras' strip club. But if you go to a place which is more like a brothel, for example an AMP, then you'll have plenty of chances to see this for yourself. SJG China Blue and the Preacher [view link]
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    Subraman, plagiarizing myself from an earlier discussion: There are far too many around here who expect EVERYONE to enjoy SCs the way that they enjoy them. That any other way is wrong. Usually this translates to something like, "If your end goal -- and you'd better get there damn fast -- isn't to fuck every dancer possible in the left nostril while your pet ferret crawls up her ass, well then, you're just a PL." Enjoying seeing naked women: totally unacceptable. Enjoying a conversation with a hot woman: totally unacceptable. Enjoying a little grind action and stick-shifting: totally unacceptable. Enjoying the "chase", in and of itself: totally unacceptable. Enjoying paying ridiculous prices for drinks: totally unacceptable. Etc, etc, etc I've called "bullshit" on this way of "thinking" several times. To state that there's only one way to do anything of a sexual nature is stupendously idiotic.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Don't criticize ferret assisted sexual encounters until you've tried it.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Is that on your to-do list with the DS, John? ; )
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I like SJGs posts on off topic matters like politics and the markets. He and I don't agree on much, but we do sometimes and his ideas are interesting. No as for his leading a revolution starting by making real emotional connections with hookers, I just skip over that stuff.
  • saer
    9 years ago
    I'm new here and I haven't written any reviews but I do plan to real soon now. I figure no one will want to read what I write because I don't have a ferret and I'm more of a right nostril kind of guy. Total PL.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Full Movie [view link] Watch now as this sort of stuff doesn't stay up on youtube long. Diminished triads make that kind of music, minor 3rd + diminished 5th, such as B D F. Hookers and Revolution, new post coming soon: [view link] SJG
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    SJG - Rockin' it in mom's basement
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Shailynn [view link] SJG
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