My relationship with the DS has taught me quite a bit about the systems that dancers employ to get the most money possible from PLs. Here's one example. If a guy wants to do a VIP dance with her, she always invites a friend over and tries to get the guy to take them both back. She tells the guy that this other dancer really turns her on, and she has been hoping to make out with her. The other dancer comes over to the table, and sure enough she is up for some lesbian play. In truth, unless you're a special customer like yours truly, this usually just means they lightly caress each other while they dance together. They might also kiss a couple of times if the PL is "lucky." But the PL doesn't know any better, and his little head is saying Hell yes he wants to see these two lesbians have sex together.
Initially, I could not figure out why she does this. Why would she invite other girls to join in on her VIP? When she has one guy all set to spend his money on her, why would she invite another dancer to make an equal amount of money? It seemed like she was just running the risk that the guy would be more into the other dancer than her, and she could lose a future business prospect by sharing him with a competitor. Or the guy might only be able to afford a shorter VIP with two dancers, whereas he might spend more for a longer VIP dance with a single girl.
Well I finally figured this out. In case you don't understand it either, here's how it works. On the first night, PL#1 asks DS for a VIP. She says sure, and why don't we take Dancer A with us because she really turns me on and we will make out for you. Horny, clueless PL readily agrees and all 3 go back for a pretty tame VIP. Then either later the same night or on a future night, DS sees Dancer A getting it on with PL#2 at his table. She walks over and joins them. Usually this would piss off Dancer A, but these two girls are working together so Dancer A is glad to have her company. The two of them convince PL#2 to go back to the VIP with them both based on the same vague promises about them making out with each other. The end result is that the DS and Dancer A have each gotten two VIPs from these two guys whereas if they had been working on their own they would only have gotten one VIP each from these two guys. She has several dancer friends who run this hustle together. It's a way of turning a single VIP dance for a single dancer in to a joint dance where two girls get equal VIP cash.
I have seen other dancers in many clubs walk around together, and solicit PL's jointly for dances. That approach is simple and straightforward -- everybody knows that these two girls are working together, and they come as a package deal. The hustle I'm describing is more subtle. The PL does not know that the two girls are working together and do this regularly. Instead, to the PL it seems like his good luck when he ends up with two hot girls that want to play for him and with him. He doesn't realize that it's a set up, and these two girls do this together all the time.
The PLs are of course the losers. They pay for two dancers in the VIP instead of one, and they get less mileage as a result. Basically they just get to see two girls dance together and occasionally touch or maybe kiss. They get very little mileage because it's just the two girls dancing together. If he had just gone back with one dancer, instead, he could've played with her body a lot more. That's another reason the dancers like this system, because it means they have to give less mileage in the VIP.
I know that many, probably most, of you don't do VIPs with two dancers, so this may not directly be an issue for you. Nevertheless, I thought a description of this "system" now that I've fully figured it out was worth knowing. Also, please don't judge my precious DS too harshly. She delivers in full for guys who know what they're doing and are regulars. It's not her problem if gullible guys come in the club with tons of cash and don't know how to get what they want.
I don't think I have ever had a dancer try to get another girl to join for a vip or even a lapdance. When I was younger and thought a strip club was all about the visual rather than physical stimulation I probably would have jumped all over the chance to get a dance from two girls at once.
I have had a few dancers suggest that I get a vip or lapdance from one of her friends after we were done. I have to say that most of the recommendations turned out well.
I have seen this type of hustle before. I have only brought two girls back to the VIP once. Dancer A was trying to make suggestions who the second dancer should be--basically her friends at the club. I picked the one girl she did not know well at the club, a new girl, to be Dancer B. They didn't do any lesbian stuff or pull any low mileage hustle on me since they did not know each other well. I was able to get good dances out of both of them, rotating back and forth. Dancer A was suspicious of the hot new girl, Dancer B, so they were almost competing against each other to see who could get me more aroused.
Two dancers at once seems to be a waste most of the time though. You only have one dick.
Usually or about 95% of the time, the two dancer set up fails miserably with me because I typically do not buy dances from either dancer even if approached again later individually. That's on a given night. I might not even remember them the next time I see them unless they made an impression if it's months later.
Have seen the tag-teams girls walking around and soliciting dances together on many occasions; but only recall one instance in which a dancer suggested taking her and her friend to VIP (where in this case VIP is in the context of extras and not lap-dances).
I did the 2 girls at once LD thing once and it’s ok; but it’s kinda hard to get max mileage from two girls dancing for you at the same time.
Have done the round-robin thing per se of having multiple dancers dancing for me one at a time one after the other for several songs (i.e. one dancer per song) – once in a black dive while I lived in Dallas had 3 dancers in round-robin fashion for about 3 songs each (9 songs total) and it was fun – and I also did this w/ 2 ebonies on a nightshift visit to Follies on my last ATL trip.
I’m not much into girl/girl stuff; prefer for both of them to be all over me – so more often than not I steer away from the tag-teamers and often perceive them as potential ROBs.
The one time I have done a two girl LD, both girls did some titty sucking while someone was either grinding or stick shifting me. Maybe I just got lucky and had two girls who are legitimately into each other (it was the hotter girl's idea to do a 2 girl dance).
Of course they were trying to upsell me to VIP, so maybe they made their best performance?
One time at the Rhino in Vegas, two girls came up to me and wanted me to do a double dance in VIP. Both of them were 9's, so it was hard to turn down. I ended up getting some dances with one of them.
I guess I make the suggestions when I go. I have never taken up a strippers suggestion. It is my money and my game. I have set up doubles but it was my idea and my pairing.
I don't think that's a hustle, it's just a marketing technique.
My ATF and #2 are sexually active with each other but they don't do anything ITC with each other. I did do a VIP threesome with them once when I mentioned to my ATF I never even saw them kiss. It was really fun and they did a great job involving me, but I actually prefer each alone. They have wildly different techniques to please me and I like both. It's up to the PL if they want the ITC threesome...unless they promise a double BJ and don't deliver I wouldn't feel cheated.
The most successful double I've ever done was at my own suggestion with two girls I was hitting it off with. The caveat, one sat close to me on the couch while the other danced and did the grind on us both and then they'd switch. The other doubles I've done I only remember tits in my face all the time in a team rotation sort of way and the feeling like I was being suffocated. I've never gone for the "lesbian" show because after all, it's my VIP and I want the attention on me, not being some 3rd wheel voyeur - I've got the internet for that shit. If they want to make-out with their girlfriend, let them get their own VIP.
"The PLs are of course the losers. They pay for two dancers in the VIP instead of one, and they get less mileage as a result."
Us PL's loose in all sorts of situations. These girls think they can wrap us around their fingers and just suck money out of us. And most of the time, they are right.
I say you don't want to let two girls sell you a dance. You don't want to let one girl sell you a dance. You don't want to let any girls sell you anything.
Even the 'extras' model itself is a chump's game.
You need to come up with your own way, a System if you like, or just some way to regain the initiative in the interaction.
JS69 was very smart to decline dance offers at MBOT. He salvaged the situation by figuring out another way. He brought his DS and they had fun at the stage. He turned a sucker situation into a good time.
But in general, given what most of us are going to want, how do you do it? You have to decline and deflect dance offers and gain the initiative. Then once you've got her sitting on your lap making out with you, then you can invite her to private space.
There is also the game where they promise you a good time in VIP. So you pay for the 30 minutes, She pulls out your dick and starts sucking. You blow your load, she takes your money, says thanks honey, and splits. You look at you watch and you still have the room for 23 more minutes.
It's just that brilliant move you played at MBOT, taking a sucker situation and salvaging a great time out of it.
Whether you intended to or not, you confirmed my main issue, that some of these places are clip joints and you can't go along with them, not at face value at least. You can't let the girls sell you dances.
MBOT is extreme, but I know that across the country PLs are going along with the pitch and getting their wallets sucked dry, and for what? For 'extras'. It gives me the creeps.
There are some clubs in the US where it is not done this way. These places are dives, totally FS oriented dives. The way it is done in the front room is completely different from selling dances or 'extras'.
What I am hoping is that by the time I am ready to roll, that the TUSCL conversations will shift so that these clubs are showcased so that I and others can support them with our patronage, but also without getting them into trouble.
I don't need to have pretty girls trying to turn me into a chump. No one else does either.
“… I've never gone for the "lesbian" show because after all, it's my VIP and I want the attention on me, not being some 3rd wheel voyeur - I've got the internet for that shit. If they want to make-out with their girlfriend, let them get their own VIP …”
LOL – my thoughts exactly – why pay hundreds for them to get it on w/ each other and get each other off while I just sit there and watch with an unattended hard-on.
Papi, good points but if one of the girls is a reliable fav then you can trust her to take care of you as part of the show. I've only done it a couple of times but it was good with the DS.
I have had an ATF ( "M" age 51 , looks 35) for a couple of years. Several times she and an early 20's ("W") and I have retreated to the lap dance room for awesome three-somes. They will kiss and fondle each other and then I'm right in the middle of sucking four breasts while one is grinding on me and the other's hands are elsewhere on me. It all depends on whether they are really into each other AND WITH YOU. I still like the alone time with my "M", but mixing it up with "W" adds some spice and allows us to reminisce later about the experiences.
last commentI have had a few dancers suggest that I get a vip or lapdance from one of her friends after we were done. I have to say that most of the recommendations turned out well.
Two dancers at once seems to be a waste most of the time though. You only have one dick.
I've only done the threesome thing a few times. Every time was well worth it mileage wise.
'Course, the downside of of it, is having to pay double the price for something you could have for half the price with just one...
I did the 2 girls at once LD thing once and it’s ok; but it’s kinda hard to get max mileage from two girls dancing for you at the same time.
Have done the round-robin thing per se of having multiple dancers dancing for me one at a time one after the other for several songs (i.e. one dancer per song) – once in a black dive while I lived in Dallas had 3 dancers in round-robin fashion for about 3 songs each (9 songs total) and it was fun – and I also did this w/ 2 ebonies on a nightshift visit to Follies on my last ATL trip.
Of course they were trying to upsell me to VIP, so maybe they made their best performance?
Speak for yourself.
My ATF and #2 are sexually active with each other but they don't do anything ITC with each other. I did do a VIP threesome with them once when I mentioned to my ATF I never even saw them kiss. It was really fun and they did a great job involving me, but I actually prefer each alone. They have wildly different techniques to please me and I like both. It's up to the PL if they want the ITC threesome...unless they promise a double BJ and don't deliver I wouldn't feel cheated.
"The PLs are of course the losers. They pay for two dancers in the VIP instead of one, and they get less mileage as a result."
Us PL's loose in all sorts of situations. These girls think they can wrap us around their fingers and just suck money out of us. And most of the time, they are right.
I say you don't want to let two girls sell you a dance. You don't want to let one girl sell you a dance. You don't want to let any girls sell you anything.
Even the 'extras' model itself is a chump's game.
You need to come up with your own way, a System if you like, or just some way to regain the initiative in the interaction.
JS69 was very smart to decline dance offers at MBOT. He salvaged the situation by figuring out another way. He brought his DS and they had fun at the stage. He turned a sucker situation into a good time.
But in general, given what most of us are going to want, how do you do it? You have to decline and deflect dance offers and gain the initiative. Then once you've got her sitting on your lap making out with you, then you can invite her to private space.
Strip Club Systems…
Freddie's Dead…
Whether you intended to or not, you confirmed my main issue, that some of these places are clip joints and you can't go along with them, not at face value at least. You can't let the girls sell you dances.
MBOT is extreme, but I know that across the country PLs are going along with the pitch and getting their wallets sucked dry, and for what? For 'extras'. It gives me the creeps.
There are some clubs in the US where it is not done this way. These places are dives, totally FS oriented dives. The way it is done in the front room is completely different from selling dances or 'extras'.
What I am hoping is that by the time I am ready to roll, that the TUSCL conversations will shift so that these clubs are showcased so that I and others can support them with our patronage, but also without getting them into trouble.
I don't need to have pretty girls trying to turn me into a chump. No one else does either.
Curtis Mayfield…
LOL – my thoughts exactly – why pay hundreds for them to get it on w/ each other and get each other off while I just sit there and watch with an unattended hard-on.