Generally kids with heavier mothers are better nourished in vitro. This leads to slightly accelerated development. This is usually eroded by social conditions almost immediately. Education and body size are an inverse proportion so these kids are advantaged until they are born only. It is a non-indicative statistic. Correlation is not causation. In this case it is neither.
Sounds like a shrimp on a treadmill study to me! In other words like global warming and many other government sponsored studies the grant title determines the outcome. For example: Study of 'How Fat Ass Women Produce Smarter Babies' sponsored by the "Obese Women's Alliance for Equal Rights" or Study for the 'Determination of the Manufactured Deleterious Effects of the Certainty Global Warming Be Best Used to Undermine the US Economy for the Political Gain of the US Democratic Party' sponsored by EPA by order of and in conjunction with the White House and DOE. Those who sponsor the studies usually predetermine the outcome because if the outcome does not match the "expected" results the university won't get any more money. Witness the tobacco studies in the 50's and 60's that showed the benefits of smoking. Now global warming studies and fat women studies are predetermined.
Yes, we are at an evolutionary bottle neck, the size of human infants relative to their mothers is greater than for any other species, even those with longer gestation times like elephants and rhinoceros. Human infants are also the most immature.
To go beyond the present state of affairs, we will have to figure out something different. But also, we throw away brain power by the bucket full even as it stands today. Our school system is designed to use bullying to enforce social conformity. It turns young Einsteins and Mozarts into Homer Simpsons.
Black women have bigger butts than Asian women and asian children only outperform black children by about 500%, so again this is more lies from the left.
skibum609 I'm going to be uncharacteristically serious here, but I really fail to see how this is even remotely a left/right thing. Unless you think all science is left wing, in which case call me hard left!
Science has sent people to the moon, created medical devices that cure things that would have been fatal a century ago, given us the ability to find our location to within 10's of meters, and a million other things that would look like magic to a person from a century or two ago! It is no joke to say science is brilliant! ;)
Jokes aside about the "moms with fat asses give birth to smart children" I suspect the team actually found a correlation between the size of mom's ass and the intelligence of their children if they control for other factors that affect intelligence. Then it probably goes to the university press office, who simplify (aka dumb it down), and they contact science reporters who simplify it even more.
For all you know the head of the team is a conservative! I consider myself a conservative but I don't criticize liberals for stupid shit! ;)
last commentPapi likes big butts... And he can not lie...
And in other news, Cal Tech appointed a new head of the theoretical physics department.
There are damn lies.
Then there's statistics.
- Mark Twain.
Study of 'How Fat Ass Women Produce Smarter Babies' sponsored by the "Obese Women's Alliance for Equal Rights"
Study for the 'Determination of the Manufactured Deleterious Effects of the Certainty Global Warming Be Best Used to Undermine the US Economy for the Political Gain of the US Democratic Party' sponsored by EPA by order of and in conjunction with the White House and DOE.
Those who sponsor the studies usually predetermine the outcome because if the outcome does not match the "expected" results the university won't get any more money. Witness the tobacco studies in the 50's and 60's that showed the benefits of smoking. Now global warming studies and fat women studies are predetermined.
I always find it interesting that the CC folks mention their "models" No way they would be biased to keep the money flowing. "Proven science", BS!!!
I mean, damn, the weather people don't even know what's going to happen in 24 hours!.
To go beyond the present state of affairs, we will have to figure out something different. But also, we throw away brain power by the bucket full even as it stands today. Our school system is designed to use bullying to enforce social conformity. It turns young Einsteins and Mozarts into Homer Simpsons.
Science has sent people to the moon, created medical devices that cure things that would have been fatal a century ago, given us the ability to find our location to within 10's of meters, and a million other things that would look like magic to a person from a century or two ago! It is no joke to say science is brilliant! ;)
Jokes aside about the "moms with fat asses give birth to smart children" I suspect the team actually found a correlation between the size of mom's ass and the intelligence of their children if they control for other factors that affect intelligence. Then it probably goes to the university press office, who simplify (aka dumb it down), and they contact science reporters who simplify it even more.
For all you know the head of the team is a conservative! I consider myself a conservative but I don't criticize liberals for stupid shit! ;)
Last liberal who did that to me got shot between the eyes right after I said "non-brilliant move you liberal!"
Liberals talk you know, and they only give hangnails to conservatives without guns! ;)