
Reflections Upon Visiting Clubs With a Dancer

layin low but staying high
I know this is been discussed before, so skip it if you're not interested. However, I now have my own experience and perspective to briefly share.

I know I shouldn't be surprised that strip club management is dysfunctional and not service oriented. but still, the way clubs handle charges for dances to couples is among the most fucked up thing I've ever seen in a club. Even though I had read discussion threads on the subject, I was not prepared for what a pain in the ass it turned out to be just to get some dances.

In two clubs on two adjacent nights, the DS and I experienced all of the following charges as a couple.

Pay double the regular price of a dance for both of us.

Pay double the two for one deal for both of us, which in effect meant the regular price for a dance.

Pay the regular price for a dance for both of us.

Pay the regular price for a dance for her, with me sitting next to her but just watching and not allowed to touch. This dancer insisted beforehand that I agree to a significant tip in exchange for her generosity.

Pay the regular price for a dance with me sitting next to the DS and playing with her body while the stripper danced for her. I liked this girl, and we got four dances from her from as a result.

Pay the regular price for the dance but I was only allowed to stand in the booth and watch the dance.

Pay the regular price for a dance only because I stayed at the table and only the DS went back with the dancer without me. I did this a couple of times to avoid the insane double charge.

Every single time, I had to have an in-depth discussion with the dancer about the policies and prices for a couple. Then a few times, either I or the dancer had to talk to management to get approval for what we negotiated. It was completely absurd, and very much interfered with the mood.

If I didn't know better, I'd think the that clubs want to discourage couples from coming. But knowing what I do about strip clubs, I strongly suspect it's just because the management are incompetent idiots. Going with the right girl can be a major turn on but for this crap you constantly have to deal with.

Is there such a thing as a club that has a reasonable and rational policy on couples. I mean, in other words, a club that charges everyone the same price for a single song. The dancer doesn't do anymore work for a couple then she does for a single person, so it should cost the same for everyone. Fair, simple, straightforward, and logical. My guess is there is no such place, but I thought I'd ask.


  • impala
    10 years ago
    No, clubs are not trying to discourage couple coming. What they are doing is bleeding you of every penny you have.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    I guess many girls believe that they should be payed double if they have to entertain two people instead of one. Are you honestly surprised by this mindset? Keep in mind too that some dancers might do this as a way to discourage couples from asking for 1 on 2 dances since they add a lot of dynamics that some dancers are not comfortable with.

    The few times I've taken dancers to clubs I didn't even bother asking for 1 on 2 dances, mostly because I did not want to deal with the very issues that you mentioned. I paid for more than a few girl on girl dances though, lol. I also had the interesting experience of watching girl on girl action while another girl was on me - that was kinda' neat.

    Any way you slice it, you should expect to pay per head for services in a club. For too many reasons to easily list here, expressions like "customer service" or "service oriented" [which you mentioned] are laughable concepts in most clubs. I too payed a fortune each time I brought a stripper with me to another club. Not only because I bought a lot more dances than I normally would, but also because my "dates" were very liberal in tipping other girls with my money. It comes with the turf.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    God damn,I am going to crack your cranium will you just shout the fuck up.I swear to Christ I am gonna pay some tolls to choke your nigger ass out.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I agree with impala. Management typically doesn't care about anything except the mighty dollar. And couples offer the potential for twice the income per dance. Cha-ching!
  • seaboardrr
    10 years ago
    Yep, the whole double charge for a single dance is a huge irritation for us. Granted, I get that the price is for one person to get a LD and I can see the argument that they are dancing for 2 people and should get paid double. I can also understand how this could be abused if a couple buddies decided they could pay for one dance for both of them. The dancer would have to defend against 2 sets of hands if they didn't allow touching.

    BUT, we aren't getting double the dance and in all honesty they aren't having to do anymore work than you normally would for a single. IMO it's a huge rip off. When a single guy gets to go back and pay $20 per dance yet we have to pay $40 for the exact same dance it's really discouraging. The house gets the same money per dance but the dancers would get more money from us in the end and a bigger tip. It's just a way for dancers to charge more for the same amount of work but I really think it's the club implementing the standard. They could easily implement a rule that if it's a couple it counts as one but if it's 2 or more guys trying to scam the system the clipboard guy can easily squash that attempt and make it known it is in fact per head if it isn't a couple.

    When we get 4 dances in a row from 1 dancer it's $160 plus tip and usually ends up $200. That's 10 dances for every other guy in the club. It really makes a couple think twice about where we spend our money. Between $100 set aside for drinks. Another $100-200 set aside for stage tipping. Then by the time we get 6-8 dances for $300-400 we've spent our $600+ budget and after spending 8 or 9 hours in the club we've actually had a whopping 20-25 minutes of LD's from maybe 2 or 3 strippers. As customers we would really feel like we were getting our money's worth if we got 15-20 dances just like the single guys.

    Strippers complain that some couples try to get OTC threesomes? Spend $400 for 25 minutes worth of dances only to be ignored the rest of the night and see how quickly you'd rather take someone out for dinner, drinks and after hours fun.

    /end rant
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I wonder if the clubs might not have any hard and fast policies in place regarding charges for couples, but let the dancers and each supervisor use their "best discretion" when charging for couples.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I'm personally envious of this one couple which goes to one of my regular clubs, because they must be rich. They not only do dances as a couple, but they also get multiple girls at once. OTOH, one of my favorites who dances for them loves the money she makes off of them lol.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    I never had this issue come up. I've always just bought a dance for the stripper I was with, and they'd sometimes wind up including me in the action. Then she'd usually return the favor for me with the same result.

    Most of the fun I've had taking a stripper has come from stage tipping, hanging out drinking and fooling around. No need to buy many dances. It never occurred to us to ask for a dance as a couple, but I'm not surprised that it would cost more.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I'm going to ask some dancers how much they charge couples if I remember and they ever dance for couples.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Man, I'm glad I didn't have to take a shot for every time the word "pay" was in your post :-).

    I've only taken a dancer to a different club once and it was a blast. I payed for her to get many one-on-one LD's which was pretty erotic. Management only came down on us only once when my honey got so worked up she started giving me an LD. Apparently that was not allowed. Expensive as hell but very fun.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I’m def not one to be pro SC management.

    I think if both (w.r.t. the couple) are going to be partaking in the dance (2-way contact by both of the couple) then they should pay 2x – why would it be different than 2 buddies getting a dance from a dancer and both getting 2-way contact and expecting to pay 1x; if this was the case the a lot of cheapskate dudes might double team dancers to try and pay 1x.

    Now – if one of the 2 in the couple is just going to watch; then I think the dancer/club should work w/ the couple and only charge 1x.

  • seaboardrr
    10 years ago
    papi, i touched on this above

    "I can also understand how this could be abused if a couple buddies decided they could pay for one dance for both of them. The dancer would have to defend against 2 sets of hands if they didn't allow touching........They could easily implement a rule that if it's a couple it counts as one but if it's 2 or more guys trying to scam the system the clipboard guy can easily squash that attempt and make it known it is in fact per head if it isn't a couple."

    Before I get hammered let me just say I know full well why we pay double and that I don't think that will ever change. I understand the system and honestly if I was a female stripper I'd charge per person as well. I get it. But, that doesn't mean it doesn't irritate us. Couples are different from a group of guys in one HUGE difference. The couple is a unit. We're one. When you get one you get the other in all things. Two buddies are not a "couple". They are not a unit.

    This is all moot anyway. As a couple we pay double to get into the club, We pay double to get into Disney World. We pay double to get into the movies. On the obverse we pay one price to rent a cabin in the mountains. We pay one price to rent a car. We pay one price to get a characterture (sp?) drawn at the county fair. It takes the same amount of time and effort to dance for a couple as if does for a single guy. Yet it costs double. Charging for a single when one person sits and watches makes no sense to me but it's the rule. You're still back there and getting the show. What is the difference if I'm 3' further away? Oh well. It is what it is. As a couple we get less for our money and we have to be choosy on which dancers get our money and attention.
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