Approaching Couples
layin low but staying high
Why are so many dancers hesitant to approach couples? The DS and I went to two clubs this week, and we were almost totally ignored. Only one dancer approached us ever. I know both clubs well, and if I were alone I would easily have had a couple dozen dancers sit with me. They were unquestionably avoiding us because we were a couple.
This wasn't a huge problem since I just got up and got whatever dancer the DS wanted to join us. Each one came over willingly when asked, were very friendly, and gave great dances. But I totally don't understand why they would not voluntarily come to see us. Neither club was very busy.
This wasn't a huge problem since I just got up and got whatever dancer the DS wanted to join us. Each one came over willingly when asked, were very friendly, and gave great dances. But I totally don't understand why they would not voluntarily come to see us. Neither club was very busy.
We need seaboadrr to chime in here.
On our next visit we will both be a lot more aggressive and flat out ask everyone we like to sit and talk and ask for LD's. From what we've gathered once we do that and all the dancers know we're approachable things should be a lot easier. So, the only real answer is that for the majority of strippers you will have to become known as fun regulars that can be approached without any worries of the woman having issues.
Spotting the couples where the woman is OBVIOUSLY not there for her own pleasure is pretty easy. We feel if we're able to point them out then the strippers should be able to also. But, maybe they drank the kool-aid at some point listening to war stories in the DR and really believe all women are against them. Who really knows. Just like OTC some aren't bi or bi-curious at all and don't even want to do the whole P4P bi gig with a couple.
Just make it known you're BOTH there for fun and make sure they know you exist and remember you. Like I've said before, when we go back for dances with a new dancer one of the first thing mrs sea asks is "what are her boundaries?" This has ALWAYS made the stripper then ask her what our boundaries are to which she replies there are none. Every single one has gotten the biggest smile on their face when they heard that and it's been fun. Be seen and promote yourself and the word should get around the DR and y'all will get some action.
Damn, I can't wait for next weekend now. We're pulling out all the stops.
That said, I regularly take strippers to the strip clubs, and usually get great treatment. My last stripper I did this with just loved going to the club, it showed on her face, and I think the other strippers could see it. Then, once a stripper approached who my girl liked, she just made it obvious and they hit it off. Plus it probably didn't hurt that my stripper would cop to being a stripper right away, and it was like they were compadres
She also agreed with seaboardrr's comments about it being easy to spot the ones who didn't really want to be there. But that didn't stop her from using the same strategy. According to her, it worked more often than not.
Of course, she's at least as big a pussy hound as most who post here, and absolutely *loves* "stealing the fem cherry." Her words, not mine. :)
Men judge other men (that guy has bigger muscles or better abs,etc...) but most won't admit it. I'm as straight as straight can be but I have absolutely no problem looking at another guy and telling mrs sea if he's hot or sexy. When I see some guy I'm thinking damn, his abs look better than mine or his biceps look awesome and i'm thinking about what I can do to work on myself so I'm even sexier for her. What can I do to get better muscle definition or tone up a specific part, etc... Now women on the other hand are a whole different universe. Most women will look at another woman and think she's hot but in the same second they're thinking how much they hate her because she looks better. It's the damnedest thing. It's all about jealousy. When mrs sea looks at a guy who is obviously more fit than I am I ask if she'd like my body more like that and that's my goal. i don't get jealous. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the other night some tits came on some movie and I said "damn, she has some nice tits". Mrs sea of course gave me the "glare" and I simply said i knew she agreed with me. She said of course she agreed and they were amazing tits but I couldn't actually say they were amazing until SHE said they were amazing. Then and only then was I allowed to comment on the amaziness of the titties thereby agreeing with Seiously? Oh well, fact of life.
Let me get back on point. For a dancer to know that the woman is there because she wants to be there and is in fact there to enjoy playing with strippers then the female portion of the couple should be the aggressor. As much as I would simply grab dancer after dancer for us to get LD's from and mrs sea would happily allow me to do this how is the dancer to know mrs sea REALLY wants this? How is she to feel comfortable enough or know that the female part of the couple is really agreeable to this if the male is the one taking the lead? The female simply HAS to be the one making contact so the dancers know she is in fact there to have fun and really wants the interaction for them both. This may take some time but the more we go the more open and aggressive she has become in getting us attention. The more we go the more we learn on what to do. It's baby steps just like with anything in life but this is one area where the male has to usually relinquish the control we've always been taught to take.
Having a stripper sit and chat can be a logistical problem. SC's just usually aren't setup for couples. Straight booths or couches or deep cushy chairs which leave distance between people. Should the dancer sit next to the female, the male, in the middle? Sometimes our ATF will sit in mrs sea's lap. Sometimes she'll sit between us. Sometimes mrs sea is on my lap and our ATF is leaning against my side talking to mrs sea. The point being is the female and the dancer need to be having the conversation. I get called the "stunt dick" all the time. I'm fine with that. I'm basically arm candy. No matter how secure the female part of the couple is with the relationship her and the dancer need to be the one's having the convo just so she always knows it's about all 3 of you. No matter how secure you are there is always a tipping point to jealousy. It's human nature. When the female and the stripper both know there is no jealousy to worry about that's when everyone can have fun and the man can finally open his mouth and say
scat, she had coke with her but I don't think she'd be willing to share. Also might've gotten us kicked out. We weren't at follies you know.
Chandler, my experience was the opposite. I guess I need to get you to teach me how to be a strip club stud. :)
+100 :) I wonder if there's a vibe being put out, that some of you don't realize is going on, because I could have written exactly the same thing. The experience some of you are having is the opposite of what I've experienced, and I can say definitively there's no strip club stud'ing going on in my case :)