What makes a beautiful woman?

avatar for georgmicrodong

I'm pretty much in agreement with that whole article. I might quibble over a couple of points, but overall, yeah.


last comment
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago

Gimme head with hair
Long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming,
Streaming, flaxen, waxen
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Beautiful parents?
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I like the beautiful hair too. And strippers usually do have lots of hair.

But I think most of it is what they communicate through the face, and what impression I get of them, through the face.

Beyond that there is no one specific formula.

avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Girls that use Dazzle Dent toothpaste are beautiful.......

avatar for bvino
10 years ago
This is self affirmation B.S. All women are not "beautiful" We may disagree on how or who is attractive but there is a lot more agreement on fugly.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Men look at women and see the whole picture. Women look at themselves and focus on the flaws.

It's also well established women's ideal weight is below men's ideal.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I agree somewhat with bvino. There are certain universals that cut across cultures. Face symmetry. Waist 70% of hips. Thick healthy hair, good teeth. Apparently small, delicate feet, although I don't look at feet personally.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Also I have to add some women make themselves look way more attractive when they play up their slutty-Ness . I don't what it is about a girls who's ready to get run through the mud that makes them that much more attractive.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Way to long to read and doesn't concern me what others think. In any case, there is likely an infinite amount of "correct" answers.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
IMO, the cited article is BS. Personally, I would only party with girl #1 and that assumes she has an acceptable face. How many of the surveyed men said 'no preference' because they just didn't care to answer not because they don't have preferences?
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
If a woman is ugly splash some listermint on her, she won't become beautiful but at least you know she is now clean and you're not going to catch any STDs when you have sex with her.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
Men have no preference? Every man I know has a preference about body type.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
^^^@jack then you know some extremely type A individual. Most of the guys I know just don't want a female to go past a certain BMI. Sure we'd like them to have C cups or bigger. Sure we'd appreciate a plump ass. But push come to shove a girl who isn't fat is getting fucked, and even dated.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Didn't read the article because I don't care what men (or women for that matter) think. All I care about is what I think. And I can't tell you exactly IMO what makes a woman beautiful.....but I know's it when I see's it.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Earth to Tina Fey, you are hot and we will say whatever we think will get us in your pants.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Lopaw is right, you know beauty when you see it. My beauty just stepped out of the shower. Im about to fondle her, and then we're going to the club. Then, I get whatever I want, as much as I want, for as long as I want. That's beauty.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Plagiarism! :)
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
10 years ago
Her lips. Around. My.


avatar for ididthisonce
10 years ago
It changes day by day for me. Kinda like having a Tit-Tuesday.
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