
Nosey Neighbors

Avatar for Diva1975

I've been having quite some difficulty lately regarding my neighbors. They seem to hate me for no reason, and I think it's because they know what I do for a living, as evidenced by the bags I cart to and from work. Have any of you lived next to a stripper with this problem? It's quite unsettling and so NOT brilliant.


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Avatar for 4got2wipe

I hope it gets better Diva1975! Just try to live like you have "brilliant" tattooed on your heart and you'll win them over! ;)

Avatar for gawker

I've always dreamed of living next door to a stripper. Why don't they just enjoy the benefits of watching you come & go?

Avatar for shailynn

You can fight fire with fire, but that usually causes too many problems.

It's been a long time since I have had neighbors (as in attached to me) but I have had issues in the past as well. Here's what I would recommend to start, without knowing much about the situation.

  1. Are they reasonable? If they are maybe you can talk with them like saying "hey I don't know if you know but I can hear your stereo blasting at 1AM, do you think you can turn it down a little after 10PM?"

  2. If they're assholes, do you think you can get your landlord involved? If this neighbor is bothering you, do you think they're noise or issues are bothering other tenants as well? Usually 3 unhappy tenants complaining to the landlord will quiet down the one noisy neighbor quickly.

Lastly, you may want to be more specific in what they are doing to you as for us to provide a solution.

Avatar for Corvus

Ask them if they have seen your lost dog, Karma. She's a real bitch.

Avatar for dtek

If it's women, they probably hate you simply because you're a stripper.

When my (now ex) wife and I were first married, a stripper lived in the apartment below ours. The hens in the apartment complex constantly talked shit about her behind her back.

One summer night my wife and I had a particularly long and loud session of lovemaking with the window open. The next day the apartment manager (also female) called me at work to find out if my wife and I wanted to join in on the complaints she was hearing regarding the sex noise from the girl downstairs from us. Our neighbors were trying to have her evicted. I admitted to the manager that the noise had come from our apartment. The manager was quite embarrassed. Me, not so much.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I am often at the apartment of my DS. her neighbors mostly know what she does, but There are no issues. it's probably because they're mostly young single guys and drug dealers.

Hard to give any advice without knowing specifics. But if it's a jealous woman or some kind of moralistic hypocrite, and I doubt there's much you can do but move.

If they do anything illegal, I wouldn't hesitate to call the police.

Avatar for crazyjoe

If you can't win them over I will bring my guns

Avatar for motorhead

A retired dancer moved in next door. She was in an auto accident and lost both her arms and legs so had to give up stripping. One night I saw her and she said to me "No will fuck me in my condition. Will you please fuck me?"

So I threw her in the pool and said, "There, you're fucked"

Avatar for JamesSD

I lived in an apartment complex with a couple camgirl roommates years ago. The complex had a hot tub and said cam girls would occasionally make appearances.

Long story short, a couple women in the complex found out they were camgirls and got them evicted for bullshit complaints. Well, not evicted, technically management just chose not to renew their lease when it was up, which is super rare.

Shame too. Camgirls think going to the pool in a thong is "modest".

Avatar for Diva1975

The police are already involved people complaining about my dog. They think she's a pitbull but she's a Tennessee coonhound. I'm going to the leasing office with my lawyer as soon as possible. I figure they are more likely to treat me like a human being if he's there with me. Brilliant right! Thanks for all of your support guys, and lopaw too. Can't leave her out! Crazy joe, if only you could that would be more than brilliant.

Avatar for impala

If I was you I would go to the local AFL-CIO office and say that you are being discriminated against because of your ocupation. Those people are ruthless, maybe they can even get the neighbor evicted!

Avatar for Corvus

A Tennessee coonhound! Way cool Diva. Good luck.

Avatar for Diva1975

Thanks impala and Corvus I'm going to google afl CIO

Avatar for Clubber

Guys, well a couple, "Nosey " not Noisy.

Avatar for Clubber


On a serious note, perhaps 15 years ago, I had a fave that told me she was going back to NY and her family to deal with bone cancer.

About a year later, my fave bartender calls me and says at the club, but in a wheel chair,l with both legs gone.

I go see her and she tells me the story how the doctors decided to amputate the cancerous leg. Sad, very sad. I asked her were they both cancerous. The reply startled me.

They weren't but there was a hospital screw up and they took the bad and good leg. VERY VERY sad!

So I figured she at least hit it big with the layers, but that didn't even happen. I asked how this obvious fuck up could happen without consequences for the hospital.

The lawyers told her, simply, "No use trying as she didn't have a leg to stand on.

Avatar for Mate27

Diva you should fuck them in the mouth!

Avatar for Aravas

Stop crying

Avatar for crazyjoe

Good idea Diva. With your atorney there they will know (if they have a half of a brain) that they can not discriminate. Hopefully the main office will tell some of the people to shut up and where they can go.

Avatar for Clubber

Diva has an attorney? I thought dancers only had a lowlife bf. :)

Avatar for Diva1975

Everyone should have an attorney but I think the lowlife BF costs me more than the attorney!

Avatar for SuperDude

Live in a loft apartment building with hardwood floors. Strippers used to live upstairs. The constant noise began about 3:30am with the clicking of stilleto heels, noisy drunk or high boyfriends and shouts during fake orgasms. A real education in the after hours life of strippers. Thankfully, they moved out.

Avatar for rockstar666

I live next to the Flanders from The Simpsons, and they are way more annoying than a dancer. As long as you don't have people coming at all hours, you make a better neighbor than I do. My neighbors hear great music 24/7...whether they want to or not!!

Avatar for sharkhunter

Some people may not like you if you are a known stripper. All I would be concerned with is the amount of noise. If a dog was barking or stereos playing or people talking or smoking disturbing me, then I woudn't be happy. I like it quiet when I'm trying to sleep.

I have had a single female next door to me. My biggest complaint might have been she didn't inform me when she was going to wash her car in her bikini. It was right outside my computer window. It was completely distracting. I would have preferred she just lay out in front of my window. Then I would have completely ignored my pc. She didn't lay out topless either. Totally disrespectful. I would expect any nice stripping neighbor to lay out in the sun in front of my window topless.

I did have a nice looking girl lay out in front of my apartment window when I was in college. When she saw me she said "I hope you don't mind, the sun s better right in front of your window.". I was a good neighbor. :)

Avatar for friction_lover

Never have, to be fair are you doing anything to rock boat? Loud music at odd times, loud dog, or hosting unreasonable # get togethers causing parking issues? If not haters gonna hate, lawyer up when needed, and always hold your head high!

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Good that you have a big dog. If you can, get a permit to carry, a pistol, and a shooting range to practice at.

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