
Feb 19th, Year of the Ram

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
I talked a little bit about some of my ongoing and planned ventures, and I explained how this new year was going to be exciting and about how I knew that good was going to be happening.

This has no relation to the 2015 Boom which Dougster has been boosting for, as my plans are built on completely different premises. But of course in a brief conversation a Vietnamese Massage Girl isn't going to see the difference.

Interrupting me, "Do you know that Vietnamese New Year is in three days?"

"Well actually, yes, I do", as I pull out the small red box I'd hidden in a stash of rolled up white towels and hand it too her.

In case something should slip out of her hands, I hold a hand underneath her hands as she opens the box.

What it is is a small glass ram, with gold leaf on its horns. She liked it.

I had a hard time finding such a thing. Near me their were no such stores. For local people, I could have gone to the New Century Mall, in Little Saigon, at Story and McLaughlin. But where I did go was to the stores near the Lion Supermarket at Tully and King. I still had a hard time finding what I wanted. I had to look in many stores. Finally I found one which sells watches and repairs them. The woman asked me what I was looking for and then she told her husband. He showed me rams which were too big and too expensive. This gift was not supposed to be a big deal. Then he showed me what I wanted. It was cute and only $4, tax included.

This girl I had window shopped before and I mentioned her on another thread. I will identify her here as JOC.

She is beautiful. She could be a Coffee Girl. All of them at this shop have Coffee Girl grade looks.

She is flirtatious and facially playful. I had expected her, if coaxed and charmed some, to go in for extensive DFKing.

No, she didn't do this. Just the very lightest of pecks actually. But this one is so nice and playful and otherwise physically engaging that she actually makes up for it.

She never tried to massage me. And the rooms are small at this place, no dressing chair even. But we embraced and embraced and talked, and the very light kissing, and then pulling to top of her dress down to lick her nipples, and then lifting her up onto the massage table.

This one really loves DATY. I mean, most girls do to. But sometimes in AMPs it is one of the places where they draw the line. But this one loves it. She likes it even more as my hands start to engage, and then FIV sends her into orbit. I never really needed to move my finger, as maintaining position during her bucking was plenty sufficient.

So she got a full round of that. The she instructed me to lie down and she climbed on in 69 position and proceeded. So she got a second complete round of DATY w/FIV.

This seems to be her forte. I had intended on giving her a nice fucking, along with lots of DFKing. But she seems to have her ways, and she is really really nice about it. So I let her do it her way and bring me to completion in 69.

She collected the $60 house fee right off. But then she never said another single word about money or engaged in anything like negotiation. At the end, when she left to write down her phone number I started dressing. When she came back I handed her the money. She said thank you, but she never even seemed to count it. I gave her what would be less than the friend price for FS, but still good for everything else, like Happy Ending. Usually these places have just the two price corners, Happy Ending and "Do you want to do everything?" But in this case, we never negotiated about anything. She evaded DFKing, but was so extremely nice and engaging otherwise, that she really did make up for it. Next time I plan to give her a fucking, and to further soften her up for kissing, but for this time letting her do it her way was fine.

Doing it her way, it would be hard for me to imagine how a cop could make a clean and ethical bust. I mean if a girl wants to give away free sex acts, there is no law against that. And then with someone like me, treating her like a total civilian and never trying to get her to verbally agree to anything, she really has done nothing. A cop certainly shouldn't be doing that. An on duty police officer is never supposed to be engaging in any sex acts.

And also, she was like many of these younger Vietnamese RA's, in that it is impossible to be around her and not start feeling that you want to marry her.

But I tell you, as demure and as nice as they can be, these Asian women, Viets in particular, are beneath the surface really hard headed.

She says she has been in the US 8 years, that she lives with her parents in San Jose, and that she has never been married, but she has a 6yo and a 4yo.

I tell you, this girl looks really nice, and all the more so when her dress has been gotten out of the way top and bottom.

So this one I will be seeing again.

A couple of verbal utterances both ways, not sure if she was understanding me, then,

"Why do you want to know when my period is?"

"Because I want to plan the best time to come back and see you."

Most of them have dodged questions like this. But with this one, she then proceeded to give me a mini-lecture on her period.

This would be the 9th massage girl from Thanksgiving. And like most of them, I feel that if I just came forward with a strictly civilian invitation, like taking her out to eat at closing time, or something else like that, that she would have been jumping up and down happy.

But in fact I still have ongoing operations and obligations which prevent me from doing this.

But still, this JOC I consider promoted to the status of Proto Girl Friend.

This is not GFE because they don't really do much GFE in these shops. It is not considered on the menu. But as I've said, I've been kissing pretty Asian massage girls from back long before GFE was ever invented.

This one, though she didn't do real kissing, she was so nice about what she did that it was like a kind of GFE.

But being a Proto Girl Friend is much more than GFE anyway.

So this one will replace Blue Y., someone incompetent to be a sex worker, and otherwise with her head up her ass. I will still try to communicate with Blue Y., but she is on the B-team now. Two from my B-team seem to be gone. One they say went back to Los Angeles.

( Oh, sorry Phantom Geek, I meant to say that her traffickers took her back to Los Angeles and dumped her with her parents, and that she is not around any more for me to rape. )

I've actually long known that there was this Viet rotation circuit between here and LA. Girls move both directions, to do what they don't want to do close to home.

Another one, Chinese, they say has retired. Tui Xiu in Chinese. But I will still try to contact her. These, plus one from Christmas Day where the session got disrupted and canceled just before it was to have occurred, are my B-team.

But eventually, as I have some victories in battles on the ground, a new phase will open, and these girls, or others just like them, will be taking turns keeping me warm at night. I wouldn't session with them, unless this is what I really wanted and unless I felt that the girl was suitable for this.

Now there was another girl involved in this. When I came in, JOC came out to greet me and of course she remembered me from two round of window shopping and flirting. This is why I do this.

But she told me I would have to wait until she finished someone.

As I was waiting in the room wearing just a towel, another girl came in and tried to take over the session. This is customary and JOC was obliged to let her try and do this.

This second girl I will call IOC. She opened the door and walked up to me, pushing her big tits with her nipples pushing through the fabric of her dress right against me and embracing me. She is also really good looking.

I kept telling her that I needed to wait for JOC as I had promised her. She was not going to accept this. So I figured that if she was going to be as forward as she was, I should enjoy. So I kissed her. I would go on to kiss her a number of times. She never went for more than the most minor kissing. But it still amounted to pulling her chain. She kept trying to get me to agree that she would massage me. I kept telling her I needed to wait for JOC, and I kept opening the door, and she kept closing it. So I tried to kiss her more, and to get her to go further. She said, "Okay, but if I kiss you, then I massage you."

Of course I knew not to go with this. If she really wanted to cut loose and DFK me, she would have just done it without trying bargain. So at that point I didn't kiss her and I kept reminding her that I was waiting for JOC. So finally she gave up. But when JOC did come, she wanted an explanation. "I like beautiful women."

Personally I think the more horsing around you can do with them, and of that type, the better.

IOC had said, "Well you like me, so why not let me massage you."

Yes, I do like her and I'm glad that she understood that. But I still wanted to wait for JOC. JOC and IOC would each insist that they substitute for each other all the time.

But my view is that you should never let them do this. The guy's main source of power is that he selects the girl. But this does not mean that if another girl is going to be really forward that she is not going to get kissed or get her tities fondled.

So I am trying to maintain contact with all of them, but especially these top three, the proto girlfriends, L/J, HA, and now ROC.

Eventually I will be trying to immediately promote to Real Girl Friend all the ones I session with. But not yet.


Pat Travers, 2002


  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    YOU ARE A TOTAL CUNT.Take it from someone born under the year of the rat.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    That may be one of the most pathetic stories ever written here.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @tumblingdice “YOU ARE A TOTAL CUNT.”

    ya think?
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @ime “That may be one of the most pathetic stories ever written here.”

    ya think?
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    "That may be one of the most pathetic stories ever written here."

    Did you actually read it? if so, how did you manage to retain consciousness?
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    Don't get me wrong -- I will read a *long* discussion by JS69 or, more recently, gmd . . . because it actually goes somewhere. SJG, you have a unique perspective on the hobby, with your knowledge of AMPs, the Mexican dance club circuit or whatever it's called, and so forth -- but you need to strive for greater focus and less stream-of-consciousness in your writing.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ You don't like stream-of-consciousness?

    What I've done now is sit down at a table and commit to calendar dates when I am next going to contact or session with each of these girls. My experience is that you have to do this. If they are girls you are not in free flowing and frequent contact with, then you have to commit to a date ahead of time, in order to stay in sync with their lunar cycles, and also to keep them in your emotional sphere. Otherwise the days and weeks will get away from you.

    Eventually though this will not be necessary, as I'll be converting them to real girl friends right after the first session. But I'm not doing this yet.

    So the ones who give good sessions, get more sessions. The ones who give mediocre sessions get telephone contacts and playing them along, trying to get them to extend themselves a bit further emotionally before doing another session.

    More about Blue Y.


    Greece, Rejecting Austerity

    Will this have any effect on Dougster's "genuine boom" of 2015?

    Will rejecting Republican Austerity here at home have any effect?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    People here ever read James Joyce? Start with Dubliners, and then Portrait of the Artist as Young Man. I find both to be really good.

    And about Kerouac, that is a bit different. Yes, I do like to listen to him on unabridged audio tapes. For example, On the Road, Visions of Cody, and Dharma Bums. He developed his writing style from Thomas Wolfe.


    If find Kerouac's style to be a means of protecting himself from his own experience. So while interesting, I don't follow his example.

    He was writing his early stuff by staying up for days in a row, using teletype paper, and using Benzedrine inhalers.

    There is a book called, Subterranean Kerouac, and I believe this would reveal more about him. There is one by the girlfriend, the one who is now an English Prof and who met him broke and hungry and bought him dinner. Then there is one by the second ex-wife which I have read, "Nobody's Wife". Very interesting. Then there is "Off the Road", by Carolyn Cassidy, and then the 1980 movie Heart Beat based on that with Nick Nolte and Sissy Spacek, and John Heard.


    But I don't really go along with Kerouac. I think he was never able to deal with his own stuff. Like Bill Burroughs said, "He was an Eisenhower Republican."

    And Mr. IME, would you like to talk about some of your own experiences with women, so that we can see an example of something which is not a "pathetic story" ?


    Brothers in Arms
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Sorry SJG i don't by strippers trinkets or ask them for emotional intimacy. You are a delusional kook of the highest order. Get a girlfriend if you want that, they are just using you as a cash machine whether you can recognize or not.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    And when you start your "conversion" you will see them disappear on you, because no woman is going to want a weirdo like you, and i doubt your mom will let you bring hookers into her basement
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    It was ilbbaicnl who had mentioned Jack Kerouac.

    Buying a massage girl a trinket is just a way of showing her that I am there because of her, and so it is not just because she has two X chromosomes and is on the menu.

    It is not asking for emotional intimacy either. That takes time. But it is an attempt to let her loosen up so that the session can be more GFE. I like that. It is also a kind of way of letting her know that she could become a kind of an Escort or Mistress to me.

    ime, would you like to actually talk some about your own experiences some? It sounds like you know so much that I am sure that I and many others would benefit tremendously.

  • ime
    10 years ago
    Well SJG its pretty simple and there are far more experienced than me but it's simple.
    Go to club, find the girl you like talk to her a little, then test out a dance or two or more if she is good. If looking for extras next you ask if there is anything else on table, agree on whatever you agree on and enjoy VIP.

    Other things, be clean, i often get complimented on smelling good apparantly a lot of guys dont shower or smell bad. have a conversation on there level, your average stripper doesn't know care or be impressed by your knowledge of Kierkegaard . I don't really look for OTC but nothing wrong with it if you do Might be better in some cases. I'm not into AMPs have no interest in them, i don't want to date a stripper or get her number. Just treat them nice have fun with them and they generally come back to you when you show up again. Its not complicated.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    If you do it that way, then you will be able to get to the "anything else on (the) table". And so then yes, "they generally (will) come back to you when you show up again." And no, "It's not complicated."

    However, this leaves so much out. I doubt that you are getting escort grade GFE sessions in the VIP rooms with your strippers. At AMP's they don't usually go this far with most people. I mean yes, in both types of venues it is possible. But it doesn't seem to be the norm.

    So if you want more than what is typically offered, then the way to get this is to treat them a bit differently. I have found that if they can see that you really like them, them specifically, then it makes it so much easier for them to open up to you. They will often go way beyond what they do with most people. And then likewise if you are seeing them regularly, they will also do this.

    So while at an ideal brothel all you would have to do is walk in and pay you money and get the most mind blowing session possible, there never has been such a place and there never will be. And really, why even try to find such.

    If you want a girl to be physically open to you, then she really has to be able to be emotionally open to you, and for that, you have to be emotionally open to her. But this all becomes impossible if you are seeing her as different from other women because she is a 'hooker'.

    Emotional Intimacy

    As far as talking to her at her level, a woman will be extremely sensitive if you are talking down to her. What she will usually relate to most easily is if you are being open about your own life and your own feelings.

    As far as a girl who has read someone like Kierkegaard, I would not rule that out.

    One at the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, B.H., had been the long time telephone receptionist for a guy who had started a company and had taught a class I had taken. She was impressed that I knew this much about him and his company.

    Another, C., was a long time political activist.

    Another, V., had run away from home at the age of 12, and had since completed a Master's Degree in History, and had been teaching history for quite a few years, before pulling up stakes and coming to California.

    Another, A., was the Human Resources Director for a computer gaming company.

    Another, was Manage of Accounts Payable for a High Tech Startup, and she wanted to be CFO for a Start up.

    One had a totally civilian web page which talked about all the sorts of books she liked to read.

    So I wouldn't be too quick to make generalizations about "your average stripper".

    In general, women respond well to people who are able to talk freely and easily about their own feelings, and hence create emotional intimacy. Even if they haven't read Kierkegaard, they will still respond well to someone who is reflective, insightful and self aware.


    Gabriela Gun?íková - Love Hurts
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    IME, you wrote, "... i don't want to date a stripper or get her number."

    You know that Maniacs posted a long article specifically about how to get strippers' numbers. I followed with my own first experience, way way back when I was they same age as they are.

    Another TUSCLer has developed an entire science of wearing a suit into blue collar clubs and setting up OTC engagements.

    NationalTraveler has posted the first installments of his series on his adventures taking strippers OTC. It looks to me like he is intentionally getting them into ambiguous situations where the line between civilian and P4P is blurred.

    Then there is one in Portland who maintains a string of what he calls CF's, but to me they sound more like GF's, as he is always on the phone with them and engaging in their dramas. Again it sounds like he has relationships with them which are intentionally ambiguous in nature.

    And then there is another in Portland who posts about deliberately getting them off the clock, and right away. And he seems to do this with lots and lots of them. Bless his heart.

    So there are lots of us who actually like these women. And it is not just because they are readily available. They really are interesting to us.

    You said that you, "ask if there is anything else on table."

    You know that if you talk to her like that then you are treating her as someone who sells sex acts.

    Besides being extremely disrespectful, if you were trying to make something happen with her, that would only encourage her to start imposing limits and decline to go very far with you.

  • ime
    10 years ago
    You are a moron the fact that you can't figure out that the system is a joke is almost scary. I've never had a dancer be offended when asking if there is more they usually lead that conversation. You can't admit what you want and try to come up with big elaborate excuses but your just fucking whores in AMPs. No wonder you are so desperate you clearly czn't grasp social clues, and there is no way you are any good near women.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    You clearly are the one who has problems with limits trying to get them to submit to you or whatever you call it, i feel bad for girls who were probably trafficked being stuck in a room with you. You are a complete twat who seems to deal with problems that are simple for most who post here. Now take your cheetoh stain fingers and go cry in your moms basement douche
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    The system is not a joke to the one who posted it. And though I would not do it his way, because I want something a little bit different, given what he wants it makes a great deal of sense.

    Yes they let you talk to them like prostitutes, because they have learned that they have to accept that because there are some people who insist on doing it. This doesn't mean that they aren't going to hold it against you.

    Can't admit what I want? What I have posted is that since Thanksgiving I have been doing AMP sessions and that what I intend for right now is to keep seeing some of them regularly. So with two of them I've got the dates picked for the next sessions. With another two I'm still waiting to get some sense from them that they will do better in another session. Otherwise I'll just keep stringing them along. With these second two I have the dates picked for when I will next be calling them on the phone. The great ones get more sessions. The others get just enough telephone calls to let them know I am still interested. I time all of it by their lunar cycles.

    Nothing not admitted to in that. Nothing desperate. No social cues being ignored.

    These girls aren't trafficked. I mean except maybe for the fact that when they come up here from LA then someone has to be driving them to the bank regularly. Two of them are now gone, back to LA. But the others live locally. The two I have got dates picked for for their next sessions, both live with their parents. One also has two kids. The other also lives with her two sisters.

    This is one thing which may be different about these Asian RA's, as opposed to many White strippers. The Asian RA's are proud to do their jobs and they live sensible and responsible lives. I'm sure they don't tell their parents what they do, but then I suspect that the parents probably know. The point is that just because they do sex work it does not mean that they are the family black sheep.

    About being in a room with me, most of them are quite capable of taking care of themselves. They keep inviting me back for more sessions. They really are very good to me. Two of them are getting more sessions. WIth the others, they invite me over the telephone, but I'm waiting until they extend themselves a little bit further, as their sessions were not the best.

    You might be responding to my story of the Korean girl in Sunnyvale who I had watched for a while as she was cutting hair. She turned out to not accustomed to doing FS in the session room. So she was resisting. So finally I sat down on the dressing chair and just talked to her, and then finally her shoulders dropped. From that movement onward what happened was pure ecstasy. And her final send of was consistent with this.

    You wrote, ".... your just fucking whores in AMPs."

    I don't talk like that. I don't cast women into such categories. I think this is where our real difference is.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    There are all sorts of people in this world.

    I just happened to be discussing this with someone else, Meyers Briggs. I am type INTJ, and this probably does provoke some people.


    Do you have any idea what type you are?


    Corrs feat. Ron Wood - Little Wing
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Well I was planning on seeing L/J first. But she seems to not be coming into the shop. Don't know what is up. Hope she is not gone. She is cute as a button and she is here in this world to be kissed.

    So I've gone ahead and done my second session with JOC. She is always wonderful, as exuberant as you could imagine.

    More than any girl I have ever been with, this one loves DATY and FIV. She likes it on her back and she loves 69ing. 69ing is her real forte.

    Last time she did not want to do FS. Or at least she steered it away from that, and so I figured best just to let her do it her way. There was never anything like a discussion or negotiation.

    This one never asks me about money. That makes the encounter more civilian like as she has not obligated herself to anything. Only thing she has ever said about money is "Thank You".

    I was concerned that she might be intending to always refuse FS, perhaps on account of a boyfriend. Well, no she doesn't refuse such. I put her in the position and proceeded.

    But what she really loves is DATY w/ FIV.

    As she put us in a bigger room this time, it did have a chair and I did sit her down on my lap and start talking with her and kissing her and sucking on her tits and FIVing her right way.

    We continued on the massage table.

    Always after DATY she gets a damp towel out of the warmer and comes up real close to my face and wipes me off and starts kissing me and pushing her nipples into my mouth.

    This girl is really pleasant to be with, even though she is in some ways quite controlling and still does not fully release or go in for unrestricted kissing. I think it is just cultural and based on her range of experiences.

    I can detect some of her other names in the reviews on RubMaps because of the ways people describe her. She is far better with me than she is with them. But that is because I always treat her like a civilian, as I treat all women.

    It is just how she is. She kisses and kisses and kisses, and she is loosening up. But it is still not unrestricted DFKing. But I am getting to her by being slow, by being gentle, and by being persistent.

    She must have said, "I love you" to me up close to my face in English at least a dozen times.

    I think Vietnamese use language like that more freely than Americans do.

    Of course I would have been able to answer her in Vietnamese. But I know better than to do that. That would tip her off that I must be doing other sessions.

    As far as civilianizing her, that is not an issue. All I would have to do is civilianize myself. I have never treated her like a prostitute, and I am not ever going to. So she stands ready to accept my civilianization.

    It is just that I have all encompassing and sensitive responsibilities which I must protect. So I still have to maintain a wall. In some ways it is like I am still married. But in other ways. I am extending myself much further with these girls than I would have before.

    I don't mean to be pitching for AMPs. I just tell you my experiences. But I think of guys being on the floors of VIP rooms with girls who use drugs and alcohol, and then there is the nicotine habit. And then on top of that they probably are in Recovery groups and probably go with Born Again Christianity too. And then they are nutty with their money and with their imbecile boyfriends. And then there are the creepy freelancing bouncers to grease. When you grease these guys you are compounding the problem, making it harder for the rest of us.

    My AMP girls are touched by none of these things. They are straight and responsible people just like the women who work in the Voter Registrar's and County Recorder's Offices. Only major difference is that I am sure my AMP girls don't report their incomes. Otherwise they are completely straight and completely responsible. Shops like this one are in doctor's offices buildings. These girls and the shop are clean and straight just like you would expect a doctor's office to be. It is just that the girls have a lot more hair, higher heels, and they wear lots of makeup and slutty dresses. Really it is heaven. Never seen such a thing as a bouncer either. No visible males is part of the AMP aesthetic.

    I've talked about wanting to bring a motorhome into SC parking lots. Well with these AMPs there would be no reason to do that. There I am taking my clothes off, going to the bathroom and using their mouth wash, and then showering and using shampoo in all the especially critical places. And then coming back with my big fluffy towel to a very nice session room. No need for a motor home.

    Loving DATY and FIV so much, you would think she is explosively responsive. She adds her own motion to it more than any I have been with. And she has a huge capacity for it too. But it does take her quite a while to cum. This time, towards the end she was pulling her body up and more sitting on my face than 69ing. Sitting on my face, but reversed. She pushes her whole pussy into my mouth, eventually making FIV impossible, and then she is bucking. So I just continue to go with it. After she did finally cum she climbed off and then she was jumping up and down with glee, and in small tight motions.

    Most certainly I am going to be doing more aggressive FS with her, based on what I have seen of how she likes DATY and face sitting. I am sure that her real capacity for FS hasn't even been explored yet.

    I guess women are all wired up a little bit differently when it comes to sexual responses. I guess men are too, though I have no specific information on which to base this latter.

    My own responses are wired up quite a bit differently than during my early years of marriage and before. Some of it is Post Marital Stress Disorder, and some of it is from the intensity of some actions I am leading. But I also think that people wire their own sexual responses via their own practices.

    This is a curious one. I wish I could civilianize now, to avoid the risk of losing contact. But I still have things I need to do, with complete security.

    But just being around these girls makes me want more and more. I talked about us spending many long nights together, and like everything else I am always presenting this in a civilian way. She says she really wants that, to be spending whole nights together.

    I think it perfectly reasonable that one would want to pursue a completely civilian relationship with a girl, after spending time with her. Why would you be around her if you did not like her that much? When I am with these girls I really come on to them. What I wish though is that I were free to deliver with them. Right now all still has to be on hold.

    This one now got a copy of "To Kill a Mockingbird", like I had given to HA before.

    But this is from a different store. I found a used book store which actually maintains a supply of reasonably priced new copies of this at all times. How interesting. So all my present and future AMP girls will be getting a copy of this.

    Some people give girls candy or flowers. I want to give them something which builds shared understanding, and it also will take up a little bit of space in their homes. That way when they are cleaning or shuffling through stuff they will think of me.

    Of course this is a novel told through the eyes of a school age girl. I tell them that when they come to this country they have to learn to understand it. And most of what America is about depends upon race. But I also tell them that that is only the first layer. What the novel is about is actually Arthur Bo Radley, someone who is forced to live in a basement and who only comes out at night.

    I did window shop another new place. Not listed in Google's map index. It's signage is absent from Street View. It is listed on RubMaps and there is a photo, but it still has zero reviews. What I found there was a lovely dolled up Vietnamese-American hottie. Not sure that it could be very GFE with her though, based on her response to my verbal flirtations. GFE might have to be after civilianization. Can't do that yet. And also, for right now I have all the massage girls I need. Right now I just want to try and keep them all in my emotional sphere.


    Coffee of or Me, Total Nudity
    usually in San Jose's Coffee Shops it does not go this far. When it has, there have been repercussions

    More Coffee Girls

    Erotic Service Provider Questionnaire

    Clapton and Crow
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    This girl JOC is nice. Seen her three times now. With this one too though, I want to it rest for a while.

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