Costly Cuddling: Why My Night of Professional Snuggling Wasn't Worth $325

avatar for shadowcat
Interesting reading.

Costly Cuddling: Why My Night of Professional Snuggling Wasn't Worth $325


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avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
So where's the link? Not that I can imagine you actually need to read anything to figure this one out.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
For $325, I can get a bucket of beer, a bare-back blow job, and covered full service. Cuddling can't compete with that.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
For only $325, I could probably get my new Dram Cock Sucker to spend the night with me. Now *that* would have a fair chance of killing me.
avatar for sflguy123
10 years ago
I thought this article would be from the man's point of view. I would only assume the women is doing it for the money not b/c she will enjoy it.
avatar for rattdog
10 years ago
well gee - I wonder how she would have felt if she had to give me a nude lapdance with my dick out, and grinded until I shot my load all over her ass for $40? think that would have traumatized more than that $325 one hour cuddling session?
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
It sounds like she was told to bring an amazing article to her editor and she figured this was just sexual and safely erotic enough for whatever cash register women's magazine she was trying to get a job with. I want to call BS too. She was obviously so uncomfortable with this yet she told everyone she's ever known INCLUDING her BF? REALLY? You know, if she had wrote that she told her BF she was going out with the girls for the night that's one thing. But to state she told her BF she was going to cuddle with a complete stranger in a hotel bed for money? That's just not flying in my book.

After just a little googling, this supposed broke girl is about to graduate from Drake College, spent a year studying abroad at a school in Cape Town, South Africa and is currently employed by Better Homes & Gardens magazine. Plus, she writes her own blog as well and promoted this on her blog. I'll agree that this MAY be a real thing and she probably called to get info on it but I say the rest is a made up puff piece. Too many weird holes in the story.
avatar for Estafador
10 years ago
this exist? I'd rather promote prostitution than this dumb shit. You deserve PL of the year for paying for thisl
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
That woman has the wrong personality for that job! What a bitch.
avatar for bkkruined
10 years ago
$325 for a night of "snuggling" with her:…
My budget's a little too tight for that. But I would be curious, with the comments about "accidently" brushing up against her breast, etc. what she was think about that "flashlight" in my pocket brushing up her behind as we layed there...
Apparently the restriction are no touching anything covered by her underwear. But, I don't see how that rules out stroking her neck, not really choking her, but just putting my hand there, while I beat off?
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