I'm calling bullshit on Alabama. Sammy's? not even close. Birmingham sucks. The right answer would be The Pony or Wild Cherry Cabaret. Huntsville rules !
In a few instances they at least chose a good club in a particular state (like Mons in Florida and 4Play in Calif). However in most states the club they list is crap. This list, like every list Ive ever seen of the top strip clubs nationally (including the one on tuscl) is pretty worthless.
I'm calling bullshit on both Arizona and New Mexico.
No way Dreams Palace in Scottsdale (a pasties club) is better than Bourbon Street Circus and/or HiLiter. And in New Mexico Fantasy World may be the only nude club in Albuquerque, but it sucks compared to both of the TDs clubs there. And nowhere else in NM has a club compared to Albuquerque unfortunately.
Actually Skin was what the article mentioned for Arizona. But I agree with your choices,of Bourbon Street (best looking women) or HiLiter ( high mileage ).
The methodology of this list, which seems to consist of picking the club in each state with the highest Yelp rating, is ludicrous. I've never even heard of the club in Fort Wayne that is supposedly the top-rated club in Indiana. As for Illinois, I'm not familiar with the Penthouse in Sauget (not "Saugut"), but those who know would list many other clubs before its name would come up. FWIW, my lists of best strip clubs in Indiana and Illinois are: IN: Dancers, Club Rio, and Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis; Hip Hugger in Kokomo; and Industrial Strip in Hammond (though its recent switch from nude without booze to topless with booze is probably a step down) IL: Club 390 and Atlantis (among others) in the south suburbs of Chicago; Hollywood Show Club in the east suburbs of St Louis.
The Louisville PT's is good, but tops in the state? Maybe when it actually *was* all nude, which gives away the fact that this list isn't first hand research.
I agree with tobola, Bham is horrible. There are so many restrictions there you can't do anything. LE inside the clubs, LD couches out in the open for everyone to see and no touching. Huntsville is the best between the 2. The Pony in Hville has been the best so far. I don't know anything about the clubs down south though.
last commentNo way Dreams Palace in Scottsdale (a pasties club) is better than Bourbon Street Circus and/or HiLiter. And in New Mexico Fantasy World may be the only nude club in Albuquerque, but it sucks compared to both of the TDs clubs there. And nowhere else in NM has a club compared to Albuquerque unfortunately.
What a crock of shit article that was.
IN: Dancers, Club Rio, and Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis; Hip Hugger in Kokomo; and Industrial Strip in Hammond (though its recent switch from nude without booze to topless with booze is probably a step down)
IL: Club 390 and Atlantis (among others) in the south suburbs of Chicago; Hollywood Show Club in the east suburbs of St Louis.
They used yelp, which is a great way to find out which clubs women who go to a strip club once in their lives without buying a LD like best.