why do people have unprotected sex in a club..?

avatar for gom147963
Reading the reviews I saw many people got FC without cover..! In a club..! Why r they not afraid of diseases..?


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avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
RICH STUDS cannot get STDs. Haven't you read RickyBoy's The System? If you want to be extra doubly safe though you can also them "are you clean?" first, and then that will squelch any doubt. Not that it is necessary though.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
FC? – you mean FS

w.r.t the question, why do people smoke? Why do people drink excessively? Why do people overeat and become unhealthily obese?

+ There is no greater feeling than sex – and condoms do cut down on that great feeling to a large degree (at least many feel so)

+ new meds often means one can live a fairly regular and fairly long live – i.e. not a death sentence as in decades past – so people are not as scared to catch something

+ if you are 50 or over and don’t have people depending on you (i.e. kids still living at home; etc) – then some may say “what the hell – let me enjoy myself while I can”

+ some people just engage in risky behavior whether it’d be sex or something else
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Papi: "There is no greater feeling than sex"

Actually there is one. Only one but still one.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
^ what is that - hammering Rick Dugan :)
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

Why, we all know what's better!

Krispay fried KFC and Sausage fingers!
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
guys have unprotected sex because if you dip your cock in a glass of tonic water after sex all infectious diseases are neutralized. Just don't drink the tonic water after you've dipped.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Papi posted: " ^ what is that - hammering Rick Dugan :)"
He's been pissy since I told him that I wouldn't be his gay lover, so then he devoted 6,000 of his next 7,000 posts to trolling me. :)

I mean really, look at his posts. We all know he's not here to talk about strippers, so what else could it be if not for some man love? ;)
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
RickyBoy wishes that 6000 of my last 7000 posts were about him. Homo that he is.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
Shit, at least 4,000 of them were dedicated solely to bumping old silly threads relating to me.

I'm sorry fella' but I said before and I will say again: I just don't swing that way. Acceptance is the first step in moving on to a more productive posting experience. Or better yet, a site more suited to your particular tastes - unless you were already kicked off of those sites. ;)
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
4000? It's only about 1000.

And we all know what kind of a guy (you!) comes on here to brag about greasing bouncers and stroking managers...
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
C'mon Dougie, stop lying now. You've had single weeks where you've posted 200+ bumps. You're utterly fixated. Kinda' creepy tbh when a guy devotes so much effort just to trolling another guy, but I guess that's how you roll. ;)
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
^^^ FOS as always, RickyBoy.

You just keep greasing bouncers, stroking manager and having to pay women just to talk to you. Homo that you are.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
If Rick and Doug are done setting up their little tryst, back to the OP's question: Because some of us are just plain dumb, and when too much blood goes south and stays down there for too long, we just get all the dumber.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
Like everything else that ever happened, because it seemed like a good idea at the time.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Maybe they're having "FC" with a dream stripper. You can't catch anything from your DS.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
Because it feels sooo good. It also helps fulfill fantasies which may br decades old.
avatar for grand1511
10 years ago
Just like fish stories or Brian Williams war stories, I think a fair number of guys embellish the tales of their exploits here. I'm guessing 50% of those who say they had FS (protected or unprotected) are making it up.
avatar for TheProphetJuice
10 years ago
Inn the house off the LORD mane al disease art cure. Cum too my house bee one of us
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
That way I don't have to remember to bring condoms.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Because drunk guys and stripper boobs in the face add up to STUPID!
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
^^^ drunk and horny guys and stipper boobs and thighs equal very very stupid.

ATACDAWG got it right

avatar for whodey
10 years ago
I have wondered the same thing. I have never understood why anyone would have unprotected sex with anyone they aren't in a long term relationship with. You can have plenty of fun with a condom without nearly as big of a risk. Here's all i can come up with for logic:
Drunk PL + sexy stripper = thinking with the little head instead.
As for why the strippers do it? (Drunk?) greedy stripper + PL with $ = opportunity knocking
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