Obama actually proposing to lower corporate taxes? (*) Subject to consider caveats regarding taxes of offshore earnings. This one was a bit surprising, but good, to hear!
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/…And he's going to use the money on economic infrastructure? This will definitely help the economic boom along they come to some compromise about it.
last comment"Obama wants to lower the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, and 25 percent for manufacturers. Republicans want a 25 percent rate for all corporations."
Which would certainly be beneficial to new and existing corporations. (Presumably it would apply to trusts as well? Otherwise everyone would just a make a trust 100% owner of a corporation.)
Currently the tax rate is 35% if they want to repatriate profits, so many corporations just let the money hang around doing nothing overseas to avoid the tax. I remember when AAPL announced mass stock buybacks a couple of years back, rather than bring back money from offshore they just borrowed instead.
If it went down to 14% and they got a tax credit for foreign tax paid, which they probably would have to due to tax treaties, that's really not that bad. Likewise going down for 35% to 19% - foreign tax credit is very nice unless corporations really expected the money to just hang overseas forever which is not very realistic. (It would be interesting if they marked their balance sheets that way.)
"Obama wants to lower the corporate tax rate to 28 percent, and 25 percent for manufacturers. Republicans want a 25 percent rate for all corporations."
I'm sure corporate tax reform is a hot topic for the wannabe-oligarchs here on TUSCL.
We have the second highest corporate tax rate in the world, but our effective tax rate is just a little above average for industrialized nations. The real issue is that we need to clean up tax loopholes if we want to get down to 28% in a revenue-neutral way. I'm cynical that any progress will be made in the face of corporate lobbying from the multinationals, the hedge-funds, the oil&gas industry, etc.. That's just how things work.
Plus, the Obama proposal will probably be DOA in the GOP-controlled Congress, anyway.
And you'll see the goal is revenue positive with the money to be spent on infrastructure. Seems like a pretty good deal to the corporates bordering their money overseas who would like to bring it back to pay dividends or do buybacks. I won't be surprised if it goes through with just a little bit of tinkering.
The Bloomberg article doesn't really say much about the tax-avoidance part of the proposal. Let's see about the real details as they unfold.
Mikeya: Thanks for bringing up climate change into a thread about corporate taxes. You're not being clear about whether you believe in climate change, or not??? Maybe you would give a shit if you had kids (like I do).
...back to the game.