
@SJG: Revolutions Go Better With Hookers and Coke!

Saturday, January 31, 2015 7:38 AM
Not only will it be televised but it will RT'ed millions or billions of times!


  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    But, doesn't *everything* go better with hookers and blow?
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Yep, things go better with coke! (And hookers too.) this includes revolutions.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Hookers and blow! Brilliant!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    If a woman earns her living via P4P sex, then she is already an outsider. If she is not an immigrant but was born here, and is doing P4P sex, then she is even more of an outsider. Most girls are loyal to the middle class family, and so they seek to replicate all of its forms. They won't tolerate having its premises challenged. I had to deal with lots of such girls when I was in college. One of them was doing a survey, "Is your mother a good cook?" She was just flabbergasted when I was the only guy she had talked to who would not give an affirmative answer. Another I supposedly was engaged to. After dumping me because I just would not support what she was trying to do, she went on to become the "Wedding Coordinator" for an East Coast hotel. These kinds of girls are neurotic. One college man who was trapped in this kind of a world was Elliot Rodger of UC Santa Barbara. He saw how insane that world is and he let it get to him and he flipped out before he got the chance of learning how to function in the very different world of strippers and P4P. But for those of us who don't crack up and who do survive, we can move over into the realm of strippers, and then further into the even more radical realm of P4P among the US born. These girls will talk openly about familial sexual abuse. They are not committed to denial. These girls do not believe that simply expanding the economy will accomplish anything good. These girls do not necessarily look down upon men who are outsiders themselves either. When Frantz Fanon wrote about the Lumpen Proletariat, he was including prostitutes. Now whereas Marx described the Lumpen as lacking revolutionary consciousness, Fanon did not go along with this. He said that the Lumpen could indeed have revolutionary consciousness and that its actions could be quite disruptive. He described the Lumpen as those who had been ejected from family and clan, due to the dislocations caused by capitalism. The Black Panthers followed Fanon and his influence remains strong to this very day. Hookers are often going to be more radical in their views because they live lives which are beyond the pale. There really is only one class, the middle class. But then there are those who support middle class interests, and those who do not. Hookers of course do not. The more sex outside of marriage, the more sex between relative strangers, the more sex in alleys, bathrooms, and in the little boxes known as VIP Rooms, the more middle class interests are undermined. The hooker is already a revolutionary because she is breaking societal rules in all the she does, while at the same time creating closeness and intimacy. In their phenomenal work, "Multitude", Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri describe this as immaterial or "Affective Labor", and it is this form which today has hegemony. It produces emotional or relational effects, as opposed to just material results. So considering this, everyone is a worker and is part of this Multitude. If "coke" means drugs, note that I am completely opposed to drugs and alcohol and have no contact whatsoever with such things. Female Revolutionaries [view link] No reason @Dougster needed to start a separate thread. SJG Strip Club Systems thread [view link] Shailynn's original article [view link] footballguys FS-ITC thread [view link] My Lai, 47 years later [view link] Jeff Beck Group, 1972 [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    See it works like this, I'll be making lots of trips across the country soon. I'll be in places very different from San Francisco. Even San Jose is quite different from San Francisco. The two groups which have been here the longest are of course Whites and Blacks. Latinas are not fully Americanized, unless they have become Pentecostals. Avoid these. But the not fully Americanized ones are perfectly fine. Asians are in their own category and they have their strengths and their weaknesses. The stereotypes of Southerners apply to most of the country, except for a few costal cities. But this is a white stereotype. So when I am in the Southwest, including California, I'll be dealing with Latinas. Once I go further East than El Paso, I won't have much dealings with Whites, I'll deal with Blacks. This will cover me in places like Houston, New Orleans, Jackson, Mobile, Birmingham, Huntsville, Atlanta, and of course South Carolina where they still fly the Confederate Flag in front of their state capital. What about in say the eastern side of Tennessee, places like Fuzzy Holes and Mouse's Ear? Well I think places like that are mostly white. Appalachia starts in Huntsville and goes all the way into Quebec. I don't think there are many blacks. I don't think there will be many blacks in the strip clubs. Remember, Kentucky did not attempt to secede. In the eastern half of Tennessee there were many who did not want to secede. The Confederacy imprisoned them. But this is also why Andrew Johnson did not walk out of the federal legislature, the only one who didn't. And then of course in the western portion of Virginia they were allowed to form a new state, as they were willing to elect new federal legislatures and comply with the terms of the Emancipation Proclamation. My point is that there are not many blacks in these places. Okay, but Tennessee also has this no touching law for it's strip clubs. So people say the solution is that you can "get take out". Well, the woman from an all white strip club who would do that is probably the most self aware and politically conscious person in the entire county, perhaps even almost as smart as a typical black woman. So when you go into such places the P4P women are going to be the ones most worth dealing with. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    SJPD mobile computer system failed during aftermath of officer being killed. [view link] This mayor Sam Liccardo has always been a disgrace. He won by a very narrow margin. I'll be happy when we can see the last of him. La Belle, Lady Marmalade [view link] [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Thinking about my post before last, and also Ranukam not being so happy with White Strippers: [view link] Lets consider East Tennessee. I was in Nashville once, at the Grand Ole Opry for a conference. I did not like it at all. I did not like the antebellum architecture and it's implications. I did not like the conference rooms named after Confederate generals. I did not like the food either. Finally I paid a cab driver to take me to the nearest supermarket in the main city. I didn't like the supermarket either. But I bought some bread and then some peanut butter and jelly and that fixed me for the rest of my stay. Nashville [view link] They say Nissan has moved out there. Probably just like GM setting up Saturn there, to avoid places where there is strong labor union support. Usually it is like this, the more Born Again Christianity, then the more pyramid schemes and the weaker the labor movement. Besides Nissan, limited manufacturing. What I'd read before is that Nashville is the newest of the southern cities. Remember that Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis made their recordings in Memphis. What it says in the World Book Encyclopedia is that whereas western and middle Tennessee is just like the rest of the South, the eastern portion if more like the Northern industrial states. Also, Tennessee was the last of the 13 to attempt secession. So then consider the cities in a nearly straight line, Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Johnson City. Chattanooga, extensive manufacturing, and then of course Volkswagen: [view link] Knoxville, extensive manufacturing, main campus for U. Tennessee, HQ for the TVA, and close to the Oak Ridge Nuclear facility: [view link] TVA 400 West Summit Hill Drive Knoxville, TN 37902 Johnson City Only 65k people, but: Johnson City is an economic hub largely fueled by East Tennessee State University and the medical "Med-Tech" corridor,[15] anchored by the Johnson City Medical Center, Franklin Woods Community Hospital, Saratoga Technologies, Inc., ETSU's Gatton College of Pharmacy and ETSU's Quillen College of Medicine.: [view link] And then a very interesting company, Ten-Tec, the only domestic maker of ham radio gear, and a very good maker at that. [view link] Sevierville, 25 miles east of Knoxville, only 14.8K people, but also the sight of a huge TVA dam. [view link] Should show the town and Douglas Lake. [view link] So how about strippers, white strippers? So right here, Mouse's Ear, Knoxville: [view link] I like their dancers, white. But they look to me more like what I would expect to find in West Virginia, Southern Ohio, or Western Pennsylvania, but not in the South. Fuzzy Holes, Johnson City, they have multiple pictures of each girl: I like this Candi: [view link] I like this Sky too: [view link] It isn't really racial, it is more a social type issue. I like these girls, in Appalachia, a place where few whites owned slaves and where support for secession was very weak. But catch me in the rest of Tennessee or further south, and you will only find me in the company of Black dancers. So are these white girls in East Tennessee going to be my night's take out? We will see. But I think there is a good probability that they would be better to relate to, more the Revolutionary Hookers that @Dougster is speaking of, than most anyone else around there. SJG
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
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