The Harem Dayton, OH: Upstairs VIP/CR

avatar for chukko
If anybody knows any details about what the upstairs experience is like at the Harem in Dayton, OH then please share here or PM me. I want to know about factors such as privacy, cost, quality, best dancers, etc. I've been going here for several years so I already know about the excellent LD in the downstairs area. I just never had a chance to go upstairs. Any intel would be greatly appreciated since there are not many detailed reviews about the upstairs. If the info is about "extras" then PM me instead. I don't want to give LE a reason to snoop around my favorite club. Thanks.


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avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
You should be asking the club dancers this. They are the ones that you would be going upstairs with. YMMV can only be clarified by asking.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I've been curious about the absence of this in Harem reviews, too. I take that as a sign that the upstairs can't be too great. In my two brief visits, none of the dancers brought it up except to say they were going up for a smoke. If Jestrite doesn't post here, you might PM him for some help.
avatar for chukko
10 years ago
@SC Yeah and we all have experienced SS. Of course I'll compare what the dancer offers to what customers have said, but I'm just trying to get a customer perspective so that I can weigh if it is worth partaking or just use that money to grind away downstairs.
avatar for samsung1
10 years ago
if you go when it's slower you can ask for a tour. Nothing special.
many dancers at harem are willing to meet up outside of the club at a motel room.
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
Sorry I didn't catch this earlier. Most girls would rather do dances in the dance room because they get 100% of that cash and pay nothing to the club. If they do a VIP room upstairs they have to pay $75 I think it is to the house and they keep the rest. But it galds them to pay the house that money. Nothing better goes on up there. Usually you are not bothered but there are cameras I think so it could happen. Most all the girls will go to your hotel room for between $150 and $400. Don't let the 400 scare you most can be negotiated down to the $150 or less. I got one for $110 one night. The VIP Rooms and Champagne Rooms just aren't worth it and the only girls that push for it are the new girls who aren't smart enough yet to figure out they get to keep all the money on an OTC.
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
Oh the VIP ROOMS vary in price because it's whatever she wants to charge you over and above her rent for the room. They average about $300 but believe me you can get just about the same thing downstairs. The better value is in takeout.
avatar for rl27
10 years ago
I have been quoted between $150 and $300 for VIP. My favorites at the club all tell me the rooms are a ripoff for both the dancer. Each dancer said the club gets the majority of the money and the dancer between $50 and $100, depending on the room. They all make more money in the regular dance room, because they keep all the money they make there. Because of this, the dancers typically won't give you as good of a dance upstairs as she will on the regular room.
avatar for chukko
10 years ago
Thanks for the info jestrite and rl27. I might take up samsungs advice and just have a tour. That might be all I need to satisfy my curiosity.
avatar for chukko
10 years ago
I just took a tour of the upstairs today and the CR's left a lot to be desired. The CR's were enclosed, but had a glass window which faced the main club area and had TV's in them. Plus they were a ridiculous amount. I heard $415 from the dancer (even though I know it is negotiable.. The VIP shows more promise It seems more secluded from the rest of the club. I might venture there in the future.
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
It's up to you man how you spend your money but I've been there done that and still think you have just as much fun in the dance room. I go early and the dance room is pretty private because you most likely will be alone back there with your girl.
avatar for arribaperu
9 years ago
There are two rooms--VIP (30 minutes), and champagne room (one hour). I know for a fact you can negogiate the price of the rooms. No matter what 50 bucks goes to the house for the VIP, and then the rest to whatever and the girl agreed on. Girl is going to ask at least $100 for 30 minutes, unless she is having a bad night... Champagne room 100 goes to the house, etc.. The champagne room is right by the smoking room which gets very crowded, plus, it's a lot more.. if you're going to do one, do the VIP, and make sure no one is up there when you start...
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