da joose mane bean loosN weightz

avatar for .juicebox69
Downz frum 400lbs to 325lbs

Goal 200lbs


avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
That'll add some years to your life.
avatar for .juicebox69
10 years ago
And inches to my dick...75 pounds gone and 2 inches found i didnt even know i had
lol good luck
Congrats – how’d you do it?
Easy, Papi. No snacking while reading SJG's posts.....

"Congrats – how’d you do it?"

Easy. No more KFC and no more sausages.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Congrats. You will live longer to cause more trouble!
avatar for .juicebox69
10 years ago
Thanks guys.....i did it the old fashion way

#1 $35 month gym membership
#2 lift weights 3 days , cardio 3 days, 1 off
#3 no fast food but once a month
#4 eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
avatar for .juicebox69
10 years ago
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