
Hey Farmer- basic history

Friday, January 23, 2015 10:47 AM
1962: The number of US military advisors increased from 700 to 12,000 1963: President Diem was killed in a military coup 15,000 US military advisors were in South Vietnam 1964: the Gulf of Tonkin incident; Congress passed the ‘Gulf of Tonkin Resolution’; America bombs targets in North Vietnam; NLF attacked US air bases 1965: ‘Operation Rolling Thunder’ started; first US combat troops were sent to Vietnam in March; by the end of the year there were 200,000 US troops there; first major conventional clash between USA and NVA at Ia Drang 1966: 400,000 US troops were in Vietnam 1967: 490,000 US troops in Vietnam; Nguyen Van Thieu became President of South Vietnam 1968: Tet Offensive; demonstrations against the war started in America; My Lai massacre; peace talks began in Paris; 540,000 US troops in Vietnam; anti-Vietnam War riots in Chicago (August) 1969: Nixon ordered the secret bombing of Cambodia; ‘Vietnamization’ started; Nixon announced the start of US troop withdrawals; Ho Chi Minh died; 480,000 US troops in Vietnam; My Lai massacre made public in November Given that JFK was dead, when LBJ sent in the military, what was JFK"S "fiasco" What does John Wayne have to do with anything? Sorry Art, Canadian blowhards like yourself are pretty hard to take.


  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Let's not forget the ending: 1975: South Vietnam army collapses; North Vietnamese take Saigon; helicopters evacuate the last Americans amid general chaos. Whatever the beginning, it was certainly a fiasco at the end.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    JFK's fiasco was the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, first for allowing it to happen, second for leaving the invasion force hanging in the wind. Luckily, he got smarter in time to force the Russians to remove their missiles from Cuba.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    "Whatever the beginning, it was certainly a fiasco at the end." Kind of like "Apocalypse Now" Started out as a pretty decent movie but turned bizarro at the end.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Yeah, Marlon Brando was right.....the horror....the horror
  • bvino
    9 years ago
    Of course there is always the raid on Dieppe. Canadians tend to blame the British for that so maybe we can blame the Chinese for Vietnam.
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