
OT: ISIS to be Wiped Off the Map this Year?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015 3:58 AM
Attacking in Paris now? Shelling US troops in Iraq? They are doing all they can to provoke a war that will wipe them off the map. I don't think they'll be around any more by the end of the year.


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    We could crush ISIS in a week. And why stop there? Why not not have ships and military sites mysteriously blown up in Syria, N. Korea, and Iran? The US could be the greatest terrorists ever.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Sounds like good ideas to me.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Here's a good article with some details on how these fuckers think: [view link]
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    I hope they get wiped off the map. But the coalition and our "allies" are a joke. These aren't allies like in the world wars. Turkey should be removed from NATO. The Europeans are scared to get involved because most of Europe is overrun with camel jockeys. What ends up happening is America has to spill its blood, and the whole world benefits by sitting on the sideline. Yet the Euros attack us as warmongers or for being imperialists or whatever. One good thing about Canada being attacked is maybe they will quit being pacifist bitches and finally step up and support their neighbor and largest trading partner. I think Australia and Israel are the only two countries that the United States can 100% trust.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    Sinclair, nice to see you think so highly of the Brits and other European service personnel who are have been killed and maimed alongside your guys over the years in Afghanistan and Iraq, some of whom I know personally Maybe if your great leader George W. Bush and our lapdog Tony Blair hadn't decided to be play at war games the world MIGHT have been a safer place than it presently is. I think your comments are contemptible Sinclair, but you have a right to express them, of course.
  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    Londonguy, Muhammed is the most popular baby name in the UK! Remember the UK soldier hacked to death in the street by Muslims with machetes? Then the soldier's parents said dont be mad at Islam. If I recall ISIS's chief executioner is a British national. How many thousands of ISIS fighters have come from Britain, France, Germany, etc? Saddam was a Sunni whacko like ISIS. The mistake the US made in Iraq was a complete pullout. There were years after the surge where there were more killings in Chicago than the entire country of Iraq.
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    There is a right wing building up in various Euro countries. So while their leaders, armed, guarded, private areas for their use, and go on crying for peace with people do mass killings in the street - the people are standing around saying "WTF is going on here? Cuz reality doesn't seem to match fantasy put out from the government." Change is coming, whether the governments accept it or not.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I'm surprised Muslims attacked France. That's kind of like a stripper ignoring text messages from her big spending regular. Oh wait....
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    Sinclair, that's because they are nearly always called Muhammed and the white British have a whole range of names so that was bound to happen. Lee Rigby was hacked to death in the name of Islam, both the killers involved were British of Nigerian descent, raised as Christians but converted to Islam radicalisation and drugs. No, the chief executioner is not British, that low life only got in the news because of his high profile actions. Yes, we have our fair share of fucking idiots, just like every other country in the world, but 99.9 % of them are not White British. In fact I was only watching youtube clips recently of 'peopl'e in the U.S. rejoicing at dead soldiers coming back saying it was " gods way of punishing the U.S.". This was taking place at the funerals of the service personnel concerned. The truth is we should NEVER have got involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am afraid we won't see peace as we once knew it for at least 20+ years. America and the West seriously need to assess their foreign policy.
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    I agree, let them kill themselves off. Let their women be ignorant slaves. Allow stupidity to take over the world. Ban dancing! Force every man to wear beards. We did leave Afghanistan alone - what happened? Al Qeda took over, sent people here, and blew up some towers killing 3,000+ of us. But no, don't get involved! Personally, I think of nearly 14 years of pussyfooting around has gotten to this. I think it is time to seriously blow shit up, kill people, and leave. No nation building and other nonsense. And if they talk up shit again, we go in and do it again.
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    IOWs, if the rest of the population learns their necks are on the line with the rest of us, they will start cleaning up their own crap. Not paying them for a crack in their house because a bad guy was blown up next door.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Seems like the White House has been starting the usual media cycle to prepare the country for war. ISIS couldn't want it more. I think we would be doing them a favor. They are so eager to die and see if they get their 70 virgins...
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    "American Sniper" tops at box office. CNN to air "Voices of Auschwitz". Definitely gearing up the war machine.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Here's another good article on ISIS from The Atlantic: [view link]
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    (Jehovah's Witnesses, ISIS. A real eschatology weekend for me!)
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Why do I now feel the need to go take my guns to the shooting range this afternoon?
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Since I wrote the OP and read that Atlantic article I think I see more clearly that Obama may be wise in giving them sometime to self/destruct on their own. I do like the idea of drawing them into a battle for Dabiq, however. Get 'em all to rush in there then just carpet bomb the place.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Al-Qaeda was the Saudi Arabian version of Aryan Nations. But now Al-Qaeda has been replaced by ISIS. So when you wipe ISIS off the face of the earth, what will replace it and what will you do about it then? And how many such groups are you going to be eradicating? SJG
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Norway is sending in some bad motherfuckers. [view link] Shame the US has to police the world, we should just leave these animals alone but too many innocent people get abused.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Did you read the article, SJG? The strategy advocated is to destroy their credibility in their follower own mind by showing they are not a Koranic fulfillment. So they lose at Dabiq, can't hold enough territory to be caliphate which needs to be constantly expanding and they are toast.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Go Norway!
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    If you get enough of these Jihadis to all move to caliphate and grant them their wish: martyrdom, should be quite over there for a while. Hopefully that's part of the plan. Get them all corralled over there - everyone who is inclined to join an organization like that, then, when that's done don't have to worry about it again for a while.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Do you think things like that had not been tried in Vietnam?
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Didn't know the Vietnamese were Muslim fanatics who believed the apocalypse was imminent with them playing a pivotal role in it.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    After the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 there were peace talks in Geneva. Ho Chi Minh and his followers had already proclaimed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, going back to 1945. But the French had proclaimed the State of Vietnam, HQed in Saigon, and with Ngo Dinh Diem as President. There were to be elections held to settle on one government for the entire country. But the issue was that if they did this, it would have been Ho Chi Minh and his Communist Party which would have won. And then besides, Diem was not much of a campaigner. His government never really had any popular support. So Diem cancelled the agreed to election and left the US in a really embarrassing position. Then things got worse looking with his brother in charge of the police and the brother's wife making a very negative impression, and then with conflicts with the Buddhists. Finally Diem was assassinated, 8 weeks before JFK, and by his own military, and with clear US support. Then things went downhill from there. So program after program was tried to win the hearts and minds. The Vietnamese were not Muslim. Some of them were die hard Communists. But most of them were just Nationalists. And so the US got to look worse and worse and worse, and this strengthened the hand of Ho and his Communists. The local people have got to work these problems out. Beyond a point, outside troops just strengthen the hand of the extremists. The longer it goes on, the worse it gets. Like President Obama said today, ISIS is largely the result of our own doings. SJG
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