layin low but staying high
For the new year, I am wondering whether I should diversify a little bit and quit spending so much of my strip club time, energy, and money on my dream stripper. She's been virtually my entire focus for the past 3+ months, aside from a couple visits to Follies when I happened to find myself in Atlanta. But even those visits weren't so much about the strippers. I primarily just wanted to meet some guys on the site.
So should I try to diversify, or should I just continue to focus on her? The big head says that I should have more variety, but the little head accurately points out that we will never find another one like her. She's like this amazing drug that I am addicted to, and I don't want to stop my habit.
Decisions, decisions, decisions ....
So should I try to diversify, or should I just continue to focus on her? The big head says that I should have more variety, but the little head accurately points out that we will never find another one like her. She's like this amazing drug that I am addicted to, and I don't want to stop my habit.
Decisions, decisions, decisions ....
Right now I'm in a "I don't want an ATF, just a few CFs I rotate between", I just need a break from the one ATF routine. I think you used the right metaphor with "amazing drug", but unfortunately, many times my relationship with my ATF starts with something like marijuana (it just makes me feel great) but ends up like heroin (amazing highs but becomes toxic and less fun in between the highs). I've gone about 8 months with just a small team of 2nd stringers, each of whom thinks I'm their exclusive regular, so I get many of the usual regular benefits but don't feel compelled to constantly want to see the same one, I don't get irritated when she doesn't show up to work, etc. I might switch back the one-ATF-to-rule-them-all mode sometime in 2015, but maybe not.
In my case, I sometimes, like two or three times a week I find my CF a cockblocker because when I get calls/texts from other dancers who want to have fun with me she would just act like the 800-lb gorilla and there you go my time is spent on her again.
I really can't have one dancer going for me. I like several not one.
For me SCs are like a buffet – I want to sample everything to see what it tastes like.
As Huey Lewis said “I want a new drug” thus I’m always wanting the next stripper high which often comes in the form of a new/different stripper.
There's nothing wrong with exploring, trying to find an ATF or a DS or, nuts, even just a good regular ITC in any city you find yourself in -- the proverbial girl in every port, variety is the spice of life, and whatever other lame but true clichés you want. I'm sure she also realizes you're a mongering hound, so don't disappoint her -- or us. Some of us need those stories to live vicariously through others.