
Strip club DJ and Music Awards

layin low but staying high
Worst DJ.

I'm sure there are many worthy candidates here, but I've got to vote for the guy at Follies as the worst strip club DJ. When I was there last week, I asked every dancer, "do you ever understand anything that the DJ says." Every dancer laughed and said "no, never." All you can understand is "sexy ladies." Those are apparently the only two English words that he knows. He serves no function whatsoever. Totally worthless.

Worst Music.

Again, many worthy candidates here, but I've got to vote for Dejavu COI. Every single song is some horrible rap crap that gives me a headache. As best I can tell, most songs are a bunch of repetitive crap about fucking a pussy. I've never heard a single song here that I've ever heard anywhere else, or any song that was even remotely pleasant. Honorable mention goes to PP Columbia where the music is so dangerously loud that it makes your ears feel like they are bleeding. No other club has music this loud.

Best DJ.

I vote for Mons Venus because they use a juke box. I honestly can't think of any strip club DJ that I like. I did hear a female DJ at Hi Liter the last time I was there who was kinda pleasant but that's about the best I can think of.

Best Music.

I vote for Cheetah Atlanta. Lots of classic rock and similar music. I like almost every song they play here probably because I'm in the exact demographic (35-55 yo white guys) that this club is aiming for.


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I have to disagree with JS69 - As a frequent visitor to Follies and having been to 4 of the 5 Platinum Plus clubs, I have to rate them way worse than Follies. Not only is the music way too loud, every one of their DJs is obnoxious. At Follies for the most part the DJ simply introduces the dancers.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I know several strip club DJs, including the ex-husband of my ex-ATF. They are obnoxious jerks, and I'm surprised at how much money they rake in from the dancers' tip outs.

  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    sc, I get your point. It comes down to what's worse in a DJ -- worthless or obnoxious. I voted for worthless because at least the obnoxious ones are trying, and at least they speak English. Also I think the loud music at PP is the fault of the club and not the DJ. But of course the competition is fierce for the title of worst strip club DJ.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    They make the music loud at PP so that you have to buy VIP to talk to girls in quieter setting
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    They know PL'S like you go there just for the chit chat, and they don't need you talking the girls into having free sex ;)
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    My award for best DJ goes to Fantasies Nightclub. With the new sound system and a DJ who speaks well enunciated English you can hear and distinguish every word. The DJs also don't suffer from diarrhea of the mouth.

    That plus moderate volume and decent music choices make it a pretty good audio environment.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Follies has two daytime DJs. The guy who works Fridays thru Sundays is among the better ones out there. Like Shadow says, he just announces the dancers and keeps his mouth shut while the music is playing. The weekday guy is the one I'm sure JS69 has a problem with. He talks to much, you can't make out what he's saying half the time, and when you do it doesn't make any sense. He keeps repeating the same inane phrases like a robot on meth. However, even he is better than most of the clowns in other clubs. At least he doesn't try to tell jokes or flirt over the mic with the dancers on stage.

    Little known fact: There's rarely any reason to listen to what the DJ is saying. I tune them out and just give my attention to the strippers.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    dawg, where is fantasies nightclub?

    Chandler, I'm definitely talking about the weekday guy.
  • bubba267
    10 years ago
    Guys it's ....blah, blah, blah, blah..."an all the sexy ladies"!
  • joewebber
    10 years ago
    the follies daytime guys are Julian and Brian. Julian repeats 'sexy lady' pretty lady' beautiful lady' over and over.
    Brian announces the girls clearly, but at the end of a song says something unintelligible that ends with "Champagne service available". the night shift DJ, John, sounds like Boomauer from King Of the Hill. Good luck understanding a damn thing he says.
    they all play the same 15 crappy RAP/HIP HOP tracks over and over again. I've heard that many of the girls (including the prettier white ones) will leave if they don't play that crap.
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