OT : Jeb Bush

avatar for londonguy
I saw on the news over here he is considering running for President. How is this playing with the American public?


last comment
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
well it's not a surprise. Its been rumored for a while that he was going to run and now he's just making it a little bit more official.
A lot of people actually voted for his brother on purpose the second time around. anyway I suspect some Americans unadmittedly actually like the idea of the lineage.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Seems to the favorite for Repubs.

The dems will probably put up a woman this time: either Liz warren or Hilary Clinton. If it's Liz warren will be an interesting fight. If it's Clinton just a real snorefest.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I think he's a lot more qualified than his brother, and he seems to be better than most of the interested Republicans, but I can't see a third Bush getting elected in just 30 years.
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Fuck that faggot !!!
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
I bet Ricky boy voters feer jeb
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
He will look for weapons of mass distruction under the vending machines
avatar for Ironcat
10 years ago
We don't need any more of either the Bush or Clinton dynasty - lets just hope those two aren't our only choices.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
As one with experience with him as my Chief Executive, I saw no problems. But, and a very large BUT, he didn't have the national ostrich, left wing, wacko media beating on him 24X7X365. I am sure they are already putting together their propaganda for him and any other right minded candidate.
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
Simple fact: Things in America and the world were far, far better under George Bush than under the turd in office. America is being murdered by immigration. We are strangers in our own land as the Progressives practice their self-destructive version of Helter Skelter. Do you seriously think any other country looking at us and seeing John Kerry representing us worldwide and Al Sharpton as the leading voice on civil rights can do anything but laugh until they pee themselves? Liz Warren is a fraud who except to cheat the taxpayers for her own benefit, after making huge money representing the corporations she pretends to oppose, wil be President? Why? What has she done? The least Native American looking person on the face of the earth made Harvard 10's of thousands of taxpayer dolars by being a double minority was rewarded with a salary of 350k a year, free housing and medical, all worth about 600k take home in Cambridge to teach one lousy class a week. Glad I am old enough to die before we collapse in 25 years.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I'll be shocked if the tea party and social conservatives let him through. It's likely going to be Ted Cruz who loses to Hillary.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

I can see it now. Just take all the "news" stories from the last six years, do a find on "black man" and replace with "woman" and the press is done for the next term.
avatar for carlos_spiceyweiner
10 years ago
Clubber, you're exactly right.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Regarding immigration: Jeb Bush is a moderate who would like some amnesty. Most of the real power brokers want more immigration to drive down the cost of wages. There are individual republicans who legitimately care about immigration, but the mainstream republican party really doesn't care.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
+ he’s seen/considered as a moderate Republican – a moderate Republican is seen as a good thing for the general election vs a Democrat; but being a moderate in the Republican primary is seen as a Achilles heel of sorts

+ he is married to a Mexican woman and is fluent in Spanish – this should help him w/ the Latino vote which has been a big plus for the Democrats in the past

+ he was a 2-term governor of Florida and is regarded by most as having done a good job – many say governors (vs senators/congressmen) make better presidents b/c of their experience in managing the nuts and bolts of government (budgets; etc) vs just legislation as congressmen mostly do

+ b/c of his political lineage; he is thus well connected and should be able to raise the funds necessary to compete
avatar for Lone_Wolf
10 years ago
@skibum609 - "Simple fact: Things in America and the world were far, far better under George Bush than under the turd in office."

What? If memory serves our economy was in a devastating free fall when Bush left office. We were also involved in two un-winnable wars in dirt clog countries unworthy of the lives our brave soldiers.

Now, unemployment rapidly falling, millions more having health insurance, gas prices tumbling, free relations with cuba, ease on the war on drugs... Oh yea, what the fuck did Bush do on immigration? Nothing. In fact name anything Bush did besides get us involved in wars for fictitious reasons? Better under Bush...come on man?

Hard to believe this country would be dumb enough to put another Bush in office.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
I certainly hope we don't have to deal with another Bush, in office, or even running.

Mike Ruppert, former Los Angeles PD Narcotics Officer has video of Jeb Bush flying on a Beech Craft King Air across state lines just to pick up 2 kilos of cocaine for a party.

George Walker and his son-in-law Prescott Bush were two of Hitler's biggest financial backers. Their US bank was seized by the courts, after Pearl Harbor, under the Trading with the Enemy During Wartime Act.

This family, these people, are no good!

avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
^^^ And don't forget Bush Senior was the CIA operative that killed JFK,
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Lone_Wolf is a smart man, very rational.
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
Rapidly falling unemployment? It took long enough. I hope she don't win but even Hillary would be better than the current sore loser in chief. Remember, if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it!!!
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
^^^ yes, but when questioned about a fuck up, Hillary will respond with "what difference does it make?"

avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Man I hate it when guys I don't like say things I have to agree with, but yep Lone_Sheep is on the mark here.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
I agree with Lone Wolf all the way. Don't forget, too, that Bush's idea of helping the flagging economy was to give companies incentives to ship jobs overseas and lay people off. Tell me, please, how exactly does that help the economy when you take away a person's income?
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
The choice between Bush 3.0 and Clinton 2.0 (aka BO's 3rd term) is an illusion. The both play for the establishment and fuck we the people.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Yes, Lone wolf is on the mark. Kissing Cuba's ass will produce the same results as kissing the asses of Syria, Iran, Russia, Libya, Hamas, etc. Nothing good.
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
Cuba is irrelevant unless you're A. living in Cuba or B. a Cuban American over 40. Cuba is about Obama's legacy, nothing else.

Our current president and last president have both sucked imo. In some instances not totally their fault, in others totally their fault. I'll be curious to see what the historians say about them in 40 years.

I've yet to see anybody who I think will be on the next ballot who will be that much better than these two. Jeb is no exception.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
^ I take it Jeb is not your guy :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Che for President !!!
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
Mikeya02- you're right. What was I thinking ! Mjx01- point taken. If you're waiting for a politician to come along and make your life better, KEEP WAITING. Londonguy- you got a shitstorm started.....then again we've deviated from the original question LOL
avatar for rattdog
10 years ago
how about the possibility of a first ex-biker gang member to run for office-ex-Minnesota governor jesse "the body" ventura? he was an ex-navy seal, and supposedly did well as governor.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I've realized I care about what you PL think about politics exactly the same as I care about my favorite strippers political opinions.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
Some very interesting responses, thanks. I know little about the U.S. politics but I do know that over here in Europe the Bush name will be forever associated with unnecessary/unjust wars and that his 'mission accomplished' speech was something that you should only be seen at the cinema. There's a significant number of people that would like to see George W and Tony Blair in the dock at The Hague.

The vultures are starting to circle for Tony Blair, but that's another story.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Londonguy, there are a few people over here who feel the same way.
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
One day, America will be voting for Pedro
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
Frankly, if it's Jeb Bush vs. Hillary Clinton, I'm sitting this upcoming election out. But I don't know who else it could possibly be.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
RE; unemployment. Let's get real. Most, well many, know the spouted numbers from the left are a joke. Really, people give up looking and they no longer count?

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the true rate is the unreported U-6 number.

U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force: November 2014 - 11.4%

avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Not voting is just plain wrong. There has to be a difference in the two. You may hate both, but unless they are identical (impossible) in every respect you would prefer one over the other. Don't sit home and give up your right!
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
In the election last month the early returns showed the Democrats leading but then the Republicans got off work.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
George H. W. Bush was the one who just before 11/22/63 went to the FBI Office putting out a story of a right wing plot to kill JFK, as Lee Harvey Oswald and his bogus New Orleans based Fair Play for Cuba Committee were being used to spread the cover story of a left wing plot. They are both just cover stories.

The Bush role in this surfaced during his 1988 Presidential campaign. Being a life long operative of the CIA, the FBI was concerned about him. So just to send a message they leaked that information. In effect they were saying, "George, just in case you do somehow happen to get elected, we still have your file, and this is only page 1."

Bush was brought in to be CIA director because the Frank Church Senate Committee was unearthing so much about the CIA. Bush was brought in because he knew how to keep quite. He knew were the bodies were buried.

It was on this Bush Senior's watch that Orlando Letelier, Chile's Ambassador to the US was blown up by a car bomb, in Washington DC, while on his way to testify before the US Senate about the CIA role in the Pinochet Coup.


After the EATSCO scandal, arms for drugs to supply Lybia, Jimmy Carter fired 700 career CIA, including G. H. W. Bush. But these same people would pop up again, off the official books, in the Iran Contra debacle.


It was also during G. H. W. Bush's 1988 campaign that the Nazi War Criminals on the Republican Ethnic Outreach Council were surfaced. These were people who had been members of things like the Hungarian Arrow Cross, and who had participated in the Final Solution, with things like throat cutting contests.


Then Vice President Richard Nixon had brought them into the US, "To counter the Jewish vote in the big cities."

John Loftus, retired US DOJ Nazi hunter


Mary Had A Little Lamb

Mary Had A Little Lamb, Stevie Ray Vaughan

Buddy Guy, original

Jersey Girl, Tom Waits

Bruce Springsteen

Holy Cole

Do other people think the two songs sound similar?
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I'm not really giving up the right to vote. I just find it disgusting the only two choices that seem to be offered up are Clinton and Bush. There ought to be a third party that can break through. There's nothing in the Constitution that says we have to have only Democrats and Republicans control everything.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Of course not, but at present, a third party can have disastrous affects. Luckily, we avoided that in 1994. I was at fault, casting a vote for Perot as a "protest" vote.
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
clubber and all others- other than non existent PR apparatus , why can the libertarian party not get any traction ? also I think they would have some appeal to mellennials, but as im not one that's just a guess.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Much as it would be the ultimate affirmative action overkill, if they really want to have a good chance, Republicans have to nominate a conservative Black person. There are lots of conservative Blacks, especially social conservatives, who would switch parties in a heart beat if they got convinced the GOP was not controlled by racists. The Dems having 80+% of the Black vote locked up makes it damn near impossible for the GOP to win presidential elections with current demographics. And the electorate is only going to get less white in the future.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

Not with the shy high abortion rate in the black inner cities.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
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