Rubmaps Password

avatar for franks21212
So I know this is a long shot but can any SC loving brother hook me up with a username/password to rubmaps. For various reasons I cannot use my own CC and would like to read the reviews.


last comment
avatar for goonster
10 years ago
Dude... Seriously?!?! That's what reloadable CCs are for.

I don't know you from Adam. Not giving up user names or passwords.

If anybody else does, you're stupid.
avatar for franks21212
10 years ago
Tried that didn't work. ... also I did acknowledged that it was a long shot.
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Just post a fake review for your first vip credits its just like tuscl...then from their post legit ones to correct this needed sin
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago

He wouldn't be stupid. The ones that gave them up would be stupid! :)
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Interesting. I see a post just beat me on here. A response to the original question. I find it interesting that "both" of the posters just by a complete coincidence joined TUSCL in April of 2014. Both have visited the exact same 5 clubs at the exact same times. Have reviewed the exact same 6 clubs, etc.

Call me cynical, but...
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Ok heres my password...oh said SC "brothers". Awwwww...sorry! No can do!
avatar for grand1511
10 years ago
The password is "swordfish"
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I thought the password was "password"
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
The password is fuck you
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
On Rubmaps anyone can read the old reviews. Usually this is good enough, as the longer these places are open, the more FS they become.

If you register as a free member, then you can read more old reviews per day.

To read new reviews I think you have to become a paid member.

What I do is use advanced search. This searches through all the reviews, new or old.

I think Rubmaps is an under statement of how much goes on in amps. The guys who get on well with the girls are not posting reviews about them. Also be aware that many of the girls use multiple names, because they don't like being written about in the Internet.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
8 years ago
Ignore previous comment with Facebook link.

Phishing malware.
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