So I pulled off an OTC that wasn't expected where I was told to pay what I felt was fair. This was a couple months back. I've somehow found the gf/bf territory now. I'm only paying house fees or normal rates for all the ITC I could want and paying zero for OTC. She is willing to see me upwards of 4 times per week and begging me to stay overnight. Haven't taken that step yet. It has gotten beyond serious.
I am in uncharted territory for me. She is wanting to take next step and would prefer I move in. I'm considering but not sure. But the sex is amazing and I enjoy her company as much as anything. Literally can have it whenever I want to visit. She even willing to work around my schedule and meet me at 8-9 am for all day fun.
I think she has fallen for me and it's not the money. Cause I'm not spending much on her now. She has been buying me gifts too.
Could be a good thing. or SS. You never know until you take a dive in and see what happens. There is a rare instance when it works out. You could turn a stripper into a housewife. Give it a shot.
^^^ I agree. The lust always wears off quickly and you might be left with someone who depends on you financially. So think carefully about living together. Congrats, though, on a good conquest.
Thanks guys. I've been very confused by it all. Granted it's fun, thought was all for the money until she wanted to see me one day a month and a half ago and said my fun money was tapped. She said she didn't want the money but me instead. Currently seeing her 3-4 times a week. So guys it can happen but idk how it will end. But I'm strapped in for the ride.
last commentDon't look a gift stripper in the mouth. Move in, now!
If all you want is to fuck her; then it may actually be cheaper (financial and o/w) to do P4P and not a “relationship”.