
Ebola and Strip Clubs. A Hypothetical Situation.

Avatar for sinclair
sinclair🦕 🦕 🦕 🦕

Strip clubs would be highly effective catalysts for spreading ebola. The virus spreads through human-to-human contact or by contact with objects contaminated by the virus, Bodily fluids that could spread the ebola virus include saliva, blood, mucus, vomit, feces, sweat, tears, breast milk, urine, and semen. Entry points include the nose, mouth, eyes, or open wounds, cuts and abrasions. Lets face it, unless you go to strip clubs for air dances or the three-foot rule, bodily contact is going to happen. The virus can also live for several hours outside of a host, but in cooler and darker environment it can survive a couple days outside of a host.

Now imagine Thomas Duncan (Patient 0) flies into Dallas from Liberia and hits Baby Dolls. Strippers and customers alike are exposed to ebola. Infected strippers infect customers. Infected customers infect strippers. Infected PL's travel to other clubs. Transient strippers travel to other clubs across the country. Johns also get infected through the OTC/prostitution market some dancers participate in. By the time the CDC figures things out and needs to trace where the infected persons were and who they exposed to the virus, it becomes impossible to trace the paths of the carriers. Infected PL's do not want to admit they were cheating on their wives, engaging in prostitution, or are scared to admit they were in a strip club. Infected dancers can't remember the customers they had bodily contact with or are afraid to admit they were engaging in prostitution.

Just a hypothetical. I do not know of too many other places outside of gentlemen's clubs where there is so much bodily contact between complete strangers.


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I was actually thinking of starting a thread about this.

As sinclair mentioned; there is a lot of close contact in most strip clubs - just the sweat alone from some of the dancers would pose a danger.

Not that I think it will happen or anticipate it happening – but a U.S. Ebola breakout would def put a big dent on SCs from a custies’ and dancers’ perspective (i.e. neither showing up at the SCs) – that would be about the only thing that would keep this PL out of the SCs..

Avatar for sinclair

One interesting factoid is that the virus can live on in the semen of a cured patient for up to 7 weeks.

Avatar for shadowcat

It's somewhat comforting to know that the CDC is located just 5.7 miles from Follies. :)

Avatar for joeATX

I have to go to N. Texas for work soon. I debated driving into Dallas for Baby Dolls, but was on the fence about it because of $ and work schedule. Then the news breaks about Thomas Duncan, and I'm like, well I guess that settles it, I think I'll skip it this time.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ nah dude – just take a thermometer w/ you and take her temperature prior to getting a dance

Avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle

@ Shadow: So you're only going to Follies until the outbreak clears?

Avatar for Clubber

Let me put it this way. According to WHO data, between 1976 and 2012 there were 2387 case of ebola and of those, 1590 were fatal. Over 7 BILLION in the world today, aaaah, I don't think I'll worry much. Really, one of 0.000000341%?

Avatar for shadowcat

Club_Goer - Yeah! Probably. :)

Avatar for steve229

Obviously clubs would have to take preventive measures, like training dancers to recognize customers with ebola symptoms. Good thing most strippers are already in nursing school.

Avatar for slaux_pas

^^^^^“Good thing most strippers are already in nursing school.”

Thank goodness that we're in the early stages of The Greatest Economic Boom in the History of the World. The strippers have all started nursing school but not yet quit stripping.

Avatar for zipman68

From now on I'm only clubbin' in a hazmat suit. Self contained air system -- Ebola would get through a 0.2 micron filter!

Avatar for StPaul101

I would say i would keep away if we had an outbreak, heck I would consider staying away if my area had some big Flu outbreak. One thing I have noticed over the years is that i seem to get less sick, Colds, flu etc. when I stay away from the SC's/bars.

Avatar for steve229

"It's somewhat comforting to know that the CDC is located just 5.7 miles from Follies."

We'll see how you feel about that when your favorite Follies dancers start leaving for their new jobs as bio-geneticists at the CDC.

Avatar for PhantomGeek

Let's hope that the CDC doesn't start using Follies for testing.

Hmm. I wonder if there's a viable market for full-body, head-to-toe condoms for strippers and mongers.

Avatar for Holdem2

Sinclair, not that I don't believe you but I'd like to read about that 7 weeks in a cured person thing. Where is your source?

Ebola can get through a 2 micron air filter zip man? I definitely need your source here. From what I have read Ebola is not transmitted through the air like influenza is.

Avatar for NinaBambina

People with Ebola are typically not contagious until they show symtoms. I doubt strippers would be wanting to dance for a man who is covered in vomit and fecal matter.

Avatar for gammanu95

You're talking about late stage symptoms, but yeah, it's not contagious via coughing or casual contact.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

The American response to pandemics is to put business profits above everything else. So businesses would be safe. The public would eat up the argument that there's no evidence a specific business spreads it. Don't see why making a hypothetical scenario when we see it with covid

Avatar for BBBC

^ I was going to offer to fuck your brains out, but apparently someone beat me to it. Let's fuck HARD anyway 😉

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Fortunately Ebola is not here.

A serious virus problem would be worth responding too.

COVID has only been a psychological problem, not a biological problem.


Avatar for NinaBambina

I'd stay with my boyfriend on our 9 acres with a small number of our family members and not leave the house for months+. Thankfully, we have a nice rainy day fund.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

If there is another pandemic, I'll be staying with my people in our sex temple.

But if there is another epidemic of irrational hysteria for no reason, I have no idea what could happen. This one is not even over yet.


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